AnonymousRider ago

Without the Reformation we would probably still be using animal power & living an agrarian lifestyle.

HarveyKlinger ago

I was acting like a triggered SJW which is why I put the word offended in quotes.

Apx ago

Read up, homie. The Roman state tried for centuries to exterminate Christians and failed, even despite killing more and more of them constantly. After all this failure the Roman state adopted a new strategy. Constantine declared Christianity the state religion of Rome and embraced Christianity. Then it appointed the Roman Catholic Church to oversee the common people's conversions to Christianity. This same Roman Catholic Church then staged inquisition after inquisition where actual Bible believing Christians who disputed the rule of the Church were burned at the stake as heretics. Long story short the Catholic Church never had a fucking thing to do with the Jesus of the Bible from day 1.

AnonymousRider ago

The Catholic Church is not Christianity. It's strayed so far from the Gospel of Jesus Christ that most protestants don't recognize it as Christian.

SChalice ago

It might scare you now but in 4 years you probably will have wished that it happened.

Matt186 ago

Look at the latest mockery! My thoughts on this have been running in the same direction. I'm not hiding! They can have my head if they want it! Made my mind up a long time ago whom I serve! Look at the latest mockery of truth

RecycledUser ago

And everyone please remember, they will be especially trying ANYTHING they can, before Dec 13th, when electorates legally cast their votes for Prez. If they can't disrupt that, then it will be a total onslaught until Jan 20th.

JoeBidenIsCreepy ago

At that point if the people dont rise up I dont want to live here anymore

YingYangMom ago

It should be, but I thought it would be cute LOL

OoLaLaFrenchGirl ago

I'm not religious, but I think this is a great idea! We still have freedom of religion... for now.

kekistocrat ago

All the current strategies in place (counter-propaganda campaign, fake news, russia is to blame for everything, etc.) is to be able to crack down on all of us and label us as domestic terrorists. Plain and simple. These are conceptual strategies used by governments for years. Seems like they fear their people waking up...

CJJacobs ago

By 'church is responsible for mass child abuse' you do mean the people from this pizzagate mess who openly admitted to infiltrating the Church, right?

Remember, Jesus always had a Judas walking alongside Him throughout His entire ministry.

SoCalExile ago

The problem is, the details of the time and the details of Revelation don't quite add up. Yes, chapters 2 and 3 are written for them, as well as us, but the historical view doesn't make sense from 6 onward.

Also keep in mind that in the Bible, prophecy is a pattern, and not a linear fulfillment. This explains more:

tudda ago

I believe the whistle blower change also protects you from your employers if you submit information through the FBI? I don't know the details, I didn't read the 100 page act, but someone had summarized quite a bit of it and it sounded like it was meant to protect people who wanted to come to the FBI in regards to their employers as well.

TokyoJoe ago

It's really important that the popular vote was cheated by Clinton with millions if tens of millions if dead, illegals and stuffed ballots with other anomalies as well. Remember Trump won by a large margin and if you voted for him you are the majority! There plan is to trick you into thinking you are so out numbered it's not worth fighting against their lies!

LolturdFerguson ago

Yes, the Church. Not Jesus.

I'm all for using this hashtag, and I used to be a practicing Luciferian (no, no fucking sacrifices...just years and years of reading. Exciting, right?). I always liked Jesus though, he seemed like an awesome guy.

This is a double-edged sword and can only bring more attention to our cause (especially if they decimate the Jesus hashtag.) Diabolical! Brilliant!

SChalice ago

I disagree. HRC accepted the results.

The only thing the CIA can do is assassinate Trump

ababcb ago

He's already been accused of raping a 13 year old girl and is known to be an affiliate of Jeffrey Epstein. It's very possible Trump is compromised himself.

sinclair ago

If that is true, if he brought them all down, he could repent and be forgiven.

fuckmyreddit ago

YES people in power

CrackerJacks ago

In his final address to America’s armed forces, President Barack Obama reminded troops that once Donald J. Trump becomes president, soldiers have a duty to question his authority and criticize him. Obama also said the Second Amendment and global warming can be blamed for terrorism.


Obama told the troops, “each of us has…the universal right to speak your minds and to protest against authority; to live in a society that’s open and free; that can criticize our president without retribution.”>

The guy is a joke.

SoCalExile ago

First you have to understand that these cards do not predict the future, but instead give us a clue how the power brokers see the year ahead. God is ultimately in control.

