ArlenWilliams ago

Why is this "deleted?"

voatcaesarpizza ago

Which links are broken?

Heffter ago

It's all symbolic codes, the message is plain to see if one knows the technique...

I'm still working on this...


IS there any connection between the Biljana Djurdjevics's painting of the children with the red shoes and the picture of Tony and his friends with the red shoes (as described in the link below)?

Unreasonable ago

When the abyss stares us in the face, it is our duty to stare back, unafraid, willing to bring the darkness into the light. Our small trauma is this big trauma. These are the sick people who run our lives, build our culture, flood our airwaves and make our movies. You're already part of the cult. Time to break free.

Queen_Puabi ago

Omg that makes me sick :/

James_Alefantis ago

I will be doing a Reddit AMA Friday at 2pm EST.

IWishIWasFoxMulder ago

This needs to be mirrored to slimg or something right now while notating what the original hyperlinks were. Also get the EXIF data and everything else needed to analyze the pics themselves.


Teddy Bears - yes this motif keeps popping up


AND Comets


dental related company - tied to Clintons

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Excellent best hook I've seen so far!!!

MAGABoomer ago

Not in this case in particular. There are dentist chairs, bloody child's teeth, and other dental imagery associated with this and there's this:

joe_hill ago

Alot of eggs here.

What does Mean EGG TO THESE PEOPLE ? Remember Alefantis farm...

cosmicmind ago

Somewhere on this thread is a art picture of a child and a birthday cake. I wondered what the significance might be? It means something in their cryptic code.

Well, check this out, the link shows snips of many media broadcasters saying the same phrase, "A childs happiness is priceless, especially on a birthday."

These corp media uses the venue that's for sure.

goodguy1367 ago

How do you post these links so the picture drops down when you click it?

Chance903 ago

Extremely well laid out, you need to archive this. maybe several people need to archive it in different places. so it does not disappear.

Investigate1999 ago

I noticed that some of those image details are so specific. Instead of moulding on the wall, we see what appears to be electrical wire piping.

2 of those people look very sad.

Queen_Puabi ago

That's right. Someone on here posted something about how to prepare a human (long pig) for eating by some satanic church. I'm not sure where the link is, but that's the meaning. Cannibalism

Queen_Puabi ago

What is going on with all the ducks/chickens/eggs in these photos? The dental chairs and tiled floors too...

juhos ago

Tiles are from washable killrooms. Mentioned in witness reports around the world.

rp5x5 ago

Post this on usenet at alt.movies.Kubrick The whole thing is very Kubrickesque..

MeatballPizza ago

You actually missed he sickest of all - the Long Pig Art owned by Tony Podesta. It's people / children dressed in little pig outfits. Google "long pig art" and you will NOT sleep tonight. Turns out, John Podesta slaughtered pigs during summers while at Law School. Hot shot law firm or judge clerkship? Nah. John wanted to go murder animals.

CrackerJacks ago

No direct link, but it makes you wonder what's going through that persons mind to come up with this stuff in the paintings.......There is a pedo element to it.

SlackeryTurnBull ago

Many of these art works sell for millions of dollars. That's why Podesta is collecting it. The public is not going to buy that this is proof of anything. That includes the Roman statue on Alefantis' Instagram, which by all appearance is a fully-developed adult/teen. This stuff by itself is not proof of anything. People need to look into culture very broadly, and see why these themes dominate. What is behind the Satanic symbolism in pop music, for example. Particularly in the past 10 years or so, with artists such as KeSha and the popularity of Illuminati symbolism.

Rigg5 ago

If we can agree that ART is a huge form of money laundering, then maybe we need to investigate the art world a bit.

Banned4Truth ago

Oh I'm convinced the art world has something to do with this. Sir Clement Freud, the pedo who had something to do with McCann disappearance, his brother was a painter Lucian Freud. I'm still searching for a connection to the Podestas

dootdootbeepbop ago

Request for clarification: I understand Podesta likes/owns the art of Biljana Djurdjevic.

Is Scott G Brooks linked because of similar content matter ("indepedantly"), or because they also like/own his work?

Has anyone looked into galleries, curators, and sales of said artwork?

umpteenth ago

Has anyone noticed what is lurking behind the pink curtain in the Bucks 10 anniversary photo?

voatcaesarpizza ago

Hold on, I got something for you guys here. (edit: screenshots linked at bottom)

Madrid is where all those weird Facebook profiles of the "Buffalo Club" link to.

Basically the Buffalo Club were a bunch of people on Facebook linked to pedophilia that would comment very weird comments on very weird pictures, implying pedophilia. It's absolutely worth the read, although I found it a little hard to understand at first (the formatting is weird).

If you scroll down that page, you'll see facebook screenshots and links. These were active accounts, and remain so. But if you look at them now, they're all women in their 20s from Madrid, all with the same message saying something along the lines of "I'll add you only if I know you in real life." I'm betting the guys went underground. Here are some of the profiles: Matthy Romney's old account



Who has a photo of kids... (SFW) Chad Shackley's old account This person (and another similar profile) were close friends with the others here.

