chance_pictures ago

Ok, bro, I'm sure you've had a rough life. You're a unique case I'm sure. In the game of victimhood narratives, you have earned seven shekels so far. Would you like to keep playing? Yes? Well, I don't care. I don't give a shit about your supposed past suffering. This is the internet. It's for pron, cats, and the search for Truth. I don't care about your THICC ass or your tight gyaru boipussy.

If you're still reading this... just read on. My only point in all of this is that we are finite beings and living in an impossibly complex world. Because of our "nakedness" to the infinite, or God, or whatever word you wanna use, our capacity -- and all of humanity's capacity -- to commit evil is real and can manifest itself in myriad ways. How we respond to this Truth as I see it -- that is the bile that occupies our deepest being -- is key. And it sounds like you've got a hold on it. Great. Some people do. Some people don't. And I don't think that's ever going to change no matter how many pizzagates there are.

War never changes. Man never changes. Societies change, but they may only be as cyclical as everything else.

I am a Jesus loving Christian and I believe at the moment someone TRULY gives their life over to Him that they aren't capable of that sort of evil.

Him? Did you just assume J-dog's gender? Seriously, Jesus fucking Christ, they're invaluable mythology of our emergence from nature, but take it easy. And I'm sure Jesus loves you just as much, and God on his flying nimbus. That's why you had such a good life -- because they love you so fucking much. Ha! I'm fucking with you. No, bro, people love you, not the Big Brother in the sky. He don't give a shit about you. Grow some balls, and take your agency into your own hands. You'll feel better about yourself. And if you're a paid shill, ruminate on your pointless life. Now call me a nigger faggot and ignore all of this. Smoke a bit maybe and calm the fuck down. You'll be all right, fuckboi.

chance_pictures ago

If you were living in Nazi Germany, you would have been a nazi. Your overcoming the natural darkness within you is a matter of happenstance. Don't believe that concentration camps or the Gulag will never happen again.

That's all I'm saying.

Sushilover69 ago

@1202017 is a shill. check out comment history.

laml ago

The Common court CASA program allows volunteers to care/counsel infants to 14 year old? I was trying to find out more info on the common law court and was drawn to this. On another note: Does anything have connections with merchantware or the pizza ordering sites and merchants?

catslovejustice ago

2 Chronicles 20:15. He said: "Listen, King Jehoshaphat and all who live in Judah and Jerusalem! This is what the LORD says to you: 'Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God's.

chance_pictures ago

That darkness doesn't manifest in me.

ftfy. It's there. There's no such thing as evil men or good men -- just men.


Our proclivity toward that darkness seems heightened the more morally justified our actions become. Ideologues always see themselves on the correct side of history.

"But I'm gonna kill all the satanists, and the world will be a better place because of it."

Ha! Definitely not a placebo. Nope. The roaches won't just burrow themselves down even farther, right? "They'll be gone for good!" Please. Don't fucking kid yourself.

billcaseyABC ago

thanks - my late babka (grandma) would smack me if she saw what I was writing about JP!

billcaseyABC ago

As a Polish-American who was raised Catholic and did 13 years in Jesuit schools, believe me, I'm very familiar with JP2's official biography.

Of all the recent Church leaders, it would sting the most to see that JP2 was involved in some of this dark occult shit, but unfortunately the Catholic Church is not an infallible organization.

If I were you, I wouldn't take the official biography/hagiography of any Pope 100% at face value. The Vatican, like the CIA, derives much of its power from secrecy, and nasty things fester in the dark. I'm not saying JP2 is a confirmed devil-worshipping pedo, but stranger things have indeed happened.

For a little background on the dark side of the modern Church, google "Archbishop Paul Marcinckus", "Vatican Bank CIA", "Licio Gelli", or "Propaganda Due (P2)".

DeSales ago

We have already won...He died on a cross and won the battle for once and all. It's not hopeless...we have already won...

