pizzahthrowaway ago

I'm gonna drop a semi-knowledge bomb on you guys, if you're not familiar with VA, Petersburg is having crazy city corruption/failure problems, that has the city at borderline unincorporation (but I guess the state wouldn't let them), theyve even called in a special investigator i believe, there are places that state, that are the kinds of places kids could disappear from, potentially.

I have no specific evidence but it might be worth seeing if someone involved in its meltdown comnects to the Clinton Foundation in some way.

It also has a (((military base))) that happens to be on the railroad, that WAS going to close, so if youre a deep conspiracy thinker (Aquino connection) let that be food for thought as well.

Kastonomy ago

Can someone call the authorities responsible for uploading this info and ask first, why no pictures. Second why is the number of missing children so high. Plz reply.

MAGABoomer ago

Can we get a meme about all the kids going missing in that area? Short, sweet, to the point?

whorsquini ago

Cross reference to this, BREAKING - #PizzaGate: 100's of CHILDREN MISSING IN VIRGINIA

Virginia apparently has the highest per capita missing kids.

Also has highest number of kids without a photo (typically just a handful, VA has over a hundred. I wonder if this has to do with the strange eye anomaly).

13asteroids ago

The weirdest part is a lot of their pictures are taken in the same place. a white background with the same lighting and same nice HD quality. Is that their ID photos?

r3dtr1x ago

If you open follow the link for the missing child, it shows an "age now", so clearly the DOB information is in the database. What I find more troubling is that there are no photos of half those kids.

How can you indentify a missing child without a photo? Could be a database error, maybe somebody should contact Virginia State Police and ask them why there are so many missing pictures?

Mooncutter ago

It's not an error. In the link below he explains that the lack of photos is UNIQUE to virginia and does not exist elsewhere. The only logical explanation is that the parents aren't TRYING to get theor kids back. Some kind of deal was struck.

r3dtr1x ago

If that's the case, why would the kids even be listed at all?

Mooncutter ago

Not reporting them is suspicious behaviour? Isn't this missing kid org an extension of the police report?

Truthseeker77 ago

My thoughts exactly!! Where are the photos?? I've thought for a while now this place needs a thorough look through!!

Kwijibo ago

Could be a obscure law in Va about releasing that data. With the child's name a DoB you could get an SS card and commit identity theft.

4thDaGrymReaper ago

What I am thinking is that maybe we lost a possible lead due to them cleaning up info. I was thinking maybe we could spot them out if they were considered missing kids.

Maybe it had to do with this image that was censored recently on a site.

DirtyDancingRedShoes ago

Ppl, the ages are there if you open an individual link! Please be careful about misinforming others. Let's be practical and not let our emotions get in the way...

DooDooDoodle ago

Isn't the point that you have to go one by one for the VA ones but not the others?

willofthewarrior ago

I don't follow. Dates of Birth are present in the link you provided. What is being censored?

safetythrowaway1234 ago

Under each missing person seems to be the source of information, and those with "Virginia Missing Children's Clearinghouse" at the bottom are the ones that are missing DOB and lack of victim photos.

carmencita ago

This is disgusting. They treat these poor children as if they do not matter. I am getting sick of this and they all deserve "Lock Them Up".

Naguatro ago

National center for missing children censors ONLY in the State of Virginia (Population: ~8 millions):

California (Population: ~36 millions) with similar missing children per year: