reasonedandinformed ago

Why is this post not showing up in the top...and not in searches (e.g., search on Finnish or FSB and you will not see it)? I have tested, and it cannot be found except because I commented on it. I think it is possibly relevant.

jc2017 ago

From Reuters: "The suspect, who has criminal record of violent offences, was detained at the scene. The motive for the killings remained unclear." but in RT "The suspect wasn’t known to police before the attack and specialists found no traces of alcohol in his blood, Tielinen added."

sheer-con ago

Looks like a nonsense story to me. OP is either a shill or a retard.

Normality1 ago

Did you even try? Depression makes you a sniper? You randomly shoot journalists in a crowded place then just wait for cops? Have you seen these journalists agendas to speak with such authority about what they were investigating?

fnork ago

Uutisvuoksi is a privately owned small local newpaper, and owned in full by Länsi-Savo Oy, which own a few similar regional outlets. These women seem to have been unremarkable and locally rooted. I'm happy to sleuth more inquiries. Sources:

crazyworld ago

Yes, can you please research if the arrest on December 2015 mentioned in the beginning is real? Cheers mate

Crunch43 ago

So, I am pretty vocal about my thoughts on pizzagate at work, and this lady I work with told me her niece was at Comet Ping Pong when the "shooter" came in. She (my co-worker) said her father-in-law is "HIGH up in the CIA" and told his daughter that they have been looking into Comet Ping Pong and there is nothing to worry about prior to the shooter incident and that it's a hoax. I told her how he could have just said that because he knew nothing was going to happen to her bc it was staged, and that they are trying to keep a lid on it until Trump is in office but I am a tad scared this CIA guy could actually be one of the "bad guys" and I might get got, especially after she said he is retiring pretty soon. I work at a marine equip & supplies wholesaler/distributor in Norfolk, VA. I'm a veteran, and not suicidal. Just an FYI. Screen shot, archive, etc.

sheer-con ago

Stop saying "until Trump gets in office". He isn't going to do shit. He's bought and paid for long ago.

reasonedandinformed ago

Looks very legitimate:

Just google Tiina Wilén-Jäppinen and you will she that she was murdered with these two investigative journalists a couple of days ago. In reading the reports, it looks like he was literally a programmed assassin: Shot the three women and then waited to be arrested without incident:

"Investigators said the suspect arrived outside the restaurant in his car and shot the three women as they stepped out of the restaurant. He then waited in the car until police arrived, and accompanied officers silently and peacefully. Imatra, which has a population of 28,000, is about 140 miles (230 km) east of the Finnish capital, Helsinki."

Why would this post be met with such disbelief by some given the evidence and patterns we have already seen (many murders of investigators)?

Normality1 ago

To all the negative commenters: Lets all just believe the official story: “All indications are that the sniper chose his victims randomly”, A SNIPER, in a small town on the border with Russia, 2 journalists and the Mayor got shot, and not look into this. Thanks for downvotes.

spez_dispenser ago

This is Sorcha Faal, not exactly credible, but entertaining nonetheless.

jc2017 ago

Anyone in Finland who can help, I would expect more detailed press reports from the local area, might give some additional details?

fnork ago

Finn here, "russian propaganda" may be a false flagging expression in much of the far west, but here in Finland it's all too tangible and real. I'm downvoating this story as it looks to me as opportunism from the russian flim-flam machine, and encourage all to do the same. One further reason not to believe this is that our national security climate makes it difficult for usa-operatives to conduct assassinations on our soil. I will gladly change my mind if credible evidence comes to light.

Also, happy 99th independence year, Finland!

nowimonvoattoo ago

If that FSB-report is circulated should provide a link to it. Not that the scenario is impossible, but would make it look more credible.

Pizzatemp420 ago


Why were numerous underage girl and boy children given “training/instruction” at the Vuoksenvahti Restaurant in Imatra on preparing food (pizzas, sandwiches, salads, etc.) and then provided with United States temporary hospitality worker E2 Visas and then flown to America?

E2 Visas...these could be a key here...

GoHeadBeGoneWithIt ago

This seems fake. Delete it.

Normality1 ago

You seem fake. Delete yourself.

sheer-con ago

And you're a shill. Fuck off.

Scoundrel ago

How so, the article provides tons of resources which seem to confirm?

vhrmvhrm ago

Edgy post, but the essential claims in it are not supported by any of the links or facts he presents.

I don't want to rain on the parade, but I think this is made up. Show us the FSB report otherwise.

rationalconspiracist ago

Sorchaa Faal is one of the most well-known spreaders of fake conspiracy theories. Over the past 5 years I've probably seen more fake Sorcha Faal stories than any other author, and they aren't even taken seriously on most conspiracy boards I've visited. Please google the author's name before posting. The community is being accused of spreading fake news, so it's even more imperative that we check our sources.

nowimonvoattoo ago


Normality1 ago

“All indications are that he chose his victims randomly.” Now you can sleep better.

vhrmvhrm ago

Where is the proof that they were investigating anything related to trafficking? This link doesn't provide it. Doesn't provide any proof of the key facts that they try to push.

So yea, going with random.

Normality1 ago

Thanks for your contribution.

antipedo ago

First of all, the original link stinks of Russia a mile away, I mean it mentions "FSB investigators". There's no such thing as "FSB investigators", but rather "FSB manupulators", and they are much better than Americans. Remember polonium as poison?

That said,

here's the original Guardian report:

Investigators said the suspect arrived outside the restaurant in his car and shot the three women as they stepped out of the restaurant. He then waited in the car until police arrived, and accompanied officers silently and peacefully.

This isn't even "shady as fuck", this is straight out of some kind of a deal. I'm not going to come up with possible scenarios, but what happened here -- guy shooting "random victims" and waiting for police is insane.

That said, have an upvote, good job.

Normality1 ago

There is no need/place for your personal opinions here. Post the facts. Contribute, don't clutter.

antipedo ago

Touche, corrected.

Scoundrel ago


quantokitty ago

Another great post.

You guys are on fire today! Keep it up!

antipedo ago

Don't jump on it until we have another source. FSB isn't a reliable source of anything.

Normality1 ago

Yes, better to believe the official story of a sniper, “All indications are that he chose his victims randomly.” Yeah random mayor and two random journalists.

antipedo ago

Chill out. I just said "wait for another source".

I've read The Guardian article, which mentions the "random victims". I hope the journalist cringed like fuck when he or she wrote it.

Normality1 ago

Two finnish journalists investigating ties between the Supranational Pedo Rape Ring, Hillary and the Finnish Prime Minister assassinated while they were on their way of questioning a crucial suspect, who was also assassinated.