Commonwombat ago

It just doesn't get any easier reading these eye witness testimonies. Please everyone take care of yourselves and never give up on hope for justice. Spread these links far and wide. Don't be afraid of opposition or ridicule and stand by what you know. I'm not a religious person but I believe in the powerful force of truth. Don't fight with your fellow man but continue to point out who the real enemies are.

CrackerJacks ago

It does make you feel hopeless at times, but we can only do what we're doing......Keep digging, we WILL find the honeypot.

1202017 ago


1202017 ago


1202017 ago

Jew, Jew Jew. Jew jew jew jew jewj jew jewish jew jew jew, Death to all nations. Jew Jew jew jew jew jew. Jewish Jew jew jew jew jew Communism. Jew Jew Jew Jew. Death to America. Jew jew jew jew jew, All white people must die. Jew Jew JEw Jew Jew Jew. JEw!

billcaseyABC ago

your assumption that the Catholic Church in the 1980s was "good" and that the Soviet bloc was inherently "Satanic" is an oversimplified and biased one.

JP2 and his lieutenant, Cardinal Ratzinger (Benedict XVI) covered up multiple cases of priests committing child sex abuse.

George Soros also cut his chops in the Color Revolution game by using NGOs to undermine communist governments in Eastern Europe in the 1980s...was he fighting Satan too?

Just because someone is feverishly anti-communist doesn't mean they're a Good Guy. The deep staters who assassinated JFK, MLK and RFK were all "anti-communists".

Know who was the most "anti-communist" group of them all? Nazi Germany.

1202017 ago

well I guess if I am unable to meet your level of intelligence then this conversation is nothing more than you spending your time shitting on me, the moron. Why are you here? Why do you care? I'm so insignificant, so inconsequential, why give a fuck? Maybe, just maybe, you are a fraud, an angry slanderer who makes his living off of deception and obfuscation. You, sir, are a liar. And maybe even a child molester. We are watching.

billcaseyABC ago

there's also "The Octopus", the CIA-linked deep state criminal network that Danny Casolaro was investigating before he was laughably "suicided" in his motel room in the early 90s.

1202017 ago

I will turn you into a lampshade.

hedy ago

The following is an interview with a survivor of what was described as the hunting parties. She shares many more absolutely horrifying experiences - not for the faint of heart:

Toos Ninjenjhuis -

1202017 ago

Low quality bait. If you want to debate an issue, let me know. Other wise. Go jew somewhere else.

1202017 ago

I'm sorry are you trying to paint me with your preconceptions of everyone who disagrees with you? Faggot.

1202017 ago

Cheap trick.

1202017 ago

Shill detection triggered.

Open a book. start with 'Synagogue of Satan'. If you need more, I have 100's of titles to share with you.

fvckh1m_up ago

I don't wanna email them asking for the locations. I don't really want to put myself up for exposure in a morgue. Anyone know the locations? That'd be a start.

CrackerJacks ago

I think this page might help..... Doesn't translate for me though, so I say it might help, it also might be bollocks.

That page is massive.

CrackerJacks ago

Just put Adelbert van Korlaar name into google image search and a picture of Soros came up on the 3rd line down.......

Commonwombat ago

Why doesn't that surprise me?

fvckh1m_up ago

What if I told you there are purposely no locations mentioned so that the validity can't be checked by an independent investigator? I'd see to it that that took place if they said where this was.

hanknut42 ago

Thats what happens after all that inbreeding ugh fucking royals

throwawaa ago

And these violent governments are a problem.

I'm not saying I have a practical fix for this problem, but my personal view is that nonviolence is better, and I'll stick with that. I respect your disagreement on that. I'll still urge people to restrain themselves from violence and focus on exposing the evil.

CrackerJacks ago

The media will report on both Bigfoot and UFO's without adding FAKE NEWS!

CrackerJacks ago

I don't think any of us want to know, but we can't ignore it

Ignorance has let these children down.

21yearsofdigging ago

They had a political party in The Netherlands that is a group of pedophiles tying to legalize it

CrackerJacks ago

Madness, what honestly goes through these peoples minds?

