Mooka_Molaka ago

Thank You for bringing this up. Some people are just absolutely in total denial that women can & do commit heinous crimes, especially when a mother is involved. I've seen cats that are better mothers.

Also, I wanted to send you this; /comfort 💕

momojaja ago

This is the same tactic that was used by the elites (e.g Cyril Smith, Leon Brittan) in the UK back in the 70s and the 80s. They would go to youth hostels and abuse those kids. Typical modus operandi that is now well known.

sugarray ago

It's not the's just that pedophiles are drawn to places and institutions where children are....for obvious's a shame but everyone who has charge over youths must have safeguards in place to prevent an impropriety or an appearance of impropriety.

bnwpizzarelatedmap ago

Right, this is where the problem lies, but the question is to whether or not parts of NGO management ignore/facilitate shit like this. I was just reading about the investigation that should have gone into The Second Mile... turns out they called off further investigation when the organization shut down, but that provided no answers as to the level of corruption inside the NGO itself...

speepsie ago

I agree, i think a look should be taken at the ways by which children go missing from CPS, apparently theres a lot, and some of their children have found their ways into human trafficking networks.

save_thechildren ago

I have heard that 75% of trafficked children are CPS

speepsie ago 74% were in social service or foster care. aka the government's care.

hedy ago

Sandusky and Second Mile was suggested to be tied to the Franklin case (Omaha, Nebraska) by a researcher (in the northeast) Dr. Lori Handrahan - mother of a trafficked child who also happens to be a researcher... they've messed with the wrong mom.

Her ex (an illegal alien) was aided by the pedo ring in basically abducting her daughter, who had successfully reported the abuse, complete with medical records proving the abuse. Even after the father was caught shoplifting (cough syrup, which pedos commonly use and is as strong as date-rape drug; they found 10x the legal limit of methamphetamines in the child's urine--a near fatal dose). Instead, the corrupt ME judge gave the father full rights.

Over three years, Dr. Lori Handrahan (the mother) studied the structure of the ring. Her research and communication and records reveal a battle with local police, CPS, head of DHS, head of Main Poison Control, the governor, Michael Waxman, a retired state trooper, Ass't Atty General, District Attorney's Office, U.S. Atty General. Rumors for over 20 years about this ring. In her case, Maine Children's Alliance (like Sandusky's Second Mile) President Dean Crocker who is also Ombudsman receiving Fed funds receiving oversight protections.

**Her research revealed 150+ lawyers cycling in/out of private practice in Portland, ME, the US A.G.'s office and the A.G.'s office, colluding with CPS and the state legislators to run this pedo ring. **This jibes with a "john's list" she mentions at the beginning of the interview that includes 170 people, which has been cited but not published publicly. >>>SOMEONE NEEDS TO GET THEIR HANDS ON THAT LIST.<<< Initially, the governor was a strong advocate but then someone must have gotten ahold of him and he also went silent.

She says the only entity that can really be trusted is the IRS - call them to look for the money connections. (Proving yet again that the .gov doesn't give a shit about our kids, but they do want their fucking money...) She wrote a great Forbes article I linked to on another post:

Every ring requires collusion with:

  • police

  • lawyers

  • judges

  • kids procured from someplace - state-run orphanage so this also involves social workers

  • media

  • false NGO

Psalm100 ago

I remember that about Sandusky and the Second Mile, but didn't recall it until I saw your thread. Very good point.

What I have been thinking about is Jeffrey Epstein (his extremely light sentence), Jimmy Savile and the BBC, Clement Freud, the Roman Catholic Church, Rotherham, Cologne, Hollywood's pedophilia, Bill Cosby, Woody Allen and Roman Polanski.

Sounds like the fake news media are covering up for people again.

TokyoJoe ago

It only makes sense, you find pedos around children, children unsupervised or even without parents or parenting parents. They could be on drugs whatever it might be that makes them neglect. So if you look at the charities a lot of the children probably aren't from good loving families but actually live in a fucked up environment.