Now, despite the sensationalist title of the channel owner, who I know little about, the guys in this discussion have a good grasp on the cover here (I can personally vouch for John Haller). Ben Baruch, who I disagree with on some stuff, has a good grasp of what is being revealed here: :

My only disagreement is with their interpretation of the Tower card, which to me (and John Haller) is telling us that the elites believe that the Reformation is over this year, symbolized by the exploding tower with the "95 Thesis" nailed to the door, which is the last obstacle of global Marxism on the left and the Roman Catholic Church on the right (RCC crosses have Christ still on them - Protestant crosses are empty because Christ has risen). BTW, this year is the 500th anniversary of Luther nailing those 95 Thesis to the door of the Wittenburg Cathedral, and there is a huge push to reconcile Protestantism with the RCC this year.

dookiehowzer ago

There will be blood if he is assassinated

Lunari ago

This isn't a full / legitimate Tarot spread that I could give a reading off of. The number of cards / types of cards / positioning of cards are not the way they'd need to be to give a reading off of - the way these cards are shown wouldn't mean anything as its not an actual Tarpt spread. They basically just picked out some random cards for no reason other than a 'visual effect'.... (idfk a proper way to describe it...? lol)

vonbacon ago

If peaceful revolution becomes impossible violent revolution will become inevitable. If trump doesn't become president and violent revolution occurs I can garantee whoever becomes leader will have no remorse for the liberal left.

fuckmyreddit ago

Having no remorse for the liberal left. You just made me so happy.

Htaed ago

cia are a bunch of bitch made cowards whose skills are comparable to that of toddlers playing cops and robber in kindergarten. A bunch of pen pushing pathetic little shits who killed unarmed civilians and think they're bad asses. Come to me if you dare bitches. Fuck you, all of you. My fist make sure all you motherfuckers meet your maker.

Bring_Down_CF ago

I was going to say "with minimal effort, you have improved your friends list".

But yours is probably more likely.

Htaed ago

Do not be afraid of the cia. If they come to you, point them to me. I eat cia agents for break feast.

Htaed ago

They are trying to figure out a way to best take down this site. Be prepared admin. If you can locate the source of their Ddos, post it.

crosshairs ago

This live map shows different attacks and types.

CrackerJacks ago

"The CIA shared its latest assessment with key senators in a closed-door briefing on Capitol Hill last week, in which agency officials cited a growing body of intelligence from multiple sources. Agency briefers told the senators it was now “quite clear” that electing Trump was Russia’s goal, according to the officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss intelligence matters."


So the media didn't speak to the CIA themselves, but will push this as fact.

8_billion_eaters ago

The men in the CIA want to hang these pedophiles and their MSM accomplicers. So do the men in the FBI. Affirmative Action underlings want to spy on American citizens and rejoice with every new law passed that enables them, but the real men in government want to bring down the satanic cult that is ruling this world. Make no mistake about it.

ababcb ago

Bullshit. The CIA rely on trafficking drugs, guns and people to fund their illegal black operations. Everyone implicated in pizzagate through the Clinton Foundation are likely acting as fronts for CIA money laundering. See: Iran-Contra

sixgorillion ago

No, the people in the CIA are working hard to help these motherfuckers.

FBI, Local police and the military are the only ones that might help. And even worse, only a few of them.

Htaed ago

Bullshit. The men in the cia aren't men. They're pussies.

Htaed ago

One pussy ass cia coward downvoted this.

chickyrogue ago

he will take them all down he is an fbi informant

paulf ago

Thank you Mr crackerfagottnigger. I'll get right on it.

MrrHandsome ago

Hey guys, brit here! I find it absolutely disgusting what is going on right now, its an epidemic of world proportions. What is clearly going on in your country is most definitely going on here its just not veen blown open as much, Saville was a perfect scapegoat they pinned it all on him and no more questions have been asked. Im proud of you guys for voting Trump and you should all thank your lucky stars you are allowed to own firearms. Get ready for a civil war because its going to happen. Count me onboard, if i have to catch a flight over there to help you take these sick fucks down im in

Thakiddds ago

I hear Australia and new Zealand are nice

redditsuckz ago

4chan and 8chan have both been controlled from the beginning. :^)

I wouldn't doubt it if the 8chan owners DDoS'd themselves.

