Solver2 ago

Huma Abedin and James Alefantis first two listed here:'s_on/index.php

popezandy ago

Hey I'm adding this to my side bar master list post. This new pizza place is worth investigating.

JeremiahSinclair ago

Awesome job! Some bona fide weirdness it looks like you've found here. Super sketchy.,

mrjdouble ago

Hillary's handler, that's a good way to put it. Master of Puppets is pulling your strings.

cantsleepawink ago

Have you looked at the logo ? They use Deliveroo for deliveries. CEO is William Shu

wokeindie ago

I made an infographics based on your info, how to I upload the picture?

thirdeardeaf ago

wokeindie ago

thirdeardeaf ago

Looks great! Did you make this by yourself?

wokeindie ago

the info came on voat first, I googled and grabbed and snipped and put it together. :) thanks.

We_The_People ago

This connection was made 2 months ago but got buried/deleted. Looks like you have more information than the last post I seen on this. Thanks OP

xeemee ago

very close to the Muslim World League building is zizzi restaurant - a pasta and pizza place - if you look at that image, you'll notice that the words 'pasta' and 'pizza' have been blurred, especially 'pizza' - i just found that to be a bit odd and i wonder who's doing the blurring - was is it at the request of zizzi, or is google blurring these words on their own?

here's the google street view of zizzi

i also found the placement of some vans in that area to be almost strategic in nature - as though they might have been parked there to intentionally block certain views, but my confidence in that assessment is extremely low - just thought i'd mention it

eyeVoated ago

That's a straight-up creeper van right in front of the pizza place

standalone ago

Re. funding of terrorism...

Julian Assange interview with John Pilger

Listen from 4:20 Worth watching the whole interview, it's really damning. This was, I think, the last interview that Assange gave before going missing.

shempenny ago

This is impressive research. Crazy connections, but amzing nonetheless. Thank you for sharing!

anolegion ago

ICCO PIZZA is owned by Tamer Kamel, a rather successful poker player, muslim and friend of Nick Maimone, another poker player who has moved to, of all places, a little village in Honduras where he is 'sponsoring' 10 kids.

mrjdouble ago

"sponsoring" in air quotes. Another great find, well done.

DirtyDancingRedShoes ago

Don't understand the significance of the pizza.jpg. because that is Euna lee's daughter. Was this picture circulated by Lee and ling, or by someone else and why?

standalone ago

The problem isn't the photo that seems like a completely innocent photo. The problem is the innuendo from the author of the email, and the fact the author said this innuendo came from John Podesta, and seems to think that it was such a good cheesy private joke that it was worth making an email about it with multiple people in copy. This makes no sense unless there is some sort of implicit semantic connection between pizza and something else that the photo appears to be showing or representing symbolically. Now if you apply the FBI code for pedophilia and interpret the photo from this perspective, the innuendo suddenly makes a lot of sense, and is pretty damning.

AreWeSure ago

No. That is completely confirmation bias. I read zero innuendo in the email.

What is better that people who were imprisoned in North Korea to be back in America, free, and enjoying a good meal with their family. Can you imagine a better feeling?

George_Carlin ago

next level autism! up vote voted!

4thDaGrymReaper ago

Yeah we need more on Huma, shes Killarys right hand woman. Good job.

srayzie ago

I think she's good. Her and her sister Lisa Ling are really close. Lisa Ling had her own show Our America and would travel and cover things from other countries and lifestyles. She's good. I think her sister Laura, does the same thing.

Selnee ago

Hasn't Lisa Ling done some shows about sex trafficking also. I think she did an episode about it on her CNN show and possibly other times. Lisa Ling is awesome in my book.

srayzie ago

Yes! She did. I really enjoyed her shows. I haven't seen it lately but I used to watch it all of the time.

