winegrapes ago

I am not in the US my friend

winegrapes ago

my blog post pointing out the direct link you found. great work!!!!

winegrapes ago

Wow!! Dude, you just unwittingly found the direct link between James Alefantis and Pizza gate with the slaying of Yuliana Samboni the 7 year old Colombian girl 2 weeks ago!!!!! This is fucking huge. Congrats.

thisistotallynotme ago

Personal Anecdote - No Data to corroborate

Back in 2011, I spent two weeks in Solitary Confinement (in Canada) for fucking with the system a little to hard (can't give more details, otherwise I'm easily traced). While inside, I met a man who was an avowed satanist, and had spent some time with a serial killer who made beautiful paintings while incarcerated. the satanist (We'll call him "Wild Bill") started selling the paintings for high prices due to the notoriety, which the prosecutors felt was too close to a "profiting off criminal acts", and thew him back in jail, which is where I met him.

The dude had me do a few favors for him, one of which was to get in touch with his IT specialist to help fix his facebook page and art site. I was told to identify myself by saying "Hail Satan". I later had to confirm the site was working (don't remember the name) and I recall the copyright on the bottom saying "2011 Do What Thou Wilt", which is a direct Thelemic/Crowley reference. Once he was released early, by offering to trade guns for early release ("Judiciable Consideration"), we had a few meetings, wherein he explained that his art site was really a "front" for the substantial amount of human trafficking he helped conduct. He started naming names, which I also don't remember, but there were direct alegations of women running day care centres for the sole purpose of grooming potential sacrifices.

TL;DR - Art is a great way to launder all sorts of money, as well as cover up human trafficking.

AndoMc87 ago

Just so you know, the Ambassador of Australia (Kim Beazley)'s father also known as Kim Beazley has been outed by Fiona Barnett as a pedophile and the main organiser of child trafficking in Australia throughout the 70s, there's also a youtube video where she describes SRA in which Kim Beazley Snr is invovled

AndoMc87 ago

Fiona describes SRA where Kim Beazley Snr is involved

AndoMc87 ago

Kim Beazley jnr and Bob Carr(ex nsw premier) also attended Bohemian Grove a few years back

pizzahthrowaway ago

It all comes from the fact that Art has no set value, and you could easily say "well i think that Art is worth a million dollars" and buy it as cover for buying something ELSE from the foundation or its members on the down low, or any number of methods.

srayzie ago

Didn't somebody say that in the tunnels that Alefantis and another man owned an "art gallery"? Someone found documents. Maybe it was another site but I think it's here that I read it

DontTreadOnMemes ago

Pedosta tweeted today about Russian hackers.

Yates ago

I was checking out the neighborhood around DuPont circle and there are embassies everywhere, like less than a block from the underground gallery entrance.

Sui_Juris ago

You're also fucking hysterical, consider a career in comedy!


Do the work or fuck off, faggot.

Sui_Juris ago

Don't be offended, better safe than sorry.

pizzahthrowaway ago

Ok, noticed something interesting here, could be a nothingburger but one of the main Managing director board members for Transformer is Christopher F. Carr from U.S. Trust...

Now this could be just a coincidence and this guy is completely innocent (finance takes people everywhere) but oddly enough, it says he is a former West point alumni, who left the Army as a special operations officer directly to enter the finance industry....

Sui_Juris ago

I'm pointing out that YOU. ARE. FORUM. SLIDING.


pizzahthrowaway ago

To be fair that's kind of an Artsy hipster "gentrification" kind of thing.

pizzahthrowaway ago

Consider also that the movies he was involved in (one that "won" something at sundance topkek) could also be laundering.