"A Dutch court rejected an attempt by anti-paedophile campaigners to ban the Brotherly Love, Freedom and Diversity party (PNVD), which wants to cut the age of consent from 16 to 12 and to legalise child pornography. "The freedom of expression, the freedom of assembly and the freedom of association should be seen as the foundations of the democratic rule of law and the PNVD is also entitled to these freedoms," the court in The Hague said in a statement."

59lion ago

I've seen "International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State" pop up a couple times since this whole thing started and I'm having trouble seeing them as a legit organization. Is there any evidence that shows they are? I honestly just want to know for sure

21yearsofdigging ago

Be careful with all this. Kevin Annett does some great work. I also believe this woman's testimony but ITCCS and the Montreal arrests are flimsy

BlackListMedia ago

Taken from this Source

In its sinister efforts, the US government is supported by the governments of its vassal states. This time, a major role was assigned to the Dutch government. The first Dutch actor to make a public statement was the Minister of Justice, Ernst Hirsch Ballin. It is a mystery how this man ever made it back to a cabinet position, after being forced to resign in 1994 as justice minister for his involvement in a billion dollar drug trafficking operation. The man is also suspected of paedophilia. Moreover, the highest ranking public servant in the justice ministry is a notorious paedophile. Hirsch Ballin called for the immediate introduction of full body scanners at Dutch airports. A few days later, Dutch interior minister, Mrs. Guusje ter Horst was cued to chip in. This woman, an alcoholic who is routinely let off the hook by the police whenever she is caught driving while drunk, actually had the nerve to say that the world had escaped disaster when the “crotch bomber” plan was foiled

Prince Johan Friso: Source Story

The central event of his life as a royal came when he gave up his claim to the throne in order to marry Dutchwoman Mabel Wisse Smit, in a wedding not sanctioned by the government.

The couple got engaged in 2003. Wisse Smit worked for George Soros’s Open Society Institute and was seen by the queen as an ideal daughter-in-law. But during her vetting to join the royal house, she and Prince Friso decided not to disclose the full extent of a friendship she had had while she was a college student.

The friend in question: drug baron Klaas Bruinsma, who later became one of the country’s most infamous crime lords and was slain in a 1991 gangland killing.

Wisse Smit denies ever having had any romantic involvement with Bruinsma and says she hadn’t understood who he was at the time. But as details about their relationship emerged in the Dutch press, then-Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende said it was clear the pair had held back information and he wouldn’t propose the law needed for parliament to approve Wisse Smit’s entry to the royal house.

Also a very interesting related Read

CrackerJacks ago

Someone posted a comment on a YT video about possible victims

snug45 1 week ago

Look up Fiona Barnett, Cathy O'Brien, Dr Reina Michaelson, Nicky Davis, Brice Taylor, David Shurter, all victims. Do your RESEARCH

Link to video on YT

CrackerJacks ago

I honestly have no idea if what that women said is true, but she said some big names in that video.

If it is at all true, don't you feel a little bit strange knowing you were very close to where this could have taken place?

CrackerJacks ago


1202017 ago

Hitler was a better man than you. By far. You wish you had an ounce of Hitler in you.

CrackerJacks ago

She does say George Soros...Damn.....It's a wonder she isn't dead already.

1202017 ago

History class.

AnonymousRider ago

I have heard rumors that people in the upper echelons of American politics are required to attend such rituals which is then used as a blackmail tool against them. I first heard this in relation to Justice John Roberts inexplicable vote for Obamacare. John Boehner was also mentioned. Imagine the power this would bestow on an organization.

CrackerJacks ago

Just found a good number on google. zwolle hotels

CrackerJacks ago

Got a link to the podcast? Maybe she said a name or something else that may stick out.

1202017 ago

You are delusional.

1202017 ago

Keep on keep'n on.

1202017 ago

said the zombie

1202017 ago

You are just angry and obnoxious.

CrackerJacks ago

I just copied and pasted what was on the site from the link I posted.

I'm all for discrediting any parts of it, they will just have to read that from your post though....

1202017 ago

Whatever, man. Good on you for having a point of view. I hope that in time it will mature.

1202017 ago

You are dead. You are a talking corpse. You debate and defend the ethics of suicide. You are a non-person.

CrackerJacks ago

Is it ok if I change that for the OP link?

1202017 ago

You open your mouth and make sounds like my toilet.

1202017 ago

you are a moron

Htaed ago

I hope her husband can protect her.

1202017 ago


1202017 ago

Yes, I am getting rich by raping your children. You are so smart. You found me.

Htaed ago

Someone please archive this. There are names in this video. I ask because I'm not net literate enough to do it myself, call me stupid but this should be archived before it is lost.

1202017 ago

Bla bla bla.

You see an uncircumcised penis and are triggered. You are compelled to cut and suckle. Like a Jew.

1202017 ago

I'm sorry, Sometimes my anger at the present situation clouds my judgment. You have my apologies.

1202017 ago

WW2 could have ended very well for everyone. Except the Jew.

But here we are, the present day, slaves to the Jew. Subjected to their social experiments, twisted and dissected. Sub-human animals to be played with and manipulated by Jews. Are you enjoying your present day? Everything that makes you, you, subject to examination and critique. Lab rats. Hitler fought a war against this very result. The Jews won. Now we die. We helped kill ourselves.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

You really don't have a clue do you? 1. The Nazi's kept on useful jews and made them honorary Nazi's. 2. "Subjected to their social experiments, twisted and dissected." Mate, the Nazi's are the basis and the scientists behind MKUltra and the worst toture, social/medical experiments. MKUltra is fundamentally Nazi in its origin. 3. The Nazi's considered any non-nordics to be sub-human, they killed millions of poles, slavs, Russians. All of Europe at the least would be subjugated to the whims of nutters. 4. Hitler, Himmler, Goebbels, Goering: all severely disturbed, abnormal personalities. There has never been an inner circle as mentally abnormal as them that I know of. Attachment disorders, repressed homosexuality, bizarre torture fetishes etc. 5. Hitler wanted a Germanic imperial Europe, and was of the opinion that no great empire was built without slavery. The people of Europe bud have been second class citizens building the German Reich up. The most ludicrous statement I've ever heard in my life. This child sex, mind control shit was industrialised by the Nazis you dope.

1202017 ago


jonnythaiwongy9 ago

That's bollocks mate, many of these things were found out long before the Jews were a major political influence, in facts the jews didn't have a very sympathetic audience in America. The Russians, Poles, the Nazi's documents which have been pored over. I've read works refuting it, they are fundamentally biased and are themselves propaganda. While there is no doubt The Jewish are disproportionately powerful now, to refute what there s concrete evidence of is ridiculous. If your going to contribute to an investigation you could do it a favour by contributing things that don't completely fly in the face of established knowledge.

1202017 ago

The Synagogue of Satan. Read it.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

I will when I get a chance, however reading many history books with verified sources, which critique the documents they pore over and explain their interpretation is good for understanding the war. Biographies from reputable, objective biographers and psychological profiles of the Nazi leadership are the best info we have on the Nazis, and they generally have a consensus.

1202017 ago

Germany fought for a free Europe. Europe lost. Watch now as Europe dies. Oh I'll be so happy for you to acknowledge the righteousness of the Nazi party. As Europe is conquered by 3rd world peoples. No, actually I won't be happy, and there is no joy. I wish you were not so easily deceived. We are the future, we are making history right now. We are dying. And your ignorance is paving the way for a future nightmare.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Ignorance? I'd love to be enlightened. They fought for a German Empire encompassing all of Europe, and would have enslaved most of the Europeans to allow for this. That is not a free Europe. National Socialism, that is not freedom. Do you want to live under dictatorial socialism? Where each individual is a subunit of the state? Where for the average person they tell you where to work and you are not free to leave? You are a state employee and obliged to serve Nazism, regardless of whether you agree with it? That is not freedom. That is a man with a severe, well-documented maladjustment to society, with his equally maladjusted sycophants (they were absolutely cowardly sycophants, spineless) deciding on your future and what is best for you, based on ideology with no scientific basis. Our world is fucking awful and in decline, but to think the Nazi's would have ushered in a new utopia would be laughable, if it weren't so bewildering. As for ignorance, I have studied both wars, the intervening period, the politics and the major characters for years, and it would not matter to me either way what I found so long as it is the objective truth, and the evidence is very strong in favour of what I've mentioned.

