nomorepepperoni ago

Here's an old Reddit post I just dropped to

Someone awhile back did their own digging on where Seth was murdered. Complete with a map and plotted camera locations.

I trust that you may find the info useful as a cross-reference.

quantokitty ago

I think knowing where the cameras to be positioned would be more crucial and a much simpler explanation.

LostandFound ago

If you can fly something into the pentagon without a recording of it then you can definitely do this without being caught on camera.

2impendingdoom ago

So, they used TUNNELS to hit the pentagon too... a few months ago that would be crazy talk.

LostandFound ago

Actually that makes about as much sense as any other option at the moment. Especially with the 'eye' witnesses that have come forward in the last few years admitting they are very afraid and will never change their story.

crazy_eyes ago

Avoid street cameras why? This was never really investigated

2impendingdoom ago

The official story is that he was robbed, but street cameras would have shown perpetrators in the area.

Infopractical ago

The story I read is that he was not robbed. His watch strap was torn, but otherwise his possessions were all on him, so far as anyone knows.

crazy_eyes ago

You are implying that someone looked. Hildabeast's team made sure that didn't happen

2impendingdoom ago

I don't know if anyone looked. I would assume the DC police would have checked all the cameras as routine part of any investigation. Isnt' there a reward for information? Other people would be looking, if only for the reward. It just strikes me as a possibility. I had no idea that Washington had so many tunnels and no after finding this out, I just thought it might be something that could help solve Seth Rich's case.

chickyrogue ago

i always felt he was dumped outta a car

2impendingdoom ago

But wouldn't that have shown up on a street cam?

chickyrogue ago

depends on the angel of the street view i would think the sidewalk would that show the road plus they most likely set the cameras that day ahead of time or something possibly 5th column does it all as a stealth

just a feeling i had when first told of his murder i mean robbery attempt ....