GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Okay I looked at the pictures and found this weird cat that looks like the gay Chinese guy in the TV show Mr. Robot. I just googled the fucker. Name is Dedi Gundanwan and this is a quote I found of is thru google I am somewhat confused. But he mentions Satan several times and here it is Although we had an all-out, skin and bones, ccie they also do not care, he needed a blood sacrifice again to be exploited further. Usually we start jual2 something, pinjem2 money to the family, in debt, and the like. Clearly blood orang2 closest we've started taking inhaled. Another way is more secure is the use of blood work, with the consequences of a gold chain of course. Clear the blood must be there, if baseball ga not ccie, tired of not learning exam, buang2 time and energy only.

I have not backed up anything because I dont fucking know how....I am a noobie so can someone with talent take a look? His writings are weird and we may need an indonesian translator to get the most out of it.

Melitica ago

Discovered about 4 weeks ago.

throwawaa ago

When making a post like this, please link to the original, so that people investigating this can find the rest of the story. This post on its own isn't very helpful.

Best wishes

quantokitty ago

Wish you would have posted it.

I certainly wasn't looking for it. The other photos are carefully selected it seems. I was flipping through the scrapbook, trying to find hubby and I was like ... whirrr tires screech to a halt

Melitica ago

It has been covered in multiple threads here and elsewhere but none were started by me. I looked into her at length but got nowhere important...had nothing to add.

stickittotheman ago

Definitely looks like a man, on google images there are some real hideous pics where she looks like a movie witch, impossible to figure out what gender it really is... speaking of witch ....has anyone seen pics of Heather Podesta! Holy crap, she looks like a man as well... and actually looks like someone dug up a dead corpse and stood it on stage, talk about the walking dead! Must be from eating all that human flesh. Im starting to think maybe all of these cult members are married to trannies.

quantokitty ago

WHOA! That should come with a warning label ... shudder

stickittotheman ago

Looks like the zombie awards:

Looking at the podesta family pics is like watching reruns of the munsters. Creepy!!

Melitica ago

How is this true or even relevant?

quantokitty ago

What's not true? I don't believe I offered a posit.

The information is extremely relevant. You should always know as much as you can about the people you're dealing with. There might be information lurking under a different name.

Melitica ago

The use of "her" indicates you think she is not. In addition, Tamara luzzatto has been investigated repeatedly, each time as a 'new" someone who hasn't bothered to look for old 'new" discoveries. She is an ugly woman, childless, with step grandchildren who has worked for some important people...known to be corrupt however, sucking more pizzagate time is not helpful. Spend all the time you want looking to see if she is a tranny...and "discovering" already known facts - none of which have amounted to shit, but be clear that you are not contributing and when you distract others to do are an obstacle.

quantokitty ago

Have no idea what you're talking about .. none ...

Melitica ago

You should read your own posts and replies then.

Celticgirlonamission ago

Both gone away figures good thing for archives!

Melitica ago

Ruby is 13 now....

Aaanndgo ago

Yeah, I appreciate that. This is who I meant She has Tamera's father, Norman as a friend but on second look at the profile it's all men with Stanton last names so it's probably a fake profile. I thought for sure she was on Tamera's friends list the other day but I don't have a reference.

This is Evie's father, Paul Turner Neaville "Mr. T" - And Evie with her paternal Grandmother -

Edit to Add: In the picture of Evie, when zoomed in, does that just look like marker over her arms and back?

Also, I've been going back through the Luzzatto family tree and seem's Tamera's ex-brother in-Law is Anthony Luzzatto Gardner

And if anyone would like to go down this Luzzatto history rabbit hole,, I don't have the mind to.

Melitica ago

Inconsequential but Anthony Luzzatto Gardener may be an ex cousin in law, or nephew in law but not brother in law...otherwise his last name would be Luzzatto.

Luxxy ago

Its not pizza, I looked on his facebook and found the necklace. Not Pizza


duly noted and removed my specualtion post thank you - great find

Luxxy ago

Welcome :)

hanknut42 ago

that name sounds so made up Jamesonfreeman

pizzagape ago

Her birth name appears to be Tamera Stanton. Can't find anything on her prior to 1997.

