soitxx ago conspiritus remake by Xendrius <<== to my point of view the most complete and accurate video on a subject (and i have seen alot starting from Ring Of Power, which woke me up), it has has references to many other vids from youtube)

arisebalsa ago

could anyone analyze the pizza ovens at comet, from pics or otherwise and see if they are regular ovens or some kind of special ovens that look like they could destroy human remains, in other words, act as very hot furnaces?

kisskissbangbangx ago

I forgot to mention the movie Metropolis. 1927 - In the movie the Machine is a reference to Moloch. All of this also happens underground. Reports have mentioned an underground system in DC below comet pingpong. Parallels with this movie can be made.

Here is a paragraph from a site talking about the religious imagery in the movie.

Below this paradisal upper city, hordes of workers toil and die so that the machinery of the great city may roll on uninterrupted. Freder calls the mechanical Juggernaut that powers the upper city "MOLOCH," a Canaanite word meaning "king." Moloch was a god of the Ammonites, and not a kind god. Moloch's worshippers engaged in the ritual sacrifice of children, specifically sacrifice by fire. The vast machine churns in the depths of the city, belching clouds of steam onto the masses of workers who know neither hope nor rest. It takes little imagination to visualize these enormous factories as the biblical underworld wrought not in fire and brimstone, but in molten steel and smoke-blackened iron. Indeed, Freder imagines just such a sight after he witnesses an accident that kills several workers; his mind conjures up visions of helmeted demons feeding legions of helpless worker-slaves into the ravenous maw of the demonic machine. More sacrifices tossed into the ever-hungry belly of Moloch, to be consumed in fire and smoke and ash.

Again just symbolic references that may clear a picture to the Occult connection and possible show that the Satanic rituals are to do with Moloch.

Also masonic and elite references in below post about Metropolis