swordfish69 ago

You guys are looking in the wrong place, It's Monica Rao you need to look at. I'm not sure how they're related, but, she's in the VA Administration with Susan Alefantis as a "decorator", and she has connections to the Qatar Foundation and the Qatar Museums Authority (Jacob Rothschild, Jeff Koons Art Mafia) through her husband, who's the president of Virginia Commonwealth University.

micha_ ago

Has already been covered. Use search before opening a thread.

iformworms ago

my bad, I looked through "leads and info" in other threads but didn't see anything about him

YouaremeandIamyou ago

not yet. he is next on my to do list. should have been one of the first. he has very disturbing look on his face. he likes disturbing pictures. i need to look into him next...

iformworms ago

So far I have only found out basics about him: age, school he went to, other jobs, where he used to live. that's about it though.

Concernedcitizen2 ago

Agreed that Rao has not received enough attention.

dindonufin ago

Bump for more digging on him.

heyKingGeorge ago

Concernedcitizen2 CTR is shill, note this comment, they are in place to slide to the top the thread when they want to setup the Kline/Arun subject for "DEBUNKED", all is orchestrated by the MODS (CTR).

iformworms ago

I'm not a shill, how would I go about proving that I'm not? I just started researching all of this like 8 days ago

*edit heyKingGeorge just edited his comment to change the username from mine to Concernedcitizen....fishy....

InfiltratingAuditing ago

Just keep calm and carry on investigating. Fake anxiety should be the first thing you become immune to.

safetythrowaway1234 ago

ignore @heyKingGeorge he is one

RainingPiss ago

Report shills @kevbot

iformworms ago

oh alright haha. thanks.

knowthyselfmore ago


RAO & KLINE Both worked for DOJ where they orchestrated the child-fucking for Saudi program

PizzaBlocks was setup in 2003, just after 911, Saudi was king of DC then and BUSH signed off with all these DOJ programs to run 10's of 1,000's of children to saudi to be fucked to death.

New video by anonymous discusses Rao/Kline running the DC4Saudis operation


heyKingGeorge ago

If you google "doj rao saudi kline" you will get 100's of hits


A far looser connection but worth noting is the one Instagram member who is most in agreement with all of James Alefantis’ perverted postings happens to be Arun Rao, the DOJ’s US Attorney’s office chief in the southern district of Maryland that borders Alefantis’ neighborhood. Like the Besto pizza owner two doors down from James, Rao also handles prosecutions involving human trafficking and child pornography. Again, coincidence that all these guys “love” little kids? I don’t think so. The very people high up in Washington whose jobs it is to protect children from pedo traffickers are likely the same guilty players who are part of the criminal operation. That’s how sick and corrupt our government’s become.

Strangely or not so strangely, two doors down from Comet is Besta Pizza that has a logo taken straight out of the FBI data base as a symbol for “boy lover” pedophiles. Even more telling is the Besta owner Andrew Kline as a Bill Clinton appointee is an attorney who works at the Human Trafficking Prosecution Unit at the Department of Justice. Across the street from Comet pizza in NW DC there’s an office housing an NGO called Beyond Borders that allegedly works with Haitian orphans. Often services ostensibly set up to help refugees operate as a front concealing exploitive criminal activity. Think about it. Haiti destroyer-crime boss Hillary Clinton-Haitian trafficker Janet Silsby-likely murdered anti-trafficking journalist Monica Petersen (more on Silsby and Monica later) intersects with Comet pizza child pedo trafficking ring-Besta DOJ anti-trafficking attorney-trafficked Haitian orphans office. Every single establishment on the entire block are part of the Hillary fanatic brigade. This insulated do-loop seems like an ideal set-up for the illegal child trafficking operation financed by the Clinton-Soros-Rothschild money.

KLINE & RAO - R both DOJ "Providing White baby's for Saudi, since 1980's"

And if it’s true that our own federal government is behind the epidemic of international child sex slavery trafficking like it definitely is behind the international drug smuggling operation that funds black ops, then that explains why Washington DC and Virginia have the highest per capita missing child rate out of the entire United States. According to records at the Center for Missing and Exploited Children, kids in Virginia are 4.67 times more likely to end up missing than the kids in the rest of America and 2.67 times more than the second most per capita state Florida. Only one other state, the most populated California that has a population nearly five times that of Virginia has more children missing. One more disturbing trend, the number of missing Virginia kids without even photos posted on file has skyrocketed this year, up from just 8 in August to 74 in November. And 3 out of 4 child victims of sex trafficking are already in the child “protective” services (CPS) system. What does that tell you? Our own governmental arm that’s supposed to protect and keep kids safe is doing exactly the opposite. But then if in fact it’s the government that are the human traffickers, again that completely explains why.

doubleherpes ago

Again, coincidence that all these guys “love” little kids? I don’t think so. The very people high up in Washington whose jobs it is to protect children from pedo traffickers are likely the same guilty players who are part of the criminal operation.

Genuinely good people can also be put to the cabal's use by only allowing them to bust competing operations. We don't need to prove that a DA is crooked, only that their busts are of exclusively non-powerful defendants.

safetythrowaway1234 ago

ignore @heyKingGeorge he is a shill

doubleherpes ago

Thanks, but I just assume everyone is a shill and verify as much as I can on my own. Cheers!

YouaremeandIamyou ago

rao and kline both have similar justice pages. each has a big write up about a few busts they have made. probably ones they had to make... as though saying, look, i am doing some work.. if there was any excusable reason for, or from, either of them, we should have heard it weeks ago.