Innocent_Bystander ago

Honestly. Things are so God Damn volatile right now. The leftists are openly demanding the destruction of western civilisation. And Atleast up until now, the masses have been too scared to say anything. Scared of being called racist and bigot, homophobic and xenophobic. Now the feminists are having a go too with the patriarchy bs.

Well I'm glad that people are beginning to realise that the lack of factual support and nonsensical howling and screeching isn't enough to sustain an argument. We are starting to fight back.

But the kicker.. Is that it might be too late for this current revolution for free speech, we might have taken too long to resist the screeching. The Obama administration is already doing everything in their power to sabotage the current hope of rational thinkers, by attempting to overthrow the popular demand of having the president elect of the free world, who for the most part doesn't agree with the current oligarchy, never actually make it to office. On the grounds of fake news. Which is code for free speech.

Now I'm just coming down from the crazy rollercoaster that was the 2016 election. But apparently we were just finishing buckling in and bringing the accent and haven't EVEN taken the plunge yet.

Fingers crossed I don't have to go to civil war with our current government. Which has militarized their police force. And thinks were just livestock so probably wouldn't mind mowing us all down under the narrative of killing Russian infiltrators, all the while screeching Fake News! And Russian Influence!

lude ago

I think the right is meek having faith in the system until it fully undermines everything. there isn't any reason to call to arms at this moment because nothing has happened and i think thats how the right thinks. if things are taken from us, there will be huge protests and we need to be organizing them ASAP.

chickyrogue ago

this is some scenario you paint but scary true enuf

we must not let them get away with this patriots showing up at dapl kinda got obama to get offa the golf couse for a minute

Shinsha ago

There is an amendment to a law passed 2013 that allows the government to legally use fake news, and propaganda against its citizens. The even allows them to rewrite history and archives to achieve this. It can use any media or resources to achieve their goals. Please watch.

chickyrogue ago

yes this happened we were north korea for a long time before this but this made it aok

CrackerJacks ago

Makes you wonder why did a republican get that changed and was it changed because they thought Mitt Romney would win.

With all these new findings and the way the media are acting, you can see something big is going down.

ByTheBook ago

Good morning and welcome to the apocalypse. Let me be your guide.

In the event of total censorship, we will be regrouping under hashtag Jesus.

If we present information under this hashtag the powers that be are left with this triple bind.

  1. Let their dirty laundry air.
  2. Censor #Jesus before Christmas.
  3. Turn off the internet.

There are enough Christians in the USA who know that when you cannot say Jesus you are in the apocalypse. No matter the amount of spin, they can't get around that. If it's even 90% effective, we still get scads of people, many of them church leaders. Should they turn off the internet, society collapses.

Following that, should they coup Trump, the next course of action is to be like Jesus. Leave society. Give everything you have away. Do not participate in the game to the best of your ability. Hit them in their pocket books by only buying what is nessecary and preferably using trade or barter. Do you really want to be participating in a society whose excesses Includes child abuse and killing for fun and profit?

Here is always an option to fight this evil. It is an option that causes you suffering, but that suffering pales in comparison to what we know they are actively causing. If they want to go that far, we MUST go this far. The message of the bible isn't just "believe in Jesus go to heaven" it is to BE LIKE JESUS AS MUCH AS YOU ARE ABLE SO THAT THIS KIND OF EVIL GENREATED BY EXCESS WEALTH HAS NO FOOTHOLD. If enough people do this, society as we know it collapses.

So this is now their triple bind.

  1. Let their dirty laundry air. The people responsible are jailed or otherwise eliminated. Distinct possibility of WW3.
  2. Society collapses, slowly choking to death.
  3. Society collapses. Shot in he back of the head.

If you don't know how Jesus would act, grab a bible. I pray to God we don't need to use this, but if we must I thank God for giving us this option.

Edit: Also, if #Jesus gets banned, see also SonofMan, SonofGod, Immanuel, Messiah, SecondComing, Christ, KingoftheJews, INRI.

it_was_foretold ago

This needs its own post. Cool if I share it?

ByTheBook ago


RecycledUser ago

Thank you, perfect plan! Maybe this could be added to the main stickied post?

sunajAeon ago

"Good morning and welcome to the Apocalypse" This is more classic than any Stanley Kubrick movie, thanx for a great post

TahTahBur ago

Full circle - bible is the most known / spoken book across the entire west. Learn to speak it, and you inform the public.

e-traiu ago

Im with #jesus if that happens 😇

Pizzainmyass ago


FraKctured ago

I really like this idea. I've been an atheist all my life, but I'm coming around to Team Jesus after watching this pizzagate thing explode. If they ever had to admit they were censoring people talking about Jesus, the jig completely is up.