I think it's really fucking weird that they all just chose random women and made their accounts look innocuous, yet they all look the same too. Maybe Madrid is important.

The archive doesn't work, so I guess I'm just able to load them from my cache. But now that I look closer, it's Marabella, Spain -- not Madrid. But here's screenshots anyway. Each of those pages has the text

!!! AVISO A NAVEGANTES !!!!!! Doy amistad en Facebook a quien conozco en la vida real. No doy amistad en Facebook a quien no conozco en la vida real. Si te conozco dime quién eres y pídeme amistad y será un placer tenerte de amigo aquí. Si no te conozco no pierdas tu tiempo y lo que es mucho más importante no me hagas perder el mío, no quiero amigos por este medio

willnotbesilent ago

Always, always, always remember to archive things you find. :) These people we research have a tendency to delete everything very quickly. Almost all links you posted are broken now.

voatcaesarpizza ago

They all still work for me.

amCassandraAMA ago

please save everything you can from you cache and repost that

pizzagatewillnotdie ago

Please tell me you archived these. They're all dead.

voatcaesarpizza ago

They all work for me. What's broken?

pizzagatewillnotdie ago

None of the facebook links work.

voatcaesarpizza ago

Weird, they work for me.

pizzagatewillnotdie ago

Can you archive them at or take screenshots and post the links?

voatcaesarpizza ago

The archive doesn't work, so I guess I'm just able to load them from my cache. But now that I look closer, it's Marabella, Spain -- not Madrid. But here's screenshots anyway. Each of those pages has the text

!!! AVISO A NAVEGANTES !!!!!! Doy amistad en Facebook a quien conozco en la vida real. No doy amistad en Facebook a quien no conozco en la vida real. Si te conozco dime quién eres y pídeme amistad y será un placer tenerte de amigo aquí. Si no te conozco no pierdas tu tiempo y lo que es mucho más importante no me hagas perder el mío, no quiero amigos por este medio

bidentime ago

Bravo. Not only was that a great rant, it was a well-documented great rant!

Hangdempedos ago

wellington33 ago

another one! what is this??? look his videos!!

MAGABoomer ago

Jaysus, slaughtering French black people.

wellington33 ago

Look at the only comment in that video!!!! Awesome grounded and seems like a really nice person...we need more "normal" know what I mean.

6 years ago!!!!

matt_frohlich ago

I thought this artwork looked familiar, then I remember that Vigilant Citizen did an article about a creepy hotel room that had a piece of artwork in a similar style. Perhaps it was the same artist?

Also this picture with the black and white checkered floor looks like an altar that you commonly see in occult rituals. Here are a couple examples. Both of which are from the Ordo Templi Orientis, I believe. The OTO is an occult secret society that some have tried to link to pizzagate.

travistea ago

If anyone believes in Gematria or believe the occult does put significance on this belief, "pizzagate" = 666. The probability that 666 will occur in any random sequence of three numbers is equal to 1 chance in 1000 (or 1/1000). Coincidence? Is pizzagate connected to the occult in the aim of something bigger than self gratification? Or just the sick desires of those who have everything and still need more?

AllDancingCrap ago

pizzagate in English Gematria Equals: 666 ( p 96 i 54 z 156 z 156 a 6 g 42 a 6 t 120 e 30 )

sunajAeon ago

OK I'm tripped out now

featheredmasks ago

Except we created "pizzagate" so doesn't that make us the devil worshippers?

AllDancingCrap ago

Well not really, since the term it's being used to refer to the scandal that it's going on. It's interesting though how the term its connected to one of the main themes of the scandal.


on Jeffery Epsteins Island: the temple had same floor

matt_frohlich ago

Can you link to a picture of this?


3 weeks ago it was online, cant find a trace of it now

I do recall it had a dirty B&W tiled floor . it looked like the pic was taken some time after the raid for evidence.

will continue looking...

ganesha1024 ago

tried to link

Has anyone been successful? The art you showed doesn't seem to have anything to do with child sex.

matt_frohlich ago

You have to look at the big picture. I think it's plausible that occult secret societies are involved with the corruption pizzagate is trying to expose (to a certain extent). People have been trying to link secret occult societies with pedophilia for decades now (maybe longer?).

CuckSlap ago

Wow. The blue window spiral was a great catch.

amCassandraAMA ago

blue window spiral? i mustve missed it

micha_ ago

Usually "progressives" prefer - and push - abstract art - but when it comes to communicating perversions, they use figurative art...

R4WX ago


psmith85 ago

Does anyone think the dogs are how they get rid of (part of) the bodies?

mrjdouble ago

Alefantis has a pig farm. It's been found by an amateur sleuth using a sketch he drew by hand, being matched to a google maps photo from above.

ganesha1024 ago


MAGABoomer ago

He didn't have a pig farm, he and podesta visited a pig farm...a lot. It's on here, do a search for farm. Podesta used to slaughter pigs..and pigs eat bodies, all but the teeth, which might explain the dentist shit. An autist took the hand drawn map and literally matched it to a farm using google earth.

Queen_Puabi ago

Pigs will eat bones but not teeth?