She was married to (((Francis A. Luzatto))) for three years.

Her father is a priest Norman D Stanton

She was also Chief of Staff for Jay Rockefeller and Hillary Clinton.

Her Mom, Susan, had 1 son and 2 daughters. Safe to say she's female.

quantokitty ago

Thanks for the info, but the bio means nothing. Once she had a sex change, IF she had a sex change, it would all have rewritten, including the sex of the children had. It wouldn't with lower echelon people, but somebody with her credentials?

Interesting that you can't find anything prior to 1997. The article on her husband's death is dated October 22, 1999. It states:

"Survivors include his wife of three years, Tamera Stanton Luzzatto"

Three years would be 1996 one year before "Tamera" came onto the scene.

YouaremeandIamyou ago Just a whim here.. i wonder if any relation?

YouaremeandIamyou ago more about the hot tub email, incuding others who replied and attended. this video is full of persons of interest!

Blacksmith21 ago

This is worth looking at. In fact - what about looking at pizza jewelry? Does anyone wear something with pizza on it a a fashion statement?

Hopevoats ago

Check out the Katy Perry video for "This is how we do".

Luxxy ago

Joe bidden gave obama a pizza bracelet , that had a pizzaslice on it, but I posted a picture above, its not a pizza necklace, that the guy is wearing.

YouaremeandIamyou ago

a few email details i missed before

justiceforever ago

Why do you think it's a guy? From her hands?

At first it looks like an Adams apple but it's not. It's the wall in between her neck and the guy in the backgrounds shoulder.

featheredmasks ago

So because she has a receding hairline and large hands she was born a man?

Flufffffff. I know plenty of manly looking biological women. and transgender =/= pedophile.


I've never seen a more obvious case of a man dressed as a woman in my life. This is not a biological female.

featheredmasks ago

Okay, let's argue that it's a transgender/cross-dresser. What does this have to do with a child sex ring? We're starting to get into really ugly territory if we are auto-associating trans-folk with pedophiles. :|

jstayz44 ago

Every ugly chick didn't start out as a dude!

the_sharpest_knife ago

Even hillary security detail looks like maamsirs.


latest tweet - feeling cornered?

Boud8814 ago

I caught that, curious to read other (((elite))) twitter, since I have been banned I can only read, can someone tweet back if she is wanting another cheese pizza please!!!!???

quantokitty ago


Love it!!!!

Investigate1999 ago

OP! I think that you've got some great evidence, her voice sounds very feminine.

Debunked? If so, then please update your post. We don't want to sensationalize this.

MeatballPizza ago


Too bad. Was a crazy story...

Investigate1999 ago

I really wanted it to be true. I was quite sad to hear her voice.

The good news is that we are now more aware of using that web site to find more information.

SlackeryTurnBull ago

She sounds and looks like a woman. It is a bit odd that they introduce her by showing a cartoon of Bill Clinton in drag.

quantokitty ago


Orange_Circle ago

That's a known fact from almost the beginning. Not to rain on your parade or anything. She's the second wife of those kids grandfather. They called her grand Tam.

quantokitty ago

You knew she was transgender? Do tell?

followthebucks ago

Adam's. Apple. Yikes!

CrackerJacks ago

I wouldn't want to make that picture any bigger, her nose was almost touching the guy standing 2 feet away.

