RedPowerRanger ago

"No worries I won't post them" he says

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

This article is just disgusting! Again, no facts. And note - not one quote from a family member or real friend. It is not a direct quote from her boss, so they lifted that from somewhere & the "quotes" from Bella are from damn twitter. The only person that would talk to them was a "dominatrix from Denver" & then must have demanded a link for free advertising! This is not journalism! Jesus Christ - if they would just do their jobs, I could get back to my life!!!

NotAnIdiot ago

Also, Washington Post quoted her professor/boss Claude d'Estree (who previously worked for Dyncorp) saying Monica committed suicide.

How would he know?

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Impossible certainty is one sign of a cover-up.

VictorDaniels777 ago

WaPo might be the most criminal of the MSM. It seems they are working extra hard at protecting the pedophiles. Who at WaPo looks to be involved?

dindonufin ago


reasonedandinformed ago

Bezos had no problem with Amazon hawking"The Pedophile's Guide to Love and Pleasure.". See:

But he has an issue with a citizen-led investigation that could point to one of the biggest news stories ever...wants to silence it without any effort to follow what has already been discovered! How would any news organization NOT want to pursue this investigation unless they are literally compromised?

it_was_foretold ago

Can't upvote, but we got a winner here! I think a new lead could be argued in looking at Bezos. Amazon cloud provides server space to the federal government I believe. The CIA specifically.