Hell, shit like Majestic Ape could be, for the same reason the fine art is, this stuff has no actual "value", its value is determined by what someone is willing to pay for something, they can also write off enormous sums of debt against expenses for events/film shoots as well, this is called Hollywood Accounting, and isnt money laundering itself by any means but is proof they fuck with the accounting.

srayzie ago

Omg. Nearly 80 Northern Virginia establishments have been identified as operating illicit sex rings that enslave mostly young American girls. That is so many! That is just what they know of! This has got to be huge. Bigger than I ever thought

forkintoaster ago

it is definately used to launder money. as discussed, the value of said art is completely relative and not quantifiable by any standard metrics. who says a crucifix in a vial of elephant urine isn't worth hundreds of thousands of dollars?

reasonedandinformed ago

What is this group (International Human Rights Funders Group) as the listing of funders ( is massive (about 150 orgs, many with already established questionable links to this investigation) and they show a staff of 4 people. We know that they have their tentacles in orgs set up purportedly to "fight human trafficking and support human rights."

Pixel_loves_Polygon ago

I have no doubt there are good and well meaning people who fund and work for these "anti-human trafficking" orgs, but at this point I think they should all be treated suspect. Just like organizations that are closest to children are in the best position to abuse them and cover it up, the same can be said for anyone dealing in human trafficking. We just need to tread carefully and not throw accusations out without evidence.

reasonedandinformed ago

Agreed. Theories about things to pursue are not evidence. We need to be careful in making specific claims that there is actual evidence when making a claim (versus a hypotheses).

NorthPondHermit ago

The Ambassador of Australia, His Excellency The Honorable Kim Beazley, AC & Ms. Susie Annus -2011

Fiona Barnett has spoken extensively about the abuse she suffered from this guys father, Kim Beazley Sr.

cantsleepawink ago

Yet another 'art' piece portraying cannibalism ?

pizzahthrowaway ago


reasonedandinformed ago

One of the funding sources of Transformers that deserves some deeper looks:

Basically, anyone connected to this organization should be viewed as a potentially relevant link based upon what we are finding.

LA_Trump ago

Every single sponsor listed on that site needs to be investigated immediately!

reasonedandinformed ago

Look at the Friends of Transformer:

It may be a short list of key people to target for digging given Alefantis and Tony Podesta are in this group.

SpikyAube ago

Yeah I became vegetarian recently for that reason. But all human meat will be about the same, I would've thought - the colour of the skin of the human probably wouldn't make any difference to the taste or nutritional value. The age and fitness would make more of a difference probably.

I feel sick that I wrote that.

cantsleepawink ago

Another video where they explain at the start that they are not only into conceptual art, they are also into 'thought experiments'. Don't have the time to listen to it all so posting here:

cantsleepawink ago

From the Transformerdc instagram account:*

Which led me to this video which is associated with Transformer, I tried watching it but it's such shit someone else may have to do it:* *

Can you believe these people are connected to embassies ?

chickyrogue ago

anytime and i will be mindful ;0

chickyrogue ago

we a re going to save them and save ourselves and our planet and our humanity all in the process

if you ever need someone to talk to im a good listener!

chickyrogue ago

when i say soul i am not talking church just spirituality.... i am so sorry your dad was such a broken self hating person to try to corrupt you to his level tooo

you are free of it you know none of it was ever your doing!

chickyrogue ago

omg wow!

the rabbit hole digs itself after all

Millennial_Falcon ago

I found a photographer friend of James Alefantis, his name is Max Hirshfeld

what is the evidence for their friendship?

Alefantis helps sponsor the event every year.

Need a source for this.

EDIT, found it:

zlomsocz ago

i thought alefantis was on the board of Transformer, or used to be a co-owner, either way the hatian orphan connection, props, follow this one ppl

nomorepizza ago

Achilles is an interesting tag

We_The_People ago

Kind of ironic really.

coincidencesmyass ago

There was a picture on Alefantis' instagram - The 2nd to last last comment says "Whip up a Haitian special, extra cheese" Now I've heard of Hawaiian pizzas (ham & pineapple) but I've never of a Haitian one. Seriously, if anyone has ever heard of a Haitian pizza, please let me know.

Edited to add: It was very hard for me to find this picture again. All the other links I tried came up 404. How do you archive a picture like this on the internet?

SpikyAube ago

Here I did it:

coincidencesmyass ago

thank you!

