flyingcuttlefish ago

and this has more too -

flyingcuttlefish ago

This is a very good read - has to do with ebay . . .

flyingcuttlefish ago

ebay CEO Devin Wenig cannot get enough of Hillary

[Here’s the memo eBay’s CEO just sent to staff in the wake of Donald Trump’s surprise victory]( in the wake of Donald Trump’s surprise victory on Tuesday, Wenig sent out a company-wide note — which Recode got its hands on — to eBay’s global staff on Wednesday,

In it, Wenig acknowledged the “sense of fear and disruption caused by the impact that changing economic trends, including technology innovation, are having on people’s lives.” ... blah, blah, globalism, blah, globalism, blah, ....

Hillary Clinton Speaks at eBay Inc.'s WIN Summit 2015

2015 ebay puff piece on Hillary

It looks like Wenig is tied to **Rothchild's **Reuters - "From June 2006 to April 2008, Wenig was COO and a board member of Reuters Group plc. " - from link below-

The guy before Wenig was this guy: The Omidyar Network and CF (Clinton Foundation)

flyingcuttlefish ago

and Pierre Omidyar is on the editorial board of Huffington Post.

**Did he fire David Seaman???

chickyrogue ago

The EBAY guy is trying to steal all voting methods this has been uncovered in this way...... someone i know did all this research its been all over reddits weeks ago they threaded it......

TEAM H CAN GENERATE ELECTRONIC BLANK BALLOTS AND REMOTELY MARK THEM. IT WILL BE UNDETECTABLE. It has been a plan 6-7 years in the making, and once H is in, "our US" is gone forever - it will be in the hands of the Omidyar Group. It started in 2009 when Schumer got the MOVE Act passed that allowed new voting technology to serve overseas voters. Pew Charitable Trust provided supporting documentation for the Act. This is important because H's former COS, Luzzatto, (who was also COS to Rockefeller, recommended to him by Podesta) is Pew Sr. VP and Dir. of Gov. Relations. Since 2011 the Omidyar Group, through Democracy Fund (DF) has been funding studies used to support legislation and voting technology standards regulation. DF has also been funding Pew's Election Initiatives project. In 2013 an executive order created the PCEA, and most of the people on the PCEA are connected to Pew or to entities receiving grants from DF. Another Omidyar arm, Democracy Fund Voice (DFV) states on its site that it will work to appoint three EAC commissioners needed to reactive the EAC's Standards Board, responsible for approving new voting standards. In 2014, upon advice from the "stacked" PCEA, Obama appointed three EAC commissioners, all having ties to DF grantees. In 2015 the Standards board approved Project 1622's standard (which is trademarked.) This means they now have a common data format (CDF) that allows them to convert the data formats that vary across registration databases, voting machines, etc. In 2012, Pew released the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC) a voter registration database that also contains information about but non-registered but eligible voters based on DMV and other records. Pew aggressively marketed it ERIC, citing Pew studies, the PCEA recommendations (from DF grantees,) evidence presented at Congressional hearings (again, all tied to Pew DF or H-camp in some way,) and endorsements from the NCSL (along with big contributions made to state SOS and legislators, e.g. Emily's List donated over $200,000 to WV SOS campaign.) In 2016, Pew offered grants to states joining ERIC by May 31. Pew is also offering grants to cover mailing costs for registration postcards, and several states have received them. ERIC is in 21 states. Ohio (a very recent ERIC join) is "testing" Random Ballot Marking System in the election. That proves RBMS IS operable - probably in all the ERIC states, at least. The RBMS was created by Civic Design - another DF grantee. Pew also created the Voting Information Project in conjunction with Google. The two Pew people instrumental in developing and marketing ERIC and VIP left Pew in August, citing funding cuts. They incorporated in September and one of them testified in the recent Oversight Cybersecurity hearing. Another thing - the Soros-connected voting machines are in ERIC states or states with other connections to the scheme I've described above. Additionally, the entire VBM operation is in Omidyar's hands: VBM national coordinator, Tammy Patrick, is tied to Pew, PCEA, the TGDC (related to voting standards,) and the USPS link for election mail resources is to Election Center, funded by DF. THE OMIDYAR GROUP HAS TAKEN OVER OUR LEGISLATIVE PROCESS. They even have an ad hoc congress that interacts with our own. If the new voting technology is trademarked - they will have control over EVERY future election. PLEASE NOTE - It's very possible all but a few individuals involved knew little or nothing about the "overall scheme." As you can see, this is a complicated. I have a VAST amount of evidence, mostly from government sources. Here are some basics: “The Democracy Fund DOES NOT accept unsolicited proposals (emphasis theirs.) We proactively seek new grants based on strategic priorities and typically identify new grantee partners from within our network of allies and contacts. We work closely with grantee partners to help them achieve their goals.” Democracy Fund Voice - look at "what we do" Democracy Fund report showing grantees PCEA Report Note the supporting documentation matches the DF grantees and ElectionCenter is funded by DF Voting Information Project National Conference State Legislators Clearly shows relationship between DF, Pew and PCEA September 27, 2016: NCSL on Electronic Transmission of Ballots States. Keep and eye on this – a lot of recent changes ERIC FEC Project 1622/VSSC Membership Joe Goldman (yes, “THAT, Goldman,” later named President, Democracy Fund) presents “Strengthening Our Nation’s Democracy.” The stated goal is to “support and promote a comprehensive electoral reform agenda through both executive action (executive orders, agency coordination and Department of Justice [DOJ] enforcement) and active support for federal electoral reform legislation.” EAC Commissioner Myna Perez and Thomas Hicks Commissioner Matthew Masterson Commissioner Christy A. McCormick June 12, 2012: Sec. Clinton is met at Pew by Luzzatto and Pew CEO, Rebecca Rimel for a one-hour closed-press/off-the-record meeting with the Pew Foundation Board of Directors. RBMS IEEE 1622 Standards Vote by Mail USPS links and Tamera Luzzatto and

its the omidyar group

flyingcuttlefish ago

Dr. Leuren Moret has this reply:

This is the trail that shows clearly how the Iranian bloodlines have infiltrated the US and ebay/Omidyar has funded taking over the entire US voting process.

Pierre Omidyar Pannetta Uzbek eyes, bloodline breeding, very smart, father (no name revealed) is a surgeon at Johns Hopkins (Jesuits), Pierre Omidyar is from a Silk Road "bazzar-ee" history so starting ebay was a natural for him, from a wealthy family and obviously a strict Iranian tribal breeding program.


WHY IS HE LIVING IN HENDERSON NEVADA?????????????? Omidyar has to be working with Livermore and Los Alamos nuke labs and maybe their Cray computers.

Silicon Valley geeks are like that with ties to the US military/Intel etc.
Larry Ellison (Oracle) has ties to Livermore and the DIA/DARPA: SMART METERS at UC Berkeley/FEMA/DHS/UCD; REAL ID w 2 KGB Generals at DHS/Livermore; and Mormons(.

Schumer Silk Road Iranian practicing satanic Jew, Congressman from NY/Clinton intimate and ally

Tamera Luzzato (PEW Trust) - Italian name (Iranian) ties to Rockefeller/Podesta


OMIDYAR OVERTHROW OF US THROUGH THE VOTING MACHINES: Democracy Fund (DF) [ Omidyar] Pew's Election Initiatives project [funded Omidyar] Democracy Fund Voice (DFV) [funded Omidyar] Revise EAC's Standards Board, responsible for approving new voting
standards by Obama appointing 3 new Board members [funded Omidyar] ERIC - Congressional hearings (again, all tied to Pew DF or H-camp in some way,) [funded Omidyar] JESUIT/Ohio (a very recent ERIC join) is "testing" Random Ballot Marking System in the election RBMS (Random Ballot Marking System) was created by Civic Design -
another DF grantee Soros-connected voting machines are in ERIC states or states with other connections to the scheme [Soros link to Omidyar] Entire VBM operation is in Omidyar's hands: VBM national coordinator, Tammy Patrick, is tied to Pew, PCEA, the TGDC (related to voting standards,) and the USPS link for election mail resources is to Election Center, funded by DF THE OMIDYAR GROUP HAS TAKEN OVER OUR LEGISLATIVE PROCESS They even have an ad hoc congress that interacts with our own


**Dr. Leuren Moret's website **with lots of extra info on these old family lines and power grabbers -

flyingcuttlefish ago

and a lot of add on material to that topic is HERE

flyingcuttlefish ago

additional from L.M. -

The difference between the Uzbek Iranian tribes and the Tajik Iranian tribes right next door, is that the Uzbeks are at the top and they needed a group of troublemakers to carry out their dirty work and then take the rap for it leaving the Uzbeks unblemished.

