Nrgiseternal ago

As someone who has been trying to spread the good word for quite some time what I've learned if you cannot prove anything to anybody.

The only way to bypass cognitive dissonance to ask people questions that will leave them to the truth.

Such as " I really don't know what to make of this whole pizzagate thing I mean it sounds so crazy but then again I have no idea what playing dominoes on cheese or pasta could possibly mean what do you think of that?"

spez_dispenser ago

Cryptome hasa good resource called The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies.

The "Smoking Gun" harvesters are looking for the elements of pizzagate people regard as the strongest, so the shills know which topics to focus their efforts on. We are not looking for a smoking gun, but at an overall pattern of improbable coincidences that meets a reasonable suspicion criteria.

ghost_marauder ago

Dude, this is just Shill tactics 101.


1.) Disinformation - put out as much crap knowledge as possible, or repeat information in a horrible (impolite, no sources, etc.) way to make us look crazy

2.) Dissuasion - mass accounts down voting and saying you suck (here requires sleeper accounts, racking up points by making stupid short agreement posts and comments)

3.) Concealment - make sure good information disappears (compromise the mods, flood the systems with pointless posts)

Currently with voat 1 and 2 are hard until they get in more sleeper accounts. But, that will change when they get idiots up voting everything, especially in a sleeper account circle jerk.

You may as well consider it an inevitable that this place will get overran by these assholes. Unlike a DDoS there's not much in OPSEC which can really fight against this in the open.

Melitica ago

For the time being, I am announcing just in case their are newcomers who don't know... others may be handled differently. Taking a gentle approach first.

ghost_marauder ago

Maybe you could also change rule 9's background to be a flaming gif. BIG BOLD TEXT, and new comers get a 1 time .mp3 paying (WE"RE WATCHING YOU)!!!

Now I'm just having fun. But yeah, reminders are good.

alliecapone ago

no rant...just a word on Alex Jones. I've been following the guy since MySpace was still "hot" He's been doing this for 20 years, I've yet to see good evidence on any of what people think he is except a truther. He's a very passionate man, so some think he's laying it on thick. No, he's just passionate about the truth. I spent a good 4 hours watching his youtube vids I'd always kinda ignored and find I've missed out. I've seen him on the verge of tears over this. This year he seems to ruffled feathers big time, because now they're trying to shut down alt media. PP/IW he's been at it for too long, and he hasn't slipped. Waco is what provoked him to start if I'm not mistaken. Back then it was really hard to check the disinformation handed to us. We had to eat it or starve, just 20 years ago. He's ignited many other truthers to start blogs and good discussion areas where we can learn of the tricks the media pulls, and exactly how we spot em. He's kinda my hero now.

Melitica ago

He is how I got redpilled

Sentastixc ago

COINTELPRO Technique #1 - 'FORUM SLIDING' Technique #2 - 'CONSENSUS CRACKING' Technique #3 - 'TOPIC DILUTION' Etc...

Everyone should be aware of such tactics that can be used by any interest-group.

Cantilever ago

Wow. Super useful. All these techniques have been employed here. I'll be sure to call them out when spotted

ghost_marauder ago

Oh cool, somebody actually named the techniques. I just saw the pattern and put them with categories of techniques that lined up in other areas.

Melitica ago

Excellent point. Hijacking to put in post.

flyingcuttlefish ago

yes, yes and yes!

Before posting 'new' discussion' search and see if your item already has a thread and post your thought there as a comment. That way it can easily be found later by searching.

Don-Keyhote ago

We just need stickies for common topics. And why can't u skip to the newest post of a thread I'm getting blisters from the phone screen. I've only been on actual forums before, this site seems to really suck ass. The mods are shills trying to hinder progress xD

Melitica ago

As a mod...I will discuss stickies with other mods. I came here from the chans and yes, the format is weird but we are trying to make it work for an investigation involving thousands of people. For now, it is at least secure....4chan and Reddit were not so...this is where we are.

Chance903 ago

Here are my two cents, you can take it or leave it. Right now they are trying to devide us. Disinformation confuses they weak and undecided. They will continuously do this to use as a Trojan Horse.

It is up to the mods to watch for a "pattern of posting behavior" IP ban the Shills. that is my two cents.

DooDooDoodle ago

Why not discuss the anti-semitism issue? It sabotages us.

flyingcuttlefish ago

I think the mods are super-busy with new users who don't know posting etiquette.