1202017 ago

You have no idea what you are talking about.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Alright mate, well to everyone bar hardened Nazi's and idiot Nazi sheep who don't understand their own movement, you sound like a cretin who disregards mountains of evidence. Good luck with the Nazi utopia, sure you'd make a useful private

1202017 ago

bla bla bla, Nationalism is superior to any philosophy you subscribe to. You are part of the insanity which is enabling 500 different genders, the demonization of Europeans, and the destruction of decency in general. I pray for the day where we are at open war. I will show you fanaticism. First the hippy communist faggots, then the Jews.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Btw, bla bla bra when presented with an argument you can't begin to refute because you know nothing, who does that remind you of? It reminds me of brain dead, head in the sand Hillary supporters, thank you for proving the equality of idiocy amongst humans.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Oh my good god you idiot national SOCIALISM you cretin. It is communism, just with a nationalist bent you complete fucking mongoloid. You don't have a clue about your own philosophy and you certainly have no inkling of mine, or any other philosophy out there. I am not part of the insanity advocating the destruction of Europeans, I am a fucking European, and the fucking Nazis wanted to subjugate us in their Germanic SOCIALIST reich you dippy bastard. Read a book fuckwit, something that wasn't written by a nazi which just excuses all the scientific and historical evidence pointing out how corrupt, idiotic they were. You realise just how shocking a wartime commander Hitler was don't you? His bold gambling won him some unbelievable victories but his messiah complex led him to believe he knew anything about military strategy other than aping Napoleon, and at that not even learning Napoleons lesson about invading Russia. Fucking hell you call yourself a nazi but you know absolutely nothing about them. Typical. Do you know how many germans died because his idiotic stubbornness and complete divorce from the reality of battlefield situations? He was absolutely shocking.

1202017 ago

Voat was freaking out. I may have posted this comment twice. I'm not sure.

1202017 ago

Germany fought for a free Europe. Europe lost. Watch now as Europe dies. Oh I'll be so happy for your to acknowledge the righteousness of the Nazi party as Europe is conquered by 3rd world peoples. No, actually I won't be happy, and there is no joy. I wish you were not so easily deceived. We are the future, we are making history right now. We are dying. And your ignorance is in large part why.

1202017 ago

What are you going on about? Pedophilia is disgusting and good people will fight it whenever it rears its disgusting face. Are you a Jew? you sound like a Jew. A servant of the Jew? Fuck you and your lust for jewish sperm.

Heffter ago

The Queen Bee is the richest of the royals if my memory serves me correct.

Luxxy ago

You people are WAYYY behind on this investigation.

S3m8o ago

Well, share your knowledge..

CrackerJacks ago

What you found?

alliecapone ago

you sound like a fellow cajun ..ya dun sound cajun

fatjohn1408 ago

Okay, if she really believes this and maybe convinced 5 people in the netherlands. What is stopping her to go with a small group to go look into those fields where she claimes kids are buried? Wouldn't that be the way to find definitive proof for her allegations? Why is she sitting on her ass expecting the government to plough through such a field?

ProudTruther ago

If she's a mafia wife I doubt that she's down for that kind of investigation and work. That being said her testimony is helpful to the cause and I for one am grateful.

Sui_Juris ago

Just a reminder to use on everything you come across. This hadn't been archived until I did it.

alliecapone ago

I found an add on tool for firefox that you can click to archive pages, just run a search on it. It's working well for me

dindonufin ago

Yup! I once linked an article that got removed (didn't think it was THAT important of an article), and when I went to find the archive of it, there wasn't one, gone!

catslovejustice ago

Thank you! I was wondering how people were creating those archives.