12345678999 ago

Well they are contradicting what their top academic institutions are saying then, which is red meat should not be consumed by humans.

cantsleepawink ago

Well, that finally answers my question about why Alefantis was in Paris in November 2015. (Coincidentally at the same time as the awful Bataclan attack).*

Sui_Juris ago

This person is forum sliding.

You know what to do. The Gentleperson's Guide To Forum Spies (spooks, feds, etc.) HOW TO SPOT AND STOP THE SHILLS, TROLLS, DISINFO AGENTS AND PEDO PROTECTORS -

Sui_Juris ago

Nice OP.

nomorepizza ago

You guys, Alefantis is small potatoes. I feel like we want to prove something to the MSM, but that's not the way forward. John Podesta, that's who needs to be the target.

kneo24 ago

I don't disagree, however you always pressure the small guy first to give up info to work your way up the chain.

It's also interesting, for the lack of a better word, to see how deeply connected he is.

RecycledUser ago

I agree about Pod, but you guys have gotten endless leads/connections from this guy's IG and other pages.

nomorepizza ago

I agree it is interesting. As for the giving up info thing, that might work if we had him in a back room under some bright lights, but I don't think that's gonna happen. Why would he ever give up info to us?

Headstart ago

Now that he is in the spotlight, others might drop the dime on him. We will see.

pray_the_gay_away ago

Archive everything before you post!!!

Werwer12 ago

Yes I noticed that when you pointed it out. There are also pictures of him with the mic in hand. He's not just mingling at this event. He's very much important to those people in some way.

chickyrogue ago

yes i know how you feel

i had a teacher attempt to harass me and a friend in jr high <--- perfect age

we managed to lock him out and leave but i got into so much trouble broke faith with my own parents and then suppressed the entirety of the event until i was almost 30 ....i felt so dirty and that somehow i was the reason this happened at all [and mind you i was lucky i wasnt phyically touched!]

they do not begin to understand the damage they do

tender pysches and always people around children with just a little bit of power to them and their own misery that loves company

DirtyRainbows ago

I always thought that selling art was an easy way to launder money. Considering any fuck could make an abstract piece and sell it for millions. I mean if your that rich why would you waste money on shit art. I can see some people buy into it to flex there ego and show how much money they make, but to me there has to be more to it than just art. Plus if you buy art and pay taxes it doesn't raise any questions and the IRS stays away. It feels like an easy way to pay your taxes on illegal shit or an explanation as to why you suddenly come into large amounts of money. Might be a little unrelated but just something I wanted to share.

micha_ ago

Never thought about it that way. Brilliant.

Headstart ago

I said it before on here two weeks ago.

The art is for money laundering. It's a way to pay for their services.

chickyrogue ago

TY but the haitian connection was not my own dot i am just posting for someone who would be doxxed if they posted for themselves they arevery very close to the situation on a deeply spiritual level which is what compells me to help them uncover the truth as quickly and essentially as possible ...very young souls suffered terribly and deserve to be vanquished in the horrid truth it being told finally.... TY for all your work too

pizzahthrowaway ago

Go to their website, he's the BOARD PRESIDENT of Transformer

Werwer12 ago

Well there ya go

Freemasonsrus ago

How lovely of the photog to make a catalogue to order out of under the guise of "art".

LostandFound ago

Max Hirsheld eh? these guys move in tight circles DIG!!!

chickyrogue ago

i know CF is the hub of it all these are such criminal minds like we have never been up against before

darthveddit ago

Nope. There is an organization connected to the CF that is the heart of darkness spread over this earth. It's basically what fbianon said. It's everyone in D.C. plus everyone influential on the planet. They have made it this way on purpose. All roads lead to Rome on this one. Wait a fucking minute.... Rome?

chickyrogue ago

yes rome i know especially based on this .....

darthveddit ago

James Alefontis is connected to the DuPont family through satanic rituals. James has an art gallery that houses an original church of Satan behind a literal black curtain. Bucks Camping and Fishing is a reference to Bucks county Pennsylvania, where the DuPont family satanism began. John Podesta and Hillary Clinton wanted in on some of the magic due to the fact that they had an election coming up, they thought a little satanism couldn't hurt. They were already friends with James because they fuck kids and James also runs a little game he calls come at ping pong. Hillary and John decided to perform an abomination. John is either bragging about it in the email with 14 and the fish, or he is showing his excitement before performing it. Hillary says in an email that she better give a chicken to moloch or some shit. Chicken being a small boy. The killroom photo on the twitter is the place. James and his gang of droogs helped. I believe it was 7 year old boy they murdered. Allegedly. This is all strictly speculation. I am accusing no one of actually committing these crimes.

