Mellowmountain ago

truthvibe ago

The news everyone wants to be fake (

LolturdFerguson ago

One to add to the collection:

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

FAKE NEWS - Dear Journalists - do your job!

RedGreenAlliance ago

thanks for replying. Yes its already obscure. I'll try to ask a mod to put in the sidebar. They can only have one sticky at a time (Voat restriction). I think people should submit their memes here, and Magic Memes (who is kind of doing what you propose). Lots of sources. Some people will respond better to my format, others will like a more conversational post-per-meme.

Different strokes etc

RedGreenAlliance ago

No i think one thread is ample as the summary thread for this subverse demonstrates. The idea is to feed them all into one easily accessible (and easy to copy) post. A whole subverse with individual posts for each meme ends up being cluttered and has no subcategorisation ability. You would end up clicking through pages and pages to find something suitable for your purpose

RedGreenAlliance ago

Hi fella great subverse, never seen before. I'll copy yours over and you can likewise when i add something you've not seen before. Better to have different sources, and we can back each other up and complement one another. As many resources as possible, right?

lutalica ago

In the end we will remember not the words of our enemies but the silence of our friends.

truthvibe ago


RedGreenAlliance ago

cheers for that i have added

bidentime ago

They know you won't stop them

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago


RedGreenAlliance ago

thanks, done

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago


RedGreenAlliance ago

thanks, added

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago


RedGreenAlliance ago


cantsleepawink ago

So you're asking for a thread full of spam ?

RedGreenAlliance ago

are you retarded or a shill?

cantsleepawink ago

I think I need to clarify something with you. Are you asking everyone to stop posting information to the board and just create memes or are you suggesting that everyone post their memes within this one post ? Maybe I got my wires crossed. If so, I apologize.

RedGreenAlliance ago

I am sick of shills so apologies if i am unclear.

I want anyone who wishes to, to help me create an accessible directory all available PizzaGate memes organised into subcategories. Also if anyone wants, to suggest new memes or submit their own.

Its completely voluntary and nobody is forcing anyone to do anything and i am not suggesting people "need" to. Only people who think this is a good idea and want to help. PizzaGate is about collaboration and using our own unique skills in the best way we see fit to contribute to the effort.

Furthermore i am not discouraging others only put new memes / memes they find here. I'd prefer if they started a new subverse, but then I could add it to this directory AS WELL. That keeps the convo of the meme elsewhere, and this stays as a directory resource.

If people are on social media trying to combat the Fake News narrative and disinfo anti-PizzaGate stories, wouldn't it be great if they were able to react to any conversation with a specific meme for that situation.

APOLOGIST "Alefantis isn't a paedo and you have zero evidence! this is character assassination!"

PIZZAGATER check this thread and finds memes - "if thats the case why is his Instagram icon a 13 year old boy lover of Hadrian, a historic symbol of pederasty [inserts]"

PIZZAGATER 2 CHIPS IN "yes how come if he's not a pedo, his friend likens him to a pagan God of paedos and rape, and he agrees? [inserts]

I hope this is clear. I only care about the kids and exposing these fuckers.

cantsleepawink ago

Yes, clear now. I'm sick of shills too and jumped the gun.