Htaed ago

Thank you for your contribution. It means A LOT to me if not everyone else here. Keep archiving, we will need all these names.

CrackerJacks ago

Just found a post on a YT video with names of possible victims

snug45 1 week ago

Look up Fiona Barnett, Cathy O'Brien, Dr Reina Michaelson, Nicky Davis, Brice Taylor, David Shurter, all victims. Do your RESEARCH

The YT video where comment came from

Htaed ago

Thank you.

CrackerJacks ago

Thanks, I'll remember from now on.

1202017 ago

I feel like I'm drowning in a sea of depravity and evil.

The only answer to this is violence, unreserved and brutal retribution. Murder them all. They have forfeited their right to live among us. Death to the pedophiles! They harbor bad genes, they must be removed from the pool. Purify humanity.

JeremiahSinclair ago

They worship violence. Don't be like them or you're no better.

1202017 ago

Perhaps, but violence is not evil. Violence creates civilization and repels barbarians. Violence, AKA strength, is the very quality which enables civilization to exist.

JeremiahSinclair ago

We'll just have to agree to disagree on that one.

1202017 ago

This is not a hug-box. /Salute.

throwawaa ago

No, the answer is for everyone to know about this. Violence will not solve the problem.

1202017 ago

No, Violence is the only solution. You must force your will upon the enslaved masses less the masses forces its will upon you. The time for diplomacy has passed. We are being wiped off the face of the earth. Or had you not noticed? Faggot.

chance_pictures ago

You think the darkness in these people is absent in you? Oh, Sunshine, you really are naive. We're all human, and we all harbor the potential to commit atrocity.

I'd call you a shill, but I think you're earnest.

1202017 ago

Hippy nonsense. Decent people don't openly display their faggotry, unlike you. Apparently you want the world to know how gay you are.

chance_pictures ago

Ah, unmitigated ad hominem. How's working at CTR going for you? Lucky you, that you get to talk to someone who's only a passing observer of the situation, and not actually investigating anything, not that I would fall for such distraction if I were. Anyway, to your "argument":

Hippy nonsense.


The potential to be a Gulag prison guard exists within me.

Pick one. Also:

Dating men.


Being a faggot.

Pick one.

1202017 ago

You are still a hippy faggot, despite your revolutionary fingers.

chance_pictures ago

Well, I am a write-fag.

But I understand what you're saying. I'm not the kind of person to walk into the street with a pitchfork, at least not now. I need to conquer myself before I can conquer my enemies. Sorry if that sounds cucked to you. I'd die for my family if that means anything, but I'm not gonna try to be some ill-equipped, Batman-wannabe, hokey-pad-wearing, 5th-of-November, vigilante faggot. Your idea of a purge is romantic, your wanting to "cleanse" the world of evil, but it's ill-informed with regard to the reality of the bile that exists within all humans. You can pretend to be morally justified, but you're the apple-flavored ideologue to their orange-flavored. But good luck to you anyway! If you wanna keep calling me a faggot, which I clearly am, I'm here all day!

Oh, and sorry if the pill's difficult to swallow. I don't do this because I want to...

1202017 ago

So many words, so little said. Your make a mockery of yourself with each post. Please continue.

chance_pictures ago

How unfortunate you don't like to read or listen...

Much was said, and therein lies the problem. Your cognitive ability is less than adequate in relation to where humanity is headed. Your make a mockery of yourself. I think it's time for a purge.

1202017 ago

It's true. Living life as a dumb inbred hick. I struggle to even comprehend the easiest of social agendas. I look at lesbian couples and am instinctively repelled, but I know, thanks to you and your liberal friends, that the problem is me and my ignorance. If only I could learn enough, then I would see the world just like you. And we could get along, as comrades. I am sorry. I will try to reeducate myself. I want to join your hippy Jewish commie world, I really do. But I need your help. Will you guide me into utopia? please

chance_pictures ago

thanks to you and your liberal friends

You assume too much. I don't have friends.