chickyrogue ago

totally understoond but the realm of realism surrounds this as plausible if not exactly how it all came to pass

Concernedcitizen2 ago

Really good work pizzagate detective. The connections and evidence continue to mount.

GoatMeat4Sale ago

Saudi has been busted before in the area using diplomatic immunity as a courier

DC Saudi Arabia Human Trafficking Suspicions: Virginia Diplomatic Compound Under Investigation

chickyrogue ago

we must look at all of our diplomats....

Pixel_loves_Polygon ago

Here's the list that came out before the election of appointees & diplomats who got their positions while Clinton was Secretary of State who turned out to be top donors to the Clinton Foundation. Gutman is on here. It's probably worth looking into each one for connections and/or assorted corruption considering they got their positions by paying the Clintons for them..

1 Matthew Berzun … Ambassador to UK

2 Julius Genachowski … Former chairman to FCC

3 Frank Sanchez…. Under secretary of commerce

8 Kirk Wagner… Ambassador to Singapore

9 Alan Solomont … Ambassador to Spain

11 John Roos… Ambassador to Japan

12 Nicole Avant… Ambassador to Bahamas

13 Eileen Chamberlain Donahoe … Ambassador to the UN

16 Steve Westly – CFO of California

17 Don Beyer – Ambassador to Switzerland

21 Don Gips – Ambassador to South Africa

22 Howard Gutman – Ambassador to Belgium

24 Cynthia Stroum – Ambassador to Luxembourg

27 Mark Gilbert – Ambassador to New Zealand

31 Norm Eisen – Ambassador to Czech Republic

37 Bruce Oreck – Ambassador to Finland

43 Tony West – deputy Attorney General

45 Bill Kennard – Ambassador to EU

chickyrogue ago

TY so much for compiling this may i send this to someone who may have some research done already? or two i am thinkin of offhand?

chickyrogue ago

could someone see if this ties into an atlanta hub for the trafficking this was intimated in the atlanta abuse story back from the 80s


GoatMeat4Sale ago

BINGO exactly, and we know if your read the report here the entire base of operations is that ..

Andrew KLINE - DOJ is supplying elite diplomatic tourists with children to FUCK in DC

These tourists would be running around in diplomatic limousines where they would never fear anything, this is why these people NEVER get caught.

GoatMeat4Sale ago

Ties with this article, where they say for a price anything of any size can be passed though any airport with no inspection.

Diplomatic Immunity.

Think of it this way, DC wants Haitian, or brown/black children something new or different, SAUDI wants white children, something they don't have, so you have massive child trafficking coming and going out of DC.

AdVict0riam ago


This user is a suspected shill who has created at least 5 throwaway accounts this morning ALONE from which to spam disinfo.

Known examples: @pizza4trump @pedos4trump @trumpisaPEDOPHILE @GoatMeat4Sale @voatmeat4sale

CrackerJacks ago

The middle east could also want white American children to brain wash, train then attack America from within.......Just like they did with Huma.

oresd ago

Thanks for the fake news.

CrackerJacks ago

I know it's great huh.....I could easily get a job on ABC, CNN....I don't want to be hated that much though.

Concernedcitizen2 ago

good god, do we know the size of these diplomatic bags?

GoatMeat4Sale ago

Diplomatic bag/pouch is just a buzzword, but the cops know the rules, generally the diplomats keep a load of flags at hand where every they travel.

So long as it can be covered by a flag it must be considered to have 'diplomatic immunity', and yes dear they do have flags that can cover an auto, or a house.

Essentially anything that they can cover with their flags cannot be inspected or viewed, that includes coffins.

chickyrogue ago

this is so sad and way beyond acceptable!!!