So the Uzbeks made the Tajiks into a victim population by inbreeding them, putting them in gulags, pogroms, and ghettos, creating a physically defective and mentally unstable population of troublemakers. Then the Uzbeks converted them from Zoroastrianism to satanic 'judaism" following the Mesopotamian magic books called the Kabballah and Talmud.

The true Jews were black and lived along the southern region of the Red Sea. They followed the Torah.
The Ashkenaz jews are Silk Road Iranians who lived in 4 villages in northern Turkey, and created their own pidgin Hebrew - Yiddish - so that they could talk about business transactions in front of other people without the other people understanding what they were saying. They started out lying as a mechanism to outdo other people and to give them an advantage.

Nothing has changed about that culture of lying since they became a victim population.

chickyrogue ago

TY so much for this i am passing this immediately to the researcher who developed it TY again so much they will feel so validated!

flyingcuttlefish ago

That's all Leuren Moret's info plus readers' ... all I am doing is copying it here. They do GREAT research. Trivia - this explains how Leuren Moret got all interested in old families with money and Iranian tribes etc. -

It has way more views that that counter shows.... YT screwing around again....

chickyrogue ago

TY again ps YT? [explain please and thank you ]

flyingcuttlefish ago

YT = You Tube - owned by G00gle - they low ball viewer counts on videos they don't like and do their things to interfere with people who are not breaking any terms of service but with whom they disagree. And on their own public relations creeps' videos they place higher in searches than they deserve.

chickyrogue ago

of course so sorry spaced on you tube !

yes they manipulate like crazy and they deleted david seamen not kool

flyingcuttlefish ago


chickyrogue ago

yeah in fact this is so important that you have linked them to ebay in pizzagate cuz as the electronic fraud got researched this summer this person uncovered all of this.....this is all sitting in appropriate legal hands do you mind if i make them aware of your pizza gate tie in?

and notice it moves forward unabated the dems just put schumer in as their leader yeah? what a mess he is for democracy and nys trust me.....also look for the steal 12/19

flyingcuttlefish ago

yeah - spread all around. I will archive this thread in case they try and scrub it.

chickyrogue ago

TY so much i have it tucked away as welll you never know keep diggiin

this is why censorship of unrelated things is so dangerous who determines what is related and what isnt TY again freedom fighter

derram ago :

Glenn Greenwald to join media venture backed by eBay founder Omidyar - :

[Question] Why would there be 30ish wifi networks seemingly emanating from under a concrete pad? : BlackOps

This has been an automated message.

carmencita ago

Greenwald has been bought? Please say it is not so, but I need to know the truth.

amCassandraAMA ago

there will always be collaborateurs

flyingcuttlefish ago

yeah! I just posted one of the "Fake News" theme stories now running on The Intercept as a comment. Plus - didn't you notice the very ODD Hillary-boot-licking in November? I smelled a rat then.

Yeah, I have the Intercept bookmarked as a fav. Now I will just check them to see what evil-bay has to say!

chickyrogue ago

i guess he enjoys breathing!

avoir greenwald

amCassandraAMA ago

I guess you mean au revoir? because avoir means to have

chickyrogue ago

yes 5 years of french nothing stuck!

amCassandraAMA ago

same hehe

chickyrogue ago


carmencita ago

Now I am starting to wonder if those stories about Snowden are true. Is he for real or not? I am keeping an open mind. These people know no bounds and cannot be trusted.

flyingcuttlefish ago

The Intercept - Disinformation, Not Fake News, Got Trump Elected, and It Is Not Stopping

"The gunman, -- blah, blah .... discovered that there were no child sex slaves being held at the pizza place, Comet Ping Pong, despite the lurid fantasies he had read online about a made-up scandal known as “PizzaGate,” which surfaced just before Election Day. . . . " blah, blah, blah .....

carmencita ago

Help! Where will we go for news? I was trusting Intercept, Greenwald, Lee Fang, etc. The search is on for the truth.

flyingcuttlefish ago

I guess VOAT is the new Intercept!

carmencita ago

Yes, I guess so. I am still on Reddit sometimes on DNC Leaks. That is pretty dead now since we cannot discuss #pizzagate. I will check out the Real News and RT and see what happens. I have been busy but will check out Lee Camp. He is always to be trusted imo.