dogeminho ago

Via the fbi record vault Twitter, it seems they were dormant for a year and 22 days, their one post from 10/8/15 was about making FOIA requests. Then, a year and 22 days later they suddenly tweet after being dormant for so long on 10/30/16 at exactly 4:00am about Fred Trump. A few others, of course, and one about Nikola Tesla at 4:00am. There were 20 tweets that day. Then, on November 1st they made a tweet about the William J. Clinton foundation, released documents,etc. it was tweeted out at 12:00pm. This is what it says anyway.

What were the times FBI anon said? Because if you were in the time zone of the Las Vegas area, you would be 3 hours behind. So 9:00am there.

I'll link them later.

party1981 ago

I keep seeing different things for the time. I'm starting to think that the Twitter displays the time differently depending on your time zone.

What time zone are you in? Mine says 9 am for the CF tweet on Nov. 1. I am in Mountain Time, so that fits the 11 oclock prediction, which would be eastern time (presumably).

Actually, I'm pretty confident now that this is legit.

dogeminho ago

I am eastern, yes.

party1981 ago

If you are eastern time zone, then the tweet should say 11 oclock, not 12 oclock? Can you confirm either way?

dogeminho ago

Then yeah it should. If it was 9am for you then it would've been 11am for me.

party1981 ago

I think we can't confirm that this was FBI 100%. But I'm basically 85% right now. Either it was FBI or a LARPer with a genius skill level and work ethic.

dogeminho ago

I just don't see how they'd be able to be spot on, then have the FBI account publish all of that. I feel the same though.

party1981 ago

Yeah I am pretty confident that it is inside FBI.

But even if it isn't, we have everything else: predicting CF investigation on July 2, predicting human trafficking on July 2, coloboma on four different sets of eyes, etc.

flyingcuttlefish ago

Topic of FBI tweets - relates to this 8 Chan page (top section)

party1981 ago

Do you buy this?

dogeminho ago

Buy what? I'm a bit tired, sorry heh

party1981 ago

Do you buy the official story that it's just a software update and a backload of FOAI requests?

I don't buy it.

  1. 4chan seemed to predict something at 9 or 11 o'clock on Nov. 1, the exact time of the CF tweet
  2. all of the posts are related to each other in a kind of narrative, about Trump/Tesla/Clinton/FBI investigations

dogeminho ago

I don't buy it either. I was just finding articles that said it didn't start until then, when anon said.

party1981 ago

Thanks for sharing!

dogeminho ago

You're welcome! I'll see what else I can find.

party1981 ago

Question: isn't it also strange that two FBI sources confirmed the massive FBI CF investigation on/around Oct. 30 (former FBI director on CNN, and then the Wall St. Journal article) - which is the same time that the FBI twitter account went active?