Vigilia_Procuratio ago

Fair enough, if you've actually researched this very topic then I'm not going to patronise you about it. I'll trust you've got enough insight to dismiss it as being relevant, maybe you're correct to do so, but at the same time I'll consider any lead at the moment.

Vigilia_Procuratio ago

What we're dealing with here is a global trafficking network. We're potentially dealing with people who are illegally harvesting body parts for either ritualistic or scientific purposes, and that's precisely what this submission relates to. Just because it's "third world" doesn't mean to say there aren't some dirty "first world" players abducting and murdering children under the guise of a "primitive, localised culture". Yes, this could purely be a local thing but since the matter at hand is a global problem, such which needs tackling as a matter of urgency, then we require every lead possible.

It's not like this is some random article on a random website, this is direct from Amnesty International. If that is irrelevant to you, move on and have a nice day.

Vigilia_Procuratio ago

I agree. I'm very sparing when it comes to posting new submissions, but if something looks like it could present as new information, potentially a lead, then I'll be inclined to drop it here. After all, we're all cleaning dirty laundry here are we not?