Cbradio ago

202-671-7233 DC CPS takes calls any hour. They want to say this is fake, as media and others that are required by law have not mandate report the taped girl, infant and others. Call cps. Inform you are recording, get op id, say anonymous as fear safety. Child abuse laws are strict. They do not demand evidence for cps to investigate, by the way. Every child reported must be found, fully accessed for well being, psychologically and medical. Demand elite not immune to law. Inform that many parents have been blasted by cps; such as parents who merely let their children walk alone. Stare child development, psychology fact that are well known. Taping a child is restraint, sends mixed msgs, destroys child's boundary and safety awareness, causes dissociation, even splits mind to schizo by mixed msgs that confuse child in their formative years. Even in a file, parents must consent and be present. Comet guy said it was play. It is no play, thrill or benefit to child to be taped. It benefits only the deranged adult, and this is a public tranny that dresses in bloodbath that taped a child, he posted it on the public web. Bombard cps with calls, even Huma endangered child, repeatedly with Weiner, and Epstein are both networked with Comet. Use these facts above. Also, being harassed for speaking out for child safety, witnessing taped photos, is a felony. Any that harass, screenshot, make a list; list all in jobs that failed to MANDARE report the taped child and others, including ones swim for Podesta entertainment. NYC, DC, other state cps. By child RTS law, NOONE can say is false as by law, CPS must find child and fully investigate, medical and psych access child. Anything, not fully parallel to this law is the lie, fraud, felonies. It's that simple. They say it's false, well, insist cps find these children AND LET THE CHILDREN SPEAK, in private with professionals trained in child abuse. Make sure on social sites to post mandate report law, psychology on restrained, mix messages, confusing a child of their safety boundaries, the negative impacts of mixed messages cause dissociation, schizo, crime victims. Mass, mass, research on all of this. Don't get misled. Stay on the mandate report, cps must investigate and the psychological dangers of taping a child, etc. This is the legal way to do it and ensure that every child they posted, is safe..OR NOT. EVERY SEC COUNTS. PLEASE CALL AND SPREAD THE WORD. YOU can call cps at ANY HOUR. INFORM RECORD, demand why taped child from.other calls not asap found as cps must do!! Maybe typos, oh well..

bnwpizzarelatedmap ago

word of advice: a little formatting goes a long way

Cbradio ago

The fact that no parents have come forward about creepy photos of their supposed minor posted on web by comet; ahem..high percent these were state ward children !!!! And how many Mia kids a year, only 800,000. Many Mia with no photo on missing group sites!!!!

chaoticWave ago

As far as I know, nobody implicated in this thing has come forward or denied the information. They must be relying on the fake news #psyop to work.

Cbradio ago

Also, my times reporter harassed a girl today that posted about the laws of mandate report and find the taped the way!!.. it's their biggest fear of the children comet posted to be found..

13asteroids ago

This gives me an idea. We should investigate child charities and anti-trafficking organizations in each of our states and even the cities we live in. Perhaps we can take down the tree by first cutting the roots? Edit: And by take down, I mean compile evidence to support our theory that there is in fact a child trafficking ring, which might have a hold in each state.

bnwpizzarelatedmap ago

at this point, we should only be compiling evidence... lets not "destroy" anything just yet

13asteroids ago

You're right, I just realized what I said could be taken the wrong way.

bnwpizzarelatedmap ago

all good, just think we need to remain pr conscious in these troubling times.

apparatchik1488 ago

Sounds like (((Jared Fogle))), also had a sham nonprofit for luring victims

DooDooDoodle ago

I don't think @Don-Keyhote was suggesting that at all. Don't start attacking each other.

Orangutan ago

George H.W. Bush praised this charity organization as well in one of his speeches.

wellington33 ago

So, now we are talking about child charity, what do you think about this?

UncookedSpirit ago

Jimmy Savile gave a bunch of money to children's hospitals. He had the keys to one of them and would come in at odd hours and abuse kids dying of cancer and such.

Selnee ago

Is that true? OMG what a piece of shit!

Don-Keyhote ago

He also went down to the morgue and fucked corpses

tigeror ago

I seem to remember that in the Finder's case, they were using advertisements for tutors, nanny's or child care in order to find children. It makes perfect sense, that as the elite rot has grown and they need ever more kids, they would want to tap into a bigger source. Which brings us to child charities and CPS. That is a whole lot of kids at risk! We need to put a stop to this. Keep digging.

Could the original post name be changed so that the title is specific? I know I will want to find it again.

LadyMinx ago

The prosecutor (from Centre County) working on the Sandusky case went missing during the investigation and his body was never found. His laptop hard drive was found in the Susquehanna River. Sandusky used to take some of his 2nd Mile kids to Pro Sports games ALL OVER THE COUNTRY. This was much bigger than Penn State. IMO, Sandusky was the fall guy.

bnwpizzarelatedmap ago

source on this pls?

Orange_Circle ago

Google Ray Gricar.

He may have been involved. He was the DA that let Sandusky walk when he was caught in the 90s by dropping the case.

thezodiac ago

Everybody knows that pedophilia rings exist for a long time, but this time we got the most important leftist leaders, fuckin Clintons, so it's FAKE NEWS because they dominate the entire media.

stickittotheman ago

... seems the clintons are up near the top of the pyramid, probably a few levels down from the royals, and the ratchilds, if they go down it will be a major chunk of the pedophile pie .

bnwpizzarelatedmap ago


Baluga ago

Sticky believes the story that the whole world is organized into a secret hierarchy (pyramid) with bankers (Rothschild) and royalty at the top. I disagree. I think there are extremely rich people doing what rich people do to get ahead. They often collaborate and scheme and manipulate government, but it's not a unified group. Indeed there are many groups.

Don-Keyhote ago

R u suggesting that I was suggesting that? The evil here I meant in pizzagate jfc

eiggaMAD ago

Alex jones did a video that had this in there and then pulled it down. I'm no jones fan but the actions after are telling.

goodguy1367 ago

You only have to look at Jimmy Saville, research what David Icke has said about Him he was involved in numerous charities where he found his victims, he even has his own ward in a children's Hospital for fuck sake

MrrHandsome ago

Jimmy Saville I feel really mirrors whats happening in USA, the guy was huge over here just a massive personality and considered a national treasure, knighted by the queen! Turns out he was actually a sick peado fuck who liked to dabble in necrophillia. Ive heard storys that he was so well protected that people were scared of him and it turns out the elite knew exactly what he was. If people ever question the legitimcacy of Pizzagate you guys just need to mention Saville because if that can happen then anything is possible

goodguy1367 ago

He went to the Palace for christmas every fucking year!! So some sickening shit would of been happening there for the festive season. He was so well protected, thats why i think we need to start looking more in to occultism that trafficking and pedos

Selnee ago

Exactly! Why the Media and basically well everyone else is so quick to deny and call pizzagate crazy talk is just astounding.

stickittotheman ago

Pedo freaks typically seek jobs that are close to children, that is well known.

bnwpizzarelatedmap ago

just a tragedy.

what better place for a pedophile to prey, unfortunately.

I believe that organizations like this one truly do good for some children, but I do not think it is beyond reason for us to investigate further leads to such NGO's.

cantsleepawink ago

Rape and human trafficking is happening on a global scale. Some of the world's well known global organisations, foundations, NGOs are involved. For starters, here's a story on the UN :

Don-Keyhote ago

Hell yea every child charity is suspect now which will reduce their donations further compoundinf the evil here. Also someone should get on the demorat actors like spacey and Chris Tucker who have neen involved withr ppl like bill clinton and Epstein

pgthrowaway ago

I agree with this, however I do think that high profile celebrities and such may be too scared to be open about Pizzagate. Even if they do believe it, I think that they might see what's happening and all of the negative publicity surrounding it. Eventually we will be too big to ignore and they can't ignore us.

very_concerned ago

Don't forget about reports that he was pimping kids to rich donors was being investigated, but then what happened?

stickittotheman ago

definitely, actors, musicians, if they are complicit they should be added to the list. Leave no rock un turned.

Warnos44 ago

I also was unhappy to hear about Spacey travelling on Lolita Express. However, when I said this to my husband he said, you know I'm sure that child sex isn't the ONLY thing happening on that island. And who's to say that they weren't promised a good time with some lovely young ladies but arrived to find out that there wasn't enough emphasis on the "young" part? Perhaps, those who travelled there found out upon arrival and didn't necessarily participate. I guess if you can show that they travelled more than once it would remove that assumption

JrSlimss ago

Eh... Spacey has a history of being very sexually aggressive towards barely legal young men. Gawker did a huge writeup on it. Not gonna call the man a pedo, but I also wouldn't be surprised.

Edit: Scratch that - the very last story - which I never even read up to - implies that he is a pedo. So yeah...

Warnos44 ago

So sad! He's an amazing actor. But maybe it's because he is a creep, as his roles that are outstanding, he plays a creep!

mosswitch ago

just shows you how these types cruise under the radar.... see you actually looked up to the guy and would never suspect that of him.... you cant trust anyone by how they appear in public, especially actors. Hollywood is crawling with this filth, in fact if they dont play they game then they wont get anywhere. Same with the music biz.


Bono and U2 should be scrutinised too I think. Bono with Clinton on the cover of Washington Life in 2012:

dindonufin ago

"Philanderer" is just a nice way of saying pedophile.

mosswitch ago

yes, he is definitely another slime bag puppet.

Bring_Down_CF ago

Remember his one-on-one with Bush at the White House? Remember how he came out positive that Bush doing the right thing?


And recently he told an audience in Paris how Islam was 'a beautiful religion.' I thought this guy was supposed to be a sincere Christian!

Drugs ago

Please not Bono!

bnwpizzarelatedmap ago

This is funny. If anyone made child charities suspect, it would be Jerry Sandusky... How can you put that guilt on me for simply sparking a conversation about the matter? Fallacy

Edit: His comment was so outrageous I thought it had to be sarcasm... This is not a partisan endeavor.

Don-Keyhote ago

obviously i meant the pedos not you lol

DoughMallet ago

He was originally agreeing with you. Saying that by exposing instances like Sandusky it will hurt the flow of donations to these organizations... which is good.

bnwpizzarelatedmap ago

I'm not sure how good that would be... depends how rotten they really are, though.

DoughMallet ago

Did you read into all of that info about The Haven, and ARK and such? I honestly think every philanthropic charity that operates overseas is suspect at this point.

Don-Keyhote ago

Suspect yea but there must be some good Christian ones we all know folks who have paid for the privilege to go to Africa etc

DoughMallet ago

Heh, I'd START looking at the Christian ones.

grlldcheese ago

Let's put a bounty out on CLEAN orgs.

Kind of like that person who challenged everyone to find a single Podesta email where they were prioritizing the good of the country.

bopper ago

I think he's on your side.

bnwpizzarelatedmap ago he? is that some sort of double-sarcasm im confused lol