ByTheBook ago

I'm in the same boat. Lapsed Christian with a HUGE reawakening upon discovering that there was actual evil in the world.

It felt like I was reading Revelation happen in front of me. I can go into more detail with you privately if you contact me.

katphish ago

books of mathew and john

SoCalExile ago

John is the book written, "so that you may believe and in believing have eternal life".

fuckmyreddit ago

As a Jew I approve this message. Hash tag Jesus it is.

HarveyKlinger ago

As a Christian I am "offended" by your statement but I have to admit I laughed. :)

Blacksmith21 ago

Another bagel eater agrees.

loneIy_jew ago

Fellow bagel eater reporting in. Let's fucking make Jesus viral.

LolturdFerguson ago

I'm not a Jew and I love bagels.

HashTagFU ago

I'm a bagel and I love jews.

fuckmyreddit ago

Bagels aren't so bad. You just need a lot of cream cheese and lox. I just want everyone to know not all jews are ultra orthodox bb rapers stuck in the dark ages. We hate these ass holes as much if not more.

SoCalExile ago

Just remember Romans 4:2-8, and Ephesians 2:8-9, which details just how completely Jesus works.

SpikyAube ago

I think we should use the word 'and'. No one could ban that.

peteczar ago


Htaed ago

The time for peaceful protest is OVER!!!! Violence is the answer.

eyeVoated ago

The two pillars of enlightenment are the sacred feminine principle of non-aggression and the sacred masculine principle of self-defense.

Know the difference between violence and force. One can, and sometimes must, use force to defend oneself.

Htaed ago

I have no problem defending myself, but to defend others is a different story. I can sit here and do nothing and die peacefully while evil men murder your children.This happened because people do NOTHING, they do NOTHING because they sit there and wait for someone else to do it.

You can't beat the system as it is sitting there trying to form a bullet proof argument to convince the worthless public who eat everything msm tells them. you do not have the resources they have. This cannot be done peacefully, we are not in a position to do this peacefully.

eyeVoated ago

I agree with your sentiment. I want us to be clear on language. We absolutely must use the principle of self-defense to save humanity. That means saving our children and future generations, sometimes through the use of force, and sometimes even using deadly force when necessary. Deadly force is nonviolent when fighting violent perpetrators such as these. To put it another way, in this case we must be willing to go to war to save freedom and humanity.

Htaed ago


chickyrogue ago

you made me laugh ty

Nyoome ago

They won't ban #jesus , although they may say on instagram 'down for maintenance due to server load', or on twitter the same thing. They WILL get around this, at least officially, it's easy to just not make it show like with the pizzgate hashtag. Good idea, good idea...

ByTheBook ago

Yes perhaps I go too far on the hyperbole.

chickyrogue ago

they probably own the copyright already tho

peteczar ago

i really hope he was legit with his claims about NYPD telling the FBI that they would leak it if they didn't. I hope there is just one good person working at either office, with the power to release it all. Just one person is all it takes.

chickyrogue ago

Preet is alright he's got balls big balls why he didnt take down cuomo im not sure but maybe cuomo falls with all this shit

nys is a cesspool they gotta go up the river for a longtime

YingYangMom ago

Exactly. One Bradley Manning or Edward Snowden is all it takes.

Narcissism ago

Did any of you guys see the cover of the Rothschild Economist 2017 predictions with the Tarot cards?

paulf ago

I asked a Tarot-knowledgeable friend to interpret this for me and she refused to - said it was disturbing secret knowledge. She asked why the Economist was publishing Tarot predictions and when I replied the Rothschilds owned the Economist, she said "Ah, well that makes sense." Since then she has refused to take my calls.

fuckmyreddit ago

THOSE are not Tarot cards. Those are cartoons of Tarot cards showing what will happen. Just look at them. You need no knowledge of Tarot to read them.

nitro169 ago

didnt fbi anon tell us to pay attention to the cards

leavethebag ago

......what do they mean. Other than the words. Do they have deeper meaning?

WhatNowFred ago

Remember the Death card actually means 'transformation' or 'change'. We can only hope there will be great change, caused by great upheaval.

Thakiddds ago

The illuminati card game maybe

IceDagger316 ago

I don't know how accurate this guy's interpretation is, but he does have the positions of the tarot cards correct.

