HolyMoly0 ago

We're uncovering a scandal. It deserves the name of a scandal.

Give PizzaGate time. We own the narrative. If we rebrand now, the story loses traction--especially if the name sounds like any other name of any random charity organization.

I do kinda like LittleLivesMatter, though...

heygeorge ago

Or perhaps Little Life Savers

Phobos_Mothership ago

STOP SUGGESTING A REBRAND. just use multiple hashtags. Rebranding is a known divide and conquer technique.

HolyMoly0 ago


Noctu ago

This was brought up a while ago, the name is too far in and its what just has to be now. The idea was to add hashtags along with your message.

The best ones I saw was #LittleLivesMatter and #PedoFiles

putneg ago

lets not associate in name with a group funded by soros ;)

Noctu ago

lol Already happening man

SecureYourSeats ago

"Little Lives Matter". I've heard it used around here. I like it.

heygeorge ago

This is an idea that's been on my mind since y'all have been gaining traction. A rebrand isn't a bad idea. Save The Children is already taken, @goodguy1367.

Project Mercy is the closest in OP, in my opinion.

goodguy1367 ago

For the Children

heygeorge ago

I think the other peeps in this thread are more on top of this.

goodguy1367 ago

what about OP Save the kids?

heygeorge ago

Not bad but kids isn't as good as children. Children brings up an image of parents, family, and really tugs. Kids doesn't bring the same imagery.

forno_a_legna ago

I agree. I'm sure someone out there can come up with something better, but I feel as though a re-brand is definitely necessary.

goodguy1367 ago

Yea good point there if its a serious name with something about helping the kids they will look like wankers, which they are, if they try criticize that. Save The Children or something like that, something with kids or children in the title

SaveTheChildren ago

Any children's charity / service is suspect. It's really sad.

Poot_McGarvey ago

cheesy is fine but the length of what you suggested is too clunky for sharing around twitter and such.

Rebranding is tough but if you come across something good just start spreading it.