contrary_mma_hipster ago

Resume Films Produced

The Mill Manuscripts

Whiskey Business, Risky Business German Gold The Beast & The Beauty African Journey Alex, Hutch, and Me Screenplays (partial list)

OFF-LINE Lance Sands of Iwo Iraq Got