Looks like she/he has been scalped at some point or her/his hair is receding.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

What the fuck, this think it can't get any more fucked up... how did we not know this about her, granted i had never seen a pic of her, strange cuz her name keeps popping

quantokitty ago

I know! I wasn't even thinking in this direction, but boom! There it was. I couldn't believe my eyes.

jstayz44 ago

They are her grandkids. Her son Ben Luzzatto is married to Alexandra Tydings, a lame washed-up actress with an Illuminati bloodline, per Wikipedia when I took the pic of it you can find on Imgur at Go to Wikipedia now and you will NOT find "Illuminati Bloodline" on her profile. Ben and Alexandra are parents to Ruby (Ru), Emerson (Em) and Maeve, mentioned in the Wikileaks email regarding entertainment at the pool in Lovettsville...actually in VA, just about an hour outside of DC. Evie, the baby of the four featured in the pic on the main page of Evie's Crib, is Evelyn Neaville...Tamera Luzzatto's daughter Marisa's daughter. Marisa has and currently does work for the Dems in some capacity. The blogger of Evie's Crib goes by "Mr. T" (actually Tam? Or the husband of Tam?) and is the blogger behind additional blogs that don't mind posts from "chicken lovers""," I'll check my files and update. A pic of Tam with same hairline featured on Evie's Crib and a pic of the close ties she has with the Frattelli Podesta (please see letter from HRC thanking James Alefantis for hosting a fundraiser featuring the Fratelli Podesta).

I hope this helps. This woman is clearly sick and I did my research most immediately on her because I fear for the children in the pictures, who turn out to be her grandchildren.

Orange_Circle ago

She is the second Luzzatto wife, not Ben's mom.

jstayz44 ago

With access to the grandchildren. Whether she is blood or not, she seems to want to do some strange things.

quantokitty ago


It's IMPOSSIBLE for them to be hers.

throwawaa ago

Is this the biggest thread about Luzatto? (If not, point me there, I want to keep digging on "her")

She sure seems close with John Podesta: "xoxo" from

jstayz44 ago See that post. I don't give a fuck for shills, and would be happy to help you. Every little life matters. Shills want to comment on her nose and gender. It's about the babies.

throwawaa ago

Also funny but probably not important, when John Podesta emails Tamera Luzzato, the name in the email header is "To: Tamara Luzatto"

jstayz44 ago

I see, the letter difference in her private aol account, which took her one second to come up with. Brilliant

hanknut42 ago

or the stress from peddling all those young childern for the clintons and rockefellers is catching up it her.

throwawaa ago

"She" sure has a lot of tweets in october that show she's scared of the email leaks.

jenidaninja ago

This is so creepy.

Can we see or search for an update on kids?

derram ago :

Tamera Luzzatto (@TLuzzatto) | Twitter :

WEDDINGS; Tamera Luzzatto, David Leiter - The New York Times

This has been an automated message.

MeatballPizza ago

If the kids brought to the pool are adopted, might explain things even more. Wonder if there are any legal filings out there?

quantokitty ago

The article I read said they were her husband's children (from a first marriage) and they weren't hers biologically. But they never mentioned this.

MeatballPizza ago

"That's a man, baby!"

quantokitty ago

The creepy old grandmother ... who would have thunk it?


Based on those pictures, I'd say Tamera Luzatto is/was a man.

MeatballPizza ago



What does "Castaway Camp" mean?

MeatballPizza ago

CASTAWAY CAMP is the movie THE CRYING GAME ripped off. I'll leave it at that.

TruthTrumps ago

Those were exact my thoughts, when I looked, too.

quantokitty ago

The plot thickens ...

Nothing is as it seems.

grlldcheese ago

Early on the children were believed to be Alexandra Tydings kids. She is an actress from the Xena series. She might be a daughter in law.

Not sure if this has been debunked or wiped.

quantokitty ago

I'm just hearing about Alexandra Tydings. I don't know if it's been debunked. Maybe someone can post a link if it is.

Either way, those poor kids!

quantokitty ago

We need to check this out.

jstayz44 ago

Please see my comment at Not many have chased this down, and for whatever reason I did early was just those faces of those babies. Someone needs to do something. Tamera Luzzatto is with Pew Charitavle Trusts - A VP!!! - and is bashing others on Twitter as we speak @TLuzzatto There is nothing I want more than for these people to be investigated and charged...they should be running scared, yet they are not. I'll keep working on my end, slow as I may go.

throwawaa ago

Seems confirmed by everything I've seen.