One issue I do have is with his interpretation of the first card. They mention Albert Pike and say that the note nailed to the door might be by him. I think given that the tower has a cross on it and has a red door with a document nailed to it, that the tower represents the Protestant church being split in a conflict between Russia and the Catholic Church.

ababcb ago

Maybe the deeper meaning is "Trump will bring Judgement to America"?

fuckmyreddit ago

Those are not real Tarot cards. Those are pictures of what they want to happen. Riots and such. I know enough about Tarot to know this is not Tarot. I just hope that one card doesn't mean they are installing Trump on purpose. I think it means Trump will win then they will have BLM riots, etc. I can't see the whole thing in detail because I'm on a phone.

peteczar ago

Can you ELI5 on what this could mean?

DuffBeer4Me ago

Obama and co. are setting up a narrative that Russians hacked the election. They will declare the election results are illegitimate, and overthrow him or worse. Look what has happened so far;

  • Anti-Trump protests covered by MSM (which were only in areas where Clinton won, while Trump cleaned up everywhere else)
  • Allegations of Russians hacking. eg. Trying to tie Guccifer with Russia when he is Romanian.
  • CIA tried to hack Georgia's electoral system after the election (to plant evidence of tampering?)
  • Constant 'fake news' narrative to shut down dissentors
  • Outright censorship to shut down dissentors (reddit, twitter, facebook)
  • "Oh, but she won the majority" narrative
  • Trump won by a landslide, but they never use that word.
  • Assange said something like, "they will never let Trump win"

fuckmyreddit ago

I believe this scenario is why Trump is putting forth all the names of Generals for cabinet posts. I believe he is signaling this idea to the military so the rank and file will know these are the leaders the military should follow rather than the creatures put in by Obama. I have faith that somehow the powers of good will know not to follow the orders from the darkness. I could be totally wrong. It is just a hunch.

Truthplease5 ago

important points thanks

peteczar ago

thanks.. all I can say is, I hope they all die in a fire.

YingYangMom ago

Major earthquake which would swallow WH and Connecticut Ave. CPP block whole!

Thakiddds ago

The illuminatI card game predicts all this crap

ByTheBook ago

So does Revelation.

Phobos_Mothership ago

HAH. No, revelations predicts nothing without EXTREME biased symbolic interpretation.

SoCalExile ago

Revelation is actually a tapestry woven from several books of the Bible, to include Zechariah, Daniel, Ezekiel, Isaiah, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Joshua, Ezra, Joel, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and many of the Epistles.

In fact, out of 400 or so verses, it has over 500 references to other books of the Bible. You will not understand Revelation unless you understand the rest of the Bible. That said, it exists to show those in the midst of those events what is and will happen. Those who have not lived in the waning days of the church age could not have understood how this will go down, so trying to interpret Revelation through the lens of tradition is foolish, which is where many go wrong.

This details it a bit, with a short list of some of the references at the end:

Phobos_Mothership ago

I am not reading your bullshit religious texts for 'predictions about the future'

chickyrogue ago

who are these jack boots and how the fuck do we extricate them from our government which is behaving very badly!

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Difficult, I was hoping Trump would bring in the military and declare martial law for 3 months while he has all these fuckers shot for treason...I'd imagine this is what got Kennedy killed, trying to purge the CIA of scum.

chickyrogue ago

what a wonderful idea no wonder he is surrounding himself with generals

look for the steal 12/19

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Why that date?

chickyrogue ago

electoral college finaliizes look for the attempted steal!

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Ah right, well if they do steal it, they are essentially giving up on even the illusion of democracy, should be interesting. I think they're trying to leverage Trump, this is a threat they really don't want to haft follow thru on, I think they'd rather just make Donald compliant, get guarantees of non-prosecution, and I think they'll get them, its gunna haft be the people that tip this, I have no faith in Trump coming thru.

chickyrogue ago

so true its always been on us jonny we are our goevernment they are shams acting in our name but never in our best interest

dindonufin ago

obligatory archive:

DuffBeer4Me ago

thanks, will put in OP.

RedPowerRanger ago

I can't find that font page title, how do we know it's being Ddos'd?

DuffBeer4Me ago

I'd get a screen cap of the message on 'home' for you, but site is super slow.

Noctu ago

Can you onion links? I don't know because I don't use TOR

DuffBeer4Me ago

heres clearnet link for you:

Noctu ago