Cbradio ago

2026717233 cps in DC, call asap, need meme, demand taped, restrained child found, welfare check, patents found, other kids HE took pics HE posted on public web. If false, then simple, where are the kids, parents, full psych, medical well-being. Call cps in ny, Huma endanger child repeat as Weiner sext text and jack off, video proof. Media and others fail mandate report a taped child or Weiners kid. Epstein is connected fact, as is that weird video with red ski mask. Harrasing concerned witnesses of these abuse photos is a felony. Look at cps cases that bombard good fans, but ignore a taped child and humans toddler!! Use child development, psych, mixed msgs, dissociate, unsafe boundary development, mixed msgs creates crime victims not know safe boundaries or can split mind to schizo. Got to call cps as the kid pica ARE the EVIDENCE, as are kids walked out comet today, told to run, got in a uber. If story false then DIH, each posted kid HAS to be found by cps and welfare checked fully. That's the law..use it!! Every call might save a life, finally!! Also, any hired with schools and camps that do that creepy stuff, is illegal to hire and endanger students, mislead they are reputable. Federal grants and FAFSA also have strict hiring policies. So call FAFSA, school grants, schools, colleges. We have strategy to use. This is standard tools to.use in child abuse. Thx.

bignickwicked ago

This is the most difficult thing to read, ever.

Cbradio ago

Well, if you care about the children, read it again and call cps. Let me break it down, cps is CHILD PROTECTIVE SERVICES. 20126727233 DONT know a word or phrase, look it up. MANDATED CHILD ABUSE REPORTING LAWS. CHILD PSYCHOLOGU - healthy boundaries vs taping/ restrain a child, mixed msgs. You care about the ENDANGERED children in the pics, such as one taped, or being a cock?

dickface8 ago

Gotta check this out if you havnt yet

AreWeSure ago

As a reminder for those who haven't seen this, the subject is "Pizza.jpg", the email says "As John said, it doesn't get any better than this" and there is an attachment. If you open the attachment, you'll see two Asian women eating pizza, one of them sharing the same slice with a little girl. The two women in the photo are Laura Ling and Euna Lee who were arrested in North Korea while reporting on sex trafficking, rescued quickly by Bill Clinton.

As far as I know, this is the only email in all of Wikileaks that clearly links the term "pizza" with both "children" and "sex trafficking", all in one photo.

It doesn't do that whatsoever.

crazimal ago

Oh but it does; the picture is of people investigating trafficking, with a child, eating pizza, and came to light because it was transmitted as email attachment to John Podesta, whose brother collects art by and about exploited children, and who is connected to cpp, the family friendly pizza joint formerly with cannibalism themed paintings in the walls, owned by alefantis, the same delightful character who by virtue of his restaurants (!?) and directorship of a few minor art galleries, is "powerful" and "connected" to Washington's "elite" (Joined at the dirty underbelly at least). Context.

shaboyi999 ago

I think there is nothing suspicious about two American caught by North Korea. Trafficking operations in North Korea is very dangerous and cost inefficient, it will be much easy just lure these North Koreans already flee into China.

AreWeSure ago

The two Americans were working on a story of North Korean defectors fleeing into China. An aspect of that larger story is that women who defect are particularly vulnerable and are often picked up by Chinese traffickers, because if they go to the authorities they will be sent back to North Korea and to prison.

mrjdouble ago

Sent back to NK for the firing squad.


in4theLongRun ago

I used to work around that area in London the pizza place looks pretty innocent to me just seems to have picked an unfortunate location... I wouldn't believe a connection unless there was a link with the ownership. So far this posts link to pizza is speculation.

