eiggaMAD ago

Just as we should give him a fair chance to be a positive, there is an equal chance it will be negative, or even as outlandish as this is, possibly neutral. The more time that passes and less focus, the easier it becomes to tie up loose ends.

johara ago

I don't agree we should back off.

I do think you're right about the behind the scenes activities though.

He's the people's President. He takes his lead from us as much as his own vision. We need to keep digging the pizzagate cemetery, so all Sessions has to do is bury them.

I've gained a lot of respect for David Seaman over the past week. He's doing a great job.


I see that now. My bad.

TruthTrumps ago

I've had the same thoughts. Also, interesting tweets recently from Trey Goudy and House Judiciary : https://mobile.twitter.com/TGowdySC

euclidean ago

I too have entertained the idea that Trump, who no doubt knows of the pedophile rings, organ trafficking and other nasty business that goes on with the elites (as with most billionaires, i suspect), has come into power to shake these things up. While it's a nice thought, it sounds too good to be true. I guess we will have to wait and see...

cosmicmind ago

David Seaman has not backed off. He put 5 out today. https://www.youtube.com/user/davidseamanonline/videos

Sentastixc ago

I agree with you. After Jan 20th you can push this all you want. He really needs to get inaugurated though. First, the electoral college needs to actually vote him in, which isn't as sure as many would hope. After that, there is the last month of the Obama presidency, so there need to be no national disasters or he will use his "emergency powers" and effectively bypass the inauguration. http://www.ibtimes.com/can-president-obama-stop-donald-trump-being-president-martial-law-faithless-electors-2445753

johara ago

can he just bypass the inauguration as you describe? That would be great. I like seeing him leap over all their obstacles - like he did that time on the highway when they were protesting :)

Sentastixc ago

I meant Obama bypassing it, forcing himself upon the country after Jan 20th. Yeah that highway scene was great :D

joey4track ago

David Seaman backed off? How so? I would very much disagree with you on that point.

r3dtr1x ago

Interesting theory. We can hope it's true.