I want to join your hippy Jewish commie world, I really do. But I need your help. Will you guide me into utopia? please

I'd be happy to! I'd start here, fellow kike:

1202017 ago

Your continued existence is an abomination to evolution and natural selection.

chance_pictures ago

I know. Thank god my girl's kid isn't my own.

By the way, never talk to me or my wife's son ever again.

1202017 ago

Don't step on me or my wifes child ever again!!

chance_pictures ago

Have a wonderful day!

JeremiahSinclair ago

You're playing into their hands.

1202017 ago

I certainly hope not.

Lunari ago

Look, another shill here to set us up to look like a bunch of violent crazies.....

1202017 ago

I look at you and see a big nothing looking back at me.

Azagthoth ago

We all felt this emotional when realizing this is all not conspiracy-mythology but in fact conspiracy-fact. Relax. Take a couple days away from this and dive into some healthy hobbies away from world history and politics...if only for a couple days if you can. I know the underbelly of the world is magnetic, but our sanity suffers from looking into the abyss. Do yourself a favor and try to separate yourself form this every now and then. Out of self preservation even. Otherwise you will be reduced to a ''literally shaking'' emotional lefty-wreck lol

Just my two cents.

1202017 ago

Life is pain, to live is a struggle. I will not shy away from our ugly and brutal reality. I do not need a safe space.

Azagthoth ago

Safe spaces dont exist. I was just reminding you to help cordon off a section of your mind that is anger free.

1202017 ago

Anger and rage have a place in our existence. We are anger and anger is us.

Azagthoth ago

Of course they have a place. Dont make it your entire self. There is way more to the human experience than anger alone.

1202017 ago

No shit? Well thanks, mr azagthoth. You have shown me the wrongness of my ways. You are a hero. Assuming I exist in some black and white world where absolutes dominate reality. You are so smart. When you are not busy, drinking mt dew and eating Doritos, maybe you can find time to visit the human zoo I call home and critique our way of life? I would so love to have you come and preach to me how I should be living. Thanks.

Azagthoth ago

What an angry fag. I work for a living and contribute. Nice flog attempt.

1202017 ago

White man can jump your stupid ass.

GermanynamreG ago

Fuck off with International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels hoax

zlomsocz ago

this should be a top priority for researchers today lots of good leads

CrackerJacks ago

Could someone archive if you think its a good lead....I'm a simpleton.

VictorDaniels777 ago

If the elite want to continue into the 21st century, this is exactly the type of testimony that sets people apart. This is great testimony. We need more. They don't deserve your silence.

Mageza ago

Excellent info, thanks. The more testimony we can get that this elite satanic pedo ring exists (ESPR? I get tired of typing that out), the better.

CrackerJacks ago

Edit: Part 2

Since last month’s arrest of two Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult members in Montreal Canada during their preparations for a child sacrifice, the ICLCJ Court has been considering Child Sacrifice links to the Vatican, CIA and American global corporations Sinclair Oil, HSBC, Gargill and Cameco Uranium.

According to the ITCCS website over sixty eyewitnesses have identified members of the Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult as Anglican, United Church of Canada and Catholic Church officials including Popes Francis, John Paul II and Joseph Ratzinger; Catholic Jesuit Superior General Adolfo Pachon, a Dutch Cardinal, other Catholic Cardinals; the UK’s Queen Elizabeth and her husband Prince Phillip; Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, UK High Court Justice Judge Fulford; in the Netherlands the consort to Queen Wilhelmina of Holland, former Dutch ministers, the top man of the Dutch Army Force, head of the Dutch Parliament Geert Wilers, Belgian royals King Hendrick, Netherlands Bilderberger Founder Dutch Crown Prince Alfrink Bernhard, his daughter Belgium Queen Beatrix, her son Prince Johan Friso, Friso’s wife Mabel Wisse Smit, Friso’s psychiatrist Guus Pareau Dumont, Dumont’s wife and President of the Court in Amsterdam Carla Eradus, the present under secretary of the Raad Van State in the Netherlands, Vice-Roy next to Queen Beatrix, former minister of the Netherlands law department Herr Donner, former Minister of Justice Ernst Hirsch Ballin, head of Netherlands judges Van den Emster, former head of the Netherlands military department Dick Berlijn, a prominent Netherlands journalist, a prominent Netherlands judge, head of the Netherlands PVV political party and President of the Netherlands Mark Rutte; officials of the Canadian, Dutch, Australian, UK and US military and governments including the USA’s CIA, plus prominent government ministers, judges, politicians, businessmen and celebrities in the US, UK, Belgium, Holland, Canada, Australia, France and Ireland.

