FollowtheFunds ago

Admittedly I do not know enough about the google adwords system to say for certain whether these companies are complicit in supporting ‘’. -However I believe they are.

I do know for certain that Tag Heuer and Mercedes Benz are shown to be past advertisers per Salon’s media kit.

I know that commercials embedded in video articles on the site are from paying advertisers. Examples: Advil, Beat by Dre, Amazon Prime…

I found this article on, dated November 30th, in which they lambast advertisers supporting one of their competitors, Breitbart:

The author goes on to say:

“Part of the issue is that many companies aren’t policing where their automatically delivered ads are appearing.

Others don’t seem to care.”

This seemingly puts an end to the above debate as to whether these advertisers should be held responsible. Salon seems to think they are. What is good for the goose is good for the gander. If Salon can brag about Breitbart losing advertisers because of their content; I believe Salon is also fair game.

With this in mind perhaps we should compose a list of Salon Media Groups Advertisers. Additionally contact information for these advertisers would be beneficial so that those inclined could contact these companies and voice their concern.

d3r ago

Ha, HP is already on the BDS list for helping Israeli terrorists.

francisco_DANKonia ago

I wish I were as smart at Mike Cernovich

SlackeryTurnBull ago

It also creates an impression that people are harassing people online over this and trying to ruin "innocent" reputations.

redditsuckz ago

I remember (((Mike Cernovich))) laughing nervously at the pizzagate theory...he and (((Stephan Molyneux))) both looked nervous the day this story broke. Right now he wants people to waste time and not look into pizzagate.

But hey fuck Salon if they run stories like this...

But really this is a waste of time...and they would rather have all pizzagate investigators screen capping shit and not looking into pizzagate.

I_like_paint ago

Ok, you are correct.

boobasaurus_tex ago

I think normalizing pedophilia is related.

thegenericoperator ago

Cernovich! You lispy bastard! You've done it again!

paulf ago

Reminder: this strategy cost Gawker over a million in ads when it was done by pissed off Gamergaters. It's highly effective.

EarlPoncho ago

lol who has ads on

elfboi ago

They're automated ads from Google. Most are user specific, this is an awful idea.

ShinyVoater ago

They may not choose the sites their ads run on, but they can blacklist sites. If Salon enough advertisers blacklist them, they'll get the point.

elfboi ago

These are automated adverts from Google Adwords. The companies have nothing to do with it and for most Adwords ad, it's user specific and/or site specific. i.e. the Google robot crawls the site for content and expeiments with ads that are giving a good CPA.

Terribly stupid idea.

jealoushe ago

Google needs to F off too anyways

boobasaurus_tex ago

Give them enough bad press and they'll change how and where they advertise.

ababcb ago

It's not right to persecute people who haven't acted on their impulses.

jealoushe ago

but watching CP is just as bad as they are the demand for the supply...

Freemasonsrus ago

This is not a good idea. I wish it was. It's simply Ad re-targeting. HP, in this case, paid money to "follow" that person (assuming it's Cernovich) because he visited their site or a related site. They did not pay money to be on that particular article. So honestly, you're accusing a company of something slanderous. Just my two cents.

boobasaurus_tex ago

this is how ads were (are) generated on Breitbart and companies still pulled their ads from the site.

Freemasonsrus ago

Those companies are going to have a really depressing Q1.

The other thing you have to be careful of is the boomerang effect. We go after them for their ad on an article page about pedophilia, those companies choose to pull ads, and then news site uses that as reasons why they won't write about pedophilia.

I_like_paint ago

No, I'm not an sjw. I'm wrong

Gorillion ago

JFC, those articles:

"Bwah, messa peederphyle! Me don hurt dah kyds dogh."

Yeah, you ain't getting the whole "Gay Acceptance" thing, cunts. Go play the "oppression" angle somewhere else, like the inside of an industrial meat grinder running at it's slowest speed.

quantokitty ago

Great idea!

YouaremeandIamyou ago

good work!

derram ago :

Mike Cernovich 🇺🇸 on Twitter: "Go on Salon. Find articles supporting pedophiles. Screen cap the advertising next to it. Tag on Twitter. Ask why they support pedophiles."

This has been an automated message.