joeysaperv ago

I like it. Nice job!

mouserr ago

before i share id like the specific info on 'journalists killed' the shills will jump on that and demand sources and references for that charge

Normality1 ago

google clinton bodycount

mouserr ago

thats the fastest way to get someone to dismiss the claims becuase the 'body count' thing has been run and done and is headed out of the mental cycle

Normality1 ago

Do what I said, all the info about journalists assassinations is there, tons of detailed articles with sources and all dots connected. If someone is wishing to look past that, ignoring it, distance yourself from these people.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

2 -- or was it 3? -- in Norway. Monica Peterson (apparently) in Haiti. Some say Breitbart in USA, but I'm skeptical about that one. There may be others.

I don't have links handy. The Norway one is the AP one which multiple Big Media sites took down within the past few days. (It might be Finland. I'm tired.)

chickyrogue ago

brietbart <---- enuf said!

shakethetree ago

I could live without that particular part myself and it would still hold water. I don't have a Twitter account so can't ask him. I agree with you that it should be verified. Thanks for being vigilant.

neowzrd ago

This should be posted everywhere