This article is dedicated to victims of the Vatican and mafia-run global elite Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult, along with the memory of over 50,800 missing children, some of whom rest in 34 mainly Catholic-owned unmarked mass grave sites across Canada, Ireland and Spain. Their perpetrators continue to live lives free of responsibility for their ongoing crimes. Our prayers are with these innocents, and should be for ourselves if we allow this Child Holocaust by our global leaders to continue.\

Edit: Camerco to Cameco

micha_ ago

Since last month’s arrest of two Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult members in Montreal Canada during their preparations for a child sacrifice, the ICLCJ Court has been considering Child Sacrifice links to the Vatican, CIA and American global corporations Sinclair Oil, HSBC, Gargill and Camerco Uranium.

Uranium company? - Wasn't there something with Giustra? Googled and look what I found:

After Mining Deal, Financier Donated to Clinton

Camerco seems to be a typo, correct: CAMECO URANIUM

So we have (again): Giustra/Elpida (pedo-logo)/Clinton Foundation

EDIT: Problem: the source for claiming a connection to Cameco and others are not court filings, but is an article on the same homepage!

Yesterday blood from a Montreal stone altar and video statements from Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult members who were arrested while preparing for a possible child sacrifice, were filed in the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels. Evidence collected included metallic torture devices, ceremonial swords and sophisticated film equipment containing child pornography. The ICLCJ Court was considering Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult connections to Pope Francis, food giant Cargill, Sinclair Oil, Europe’s convicted mafia money-laundering bank HSBC, Cameco Uranium corporation and the criminal syndicate known as Ndrangheta.

So this claim is not supported by the slightest evidence or any verifiable sources!

Do not use it and treat it as false, until that claim can be verified by a reliable and verifiable source!!!

Htaed ago

By verifiable sources you mean the MSM? Or the cia? Or the fbi? Or LEO? What to you is a verifiable source?

micha_ ago

Sorry, but if you don't know what verifiable source means and if you can't differentiate an unbsubstantiated claim from a verifiable fact, then you have a problem...

Htaed ago

Is that what you say when you're at wits end? works every time, almost?

Give me an example of credible sources in your opinion. You can't. Don't even think about linking cnn.

micha_ ago

There are several classes of sources. Highest are primary sources. I can't take anyone serious who does not know about the importance of sources.

Htaed ago

Name one primary source.

micha_ ago


CrackerJacks ago

You think it's all fake/false?

Sui_Juris ago

Maybe not all false, but the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels looks to be only a website set up to raise awareness(?) posing (poorly) as a government site, it is not a state-run organization.

This site has a certificate error, my browser says to not go there, this looks to be the same article posted elsewhere

Haven't time to dig more on this, but it's looking kinda sketchy. Could be disinfo, could be clickbait, maybe both - might be some legit sprinkled in there, can't tell at the moment.

micha_ ago

I think it's interesting but we must strictly separate facts from claims without verifiable facts.

Did you read about Norway and the pedophile ring with 150 terabytes? That's facts! And the MSM like the NYT were deleting the articles about it! That's verifiable! Nobody will understand, why they are doing that.

Pizzagate may not be the best name, but this hole obviously is incredibly deep and IMO they are forced to begin to show their cards. Therefore no claims based on nothing! They will do all they can, to discredit the civil investigators. Theories are good, but always be honest (also to oneself), ask for verifiable facts to differentiate from claims and if it is so, then say it!

CrackerJacks ago