YingYangMom ago

Forget the pizza place. The fact that Abdullah Omar Nassef, the founder of Rabita Trust, (which is an organization fronting as a charity, confirmed by the U.S. State Department to actually be funding terrorism) was secretary of the Muslim World League of which Huma's brother, Hassan Abedin and her mother Saleha Mahmood were editor assistant and editor in chief, just shows how both of them or interconnected. And let's not forget the most compelling piece of evidence of them all: the fact that both companies share the same exact address. In other words, they are intertwined, one and the same, only they share different names.

dbstfbh ago

CPP probably looks pretty innocent to most people.

thirdeardeaf ago

You don't think having the same address is a valid link?

in4theLongRun ago

Not in London many buildings have buisness on the ground floor that are unrelated to the ones above. I used to work under vogue offices for example and it was a sushi place totally unrelated. The rest of the post is accurate though huma's family is linked to that organisation it has been previously established n u can find YouTube vids on it. ... I'm not saying it isn't possible but so far I don't see the evidence as strong enough to say that pizza place is corrupt.

madhatter67 ago

Agreed.....that part of London has massive old buildings that will often have a shop at the bottom and several floors above that may contain different businesses

That said, Fitzrovia is a very strange place....kind of a separate village right in the middle of London, with a very "bohemian" vibe

SaneGoatiSwear ago

can confirm here?

clearly this is a building with a sushi resturant and vogue

clearly conde nast is in the sushi business /s

fucking lol.

so much confirmation bias, right longrun?

@thirdeardeaf why yes, having the same address doesn't ness. mean fuck all. and your claim that they're "in the same suite" is entirely unsubstantiated as both their contact infos don't say anything about suites that i see. please provide some proof that claim.

in4theLongRun ago

Haha weird that's the place ^^ (feeling a bit stalked but all in the name of truth) the owner of that place was owner of prett too and not related to condenast so that is correct.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

imagine what they're doing with those trillion dollar black budgets.... i just used the words "london vogue office" into searx and it was the first pic.

in4theLongRun ago

Lmao "shivers" makes me remember why we are doing all this because despite all the technology they have and the info the gather they still can't use it in a court of law so they need to gather info the old school way... Enter citizen investigators. Also feeling a bit hand tide as still haven't reached 100 comments so I can down vote the shills. We should be moving much faster!

P.s sanegotiswear you have creepy voting habits 0.0 Submissions: This user has upvoted 6666 and downvoted 9999 submissions.

Comments: This user has upvoted 9999 and downvoted 8888 comments.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

every moment one takes even thinking about shills is another moment lost to them.

featureblue ago

Nice work there! If NYPD had Weiners computer they have Humas personal emails; I wonder if she had been communicating with those terrorist orgs; that would be quite revealing!

Celtic_Warriors ago

This is very interesting...Politics and Prose owner is a partner with an Iraqi political activist who ran for mayor of Washington...

fartyshorts ago

Huma is deeply involved. Also, someone should dig in to the exact matches for that address.

peteczar ago

thirdeardeaf ago

Not the Icco pizza connection though. Just the terrorist ties.

Godwillwin ago

I'm telling y'all, those little pizza slice symbols and hotdog symbols are all the same weird looking symbols on all the shady pizza joints. This one has it in the title ICCO. Dr Pong had the nasty drippy hotdogs on their London menu. We've seen the drippy bests pizza slice too and there's one on goat hill and pizza underground too

thirdeardeaf ago

What about the symbol in the upper right second page of their menu here:

Is that Arabic? Can anyone read it?

Headstart ago

Hallal. Signifies the food is made according to Islamic law.

Good catch. This place is most likely Muslim owned.

Godwillwin ago

Good job! I knew that humas fam had terrorists ties, but I didn't know about the pizza place at that address!

thirdeardeaf ago

Thanks! How are you holding up with all your friends calling you crazy for believing this? I'm having a hard time. My own boss thinks I'm wacko now lol.

And yeah I noticed the connection weeks ago but was too lazy to post it till now.

alanna ago

Had someone last night express "concern" about how passionate I am about this investigation taking place. REALLY?!

dindonufin ago

my friends and family all know i'm smarter than they are, they still dont appreciate the implications though...

CROM_God_of_Shitkind ago

Hahaha I tried to bet 1K with a family member that trump would win prior to nominations. They thought I was crazy but also didn't want to bet because of my past record with other events...

