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drunk420 ago


isthisreality ago

It is current, modern day MK-Ultra/Project Monarch. All the mind-control shit that we've heard about- how it happened in the 60s- and they stopped the program? No. It is still going... they have just realllly improved upon their methods. You want kids/other people for sex ? MK-Ultra. You need someone to stage a false flag? Get one of the people that have been programmed their whole lives and have them do your bidding. They'll be more than happy to do it. Need a spy/patsy? If you split someone's mind they will pass a lie detector test, unless the person administering the test recognizes and knows how to specifically test someone with multiple personality disorder/DID. And then you have people like us- the regular people/the mass/the zombies- through all of this, they also have control of not only the media, but chemical companies, the education system, pharmaceutical companies, etc- everything that is designed to dumb us down, not question anything, and "go with the flow". We are the "wage slaves". In the background of all this, you have the few, select Elites, that are working on evolving consciousness and pretty much.... i don't know. It gets too weird. I honestly don't know if I am understanding this correctly- but that's what I am getting from all this. I will add stuff later tonight, I haven't put everything in here. This is all, like, I don't know. Too much.

PhilipKayDickens ago

Can we create a separate subverse where we research this? Most people write this sort of connection off as being some kind of tinfoil hat trip, but I'm utterly convinced that this should be the cornerstone of the investigation. Putting it in a separate place would allow people to talk about it without getting buried in the mix and "discredited" by other people who think it is too much of a stretch (same thing they do with the Luciferian cult angle). I think it is just one too many red pills for people, even those that are fully invested in Pizzagate, but it is a completely legit angle that needs to be investigated as thoroughly as possible, and from your posts I get the impression that you are as frustrated as I am that more people are not taking this seriously. If there is overlap in the investigations, we can always cross-post. The beauty of this kind of crowd-sourced, non-profit investigation is that people can branch off and investigate separate things without weakening the overall investigation.

isthisreality ago

At this point I dont really think this is something that we need to be really trying to "push" to people. I think we need to talk about this maybe just amongst ourselves until we can figure out what to do with this info. And I mean, it is hard enough for some people to even consider the possibility of our government being actively involved in child sex stuff. Pedophilia is a non-arguable, real, thing. MK-Ultra... it isn't. I don't know what to do with this, honestly. I don't think it should be "marketed", if you will, until we can figure out an intelligent way to do it. And I think the way to do that is get ALL the facts before we start spilling it all over social media.

PhilipKayDickens ago

I concur, which is why I think it might fare better as a separate subverse; it is clear that people, other than you and I, are interested in the subject, but it keeps getting buried in Pizzagate because it seems too tangential & too "far out" for most people to process. I don't think we should be pushing it to anyone, hence investigating it independently in its own subverse so it is more accessible to anyone that wants to approach it from a "big picture" angle. If there are any overlaps in the investigation, we can post them to pizza gate. This angle is extremely important, but if we post about it here even the people investigating pizza gate call us "conspiracy theorists" and instantaneously discredit us with a thought-terminating cliche.

isthisreality ago

any ideas for alt subverse?

PhilipKayDickens ago

I've thought about it, and I am not sure. No matter what we do, we will look like a bunch of tinfoil hatters.

truthbeloathed ago

v/truthbeloathed ? I tried, but I've been a pussy lurker for too long...woops