MAGABoomer ago

PIGS will devour a body...leaving nothing but pooh, but they can't digest the teeth.

Queen_Puabi ago

I don't know that. Makes the dental torture chairs even more horrifying :/

mrjdouble ago

I'm trying to find the submission with the side-by-side of the google maps image of the farm, with this sketch. Looked to be pretty spot on. I guess for now, (until we are in agreement that this dude actually has a pigfarm), the location of the farm isn't relevant. What is however relevant, is that he posted this image to his personal instagram account with the caption, "no extra food", which I also found curious. Take a look for yourself.

watitdew ago

Pigs if anything. Probably Crocs in FL.

stickittotheman ago

This person clearly belongs in a mental institution. But hey thats art! Great excuse.

amCassandraAMA ago

much of this shit looks to me like trauma therapy to be honest.

Art therapy is a method for the critically traumatized to communicate things they have no conscious access to, because this level of mental damage most often leads to the victim dissociating. Think of a the personality like a mirror its usually a bit distorted and has different facets but is one with, on trauma it can break, and the person loses access to some memories because they are too damaging. Instinct of self preservation kicks in.

Thats btw too the explanation for the stockholm syndrom. We have an evolutionary inbuilt switch, once we are totally aware that our complete existance is in grave danger and controlled by another person, we start sympathising with this person because it is our best chance for survival. It's not even willful, it's hard programmed into us.

It has discussed before but Djurdjevic stuff looks like she actually painted over photographs. There is absolutely no distortion of proportions. It is like comically accurate. Compare that to Scott Brooks pictures. The watermelonheads and other facets point this out as phantasies. Her ductus and technique is completely boring, she wouldnt even get accepted to art school with this.

Also it is NOT common that all pictures in trauma therapy are out of the perspective of the culprit, even less with so accurate detail. Many many pictures painted by trauma patients dont even depict much you can interpret. They tend to be pretty abstract most often, and communcate more in color and fighting forms.

The culprit would have exactly this scenery as a photograph though.

It almost seems to me like someone is producing Memorabilia to appeal to a certain target group that likes to mock in plain sight.

stickittotheman ago

Youve just gone down the rabbit hole. Its hard on the soul to look at this shit indeed. Heres another. Kid playing with bunny.

sentryseven ago

I'm sorry, but how does Scott Brooks connect to all this? I missed that in the OP and here too.

SlackeryTurnBull ago

I think I read that he was vaguely connected to a photographer who chronicled the culture scene in DC and who photographed Alefantis at some point for a magazine maybe. No surprise, as Alefantis by all accounts is a big part of the scene in D.C. They probably all know eachother and fawn over eachother at parties. Especially someone like Alefantis who is connected. Scott Brooks' art is sick and sociopathic no doubt. Apparently that sells.

derram ago :

Comet Ping Pong - Timeline | Facebook

This has been an automated message.

amCassandraAMA ago

The ICLCJ Court has been looking into Barnett’s allegations against Kidman in relation to their investigation of the global elite Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult. Over sixty eyewitnesses such as Barnett have testified of Ninth Circle child sacrifice and pedophile activities that spanned the globe, including criminal activities against children in the Americas, Netherlands and UK commonwealth countries such as Australia.

The Ninth Circle was also said to have well organized and secretive human hunting parties that included pedophilia. Privately owned forest groves were believed used in the US, Canada, France and Holland. It appeared children and teens were obtained by the criminal drug syndicate Octopus, which was believed connected to the Vatican. The kidnapped children and teens were said to be stripped naked, raped, hunted down and killed.

Since the tender age of three Barnett had been trapped inside Australia’s vast pedophile network where children were sex trafficked, hunted down for sport and murdered. “In the late afternoon of Oct. 28 1975 I was taken to my sixth birthday party in the Kiama rainforest,” Barnett said. “The cordial was spiked with drugs. I fell asleep. When I awoke it was dark and I was lying naked face-up spread-eagle on a picnic table with my hands and legs tied. Perpetrators took turns sneaking up on me. A large group of men arrived in pick up trucks. They carried rifles and had a pack of starving Doberman dogs. I was told that the group of naked children huddled nearby were my responsibility. I was to run and hide them. Every child I failed to hide would be killed and fed to the dogs. They painted something on my back and chest, and then released us. I pushed the children up over the first steep hill. It was about the second or third hill that the hunting party reached us. Shots were fired and children began dropping all around me. With all hope lost of my saving the other children, I took off and ran for my life.”




I read of this for the first time.

Barnett had named as her perpetrators her grandfather, Kidman, two former Australian prime ministers, a Parliament House governor general and a state police commissioner. As with child pedophile rings in the Netherlands, Europe, Canada and the US, the Australian pedophile network was said to include police officers, psychiatrists, biochemists, psychologists, actors, writers, politicians, university lecturers and medical doctors.

anonentity ago

The end result will be political instability, I think we are seeing history in the making.

amCassandraAMA ago

I suppose you are right - either way, if they manage to get this vanished under the rug you can find me in a remote shed breeding bunnies and doves