Sephel ago

My wife and her side of the family are the only ones who don't think I'm in over my head in conspiracy theories. The rest of my family and friends refuse to investigate it at all. Pushing as much as I can on Facebook though, I'm done giving a shit if people think I'm crazy. For the sake of truth and justice, I'm willing to lose the trust of as many friends and family as is necessary. Not sure why I decided to post this, maybe just feeling alone in all this with no real-life friends on my side.

edit: Thanks for the support, you guys are awesome. My only true friends as far as I'm concerned.

Werwer12 ago

Dead on. My wife is upset at how it has consumed me, and I understand that she feels that way. On the other hand, I've pointed out to her that what the government does in general, has never been a concern of hers, but that's not how I feel. We've grown up our entire lives being told that there are rules to follow, laws to abide by, people that we can trust, then, to have it all ripped away from you brings on a feeling of emptiness. It's incredibly depressing. The feeling of being alone from a government standpoint and then to be told by friends and family that you're spending too much time on this is just hard to handle. It makes me want to just scream and break down in tears out of frustration.

alliecapone ago

It helps when your spouse believes you, it's nice to also have someone sane IRL to talk to

pizzathrowaway7 ago

I'm glad that I am not the only one experiencing this.

isthisreality ago

Yeah, seriously, don't give up. I started posting about these pedos before the news even broke about it. One of my friends commented on a post of mine and said, "Wow, conspiracy game is going strong today", and my sis texted me one day after seeing my posts and said, "Umm... with all those posts, you are starting to come off as crazy...". I told her I didn't care if people thought I was crazy or if I lost friends over this. It is real and it has been going on too long because no one wants to talk about it, and its not fucking right. So oh well. I've lost friends, but I have gained a lot through all this also. I really don't care.

Truthseaker84 ago

Right there with you. I think people don't want to face reality.

Like_it_is ago

I have stopped talking to friends and family about it because of the push back. But I still manage to bring it up occasionally. The fake news narrative has worked well unfortunately. However truth is like water, it can't be held back forever.

pizzagatewillnotdie ago

Everyone here for the most part is the same. It's hard to come to this conclusion without doing countless hours of research, and then it's still hard. Also, most people don't have the time, or dedication, or critical thought process to allow this train of though to happen to begin with. It's a blessing and a curse. Stay strong, stay safe, you are not alone.

srayzie ago

That's how I feel. It sucks when you can't share news when something is discovered because your loved ones are not open to hearing it or not interested

YingYangMom ago

You are not alone. I feel the same way, but I put my faith in God and in the truth. We are on the right path. Peace :)

dbstfbh ago

Stay strong brother. It'll be worth it when these reptiles are behind bars.

Godwillwin ago

I haven't talked to my 4 best friends about it because 3 of them just had babies so I didn't want to bring it up while going to see the babies. The 4th one has been out of town for work. I did "lecture" them in a group text after Trump won because they group texted how will we go on blah blah blah. They know I'm conservative so they said we hope this doesn't make you mad. So I lit into them about how ridiculous and irresponsible the left was acting after he won.

I have chatted with local people on a local political blog - most of them are conservative and I'd say that 60 percent believe it but that only 20 percent are bound and determined to do something about it. The majority have the attitude "child rape by the elites has been going on for centuries"

MolochHunter ago

well if child rape has been going on for centuries, we have the internet now so they cant hide it, and we're going to put a stop to it. Now that's what I call a 'progressive agenda'

mishka ago

The majority have the attitude "child rape by the elites has been going on for centuries"

Freud backtracked on his original theories when it would result in accusing many prominent men of incest:'s_seduction_theory

PolybiusPizza ago

It was shocking to see how non-chalant were when I told my parents about the pedocrats... They knew.

Godwillwin ago

My parents knew about the body count - my mom listened to rush Limbaugh on the kitchen radio while Clinton was in office. It drove me nuts growing up.

I can never eat a homemade tuna salad sandwich without heating rush's voice bellowing in my head. Lol. His show came on around lunch time, and in the summer we'd eat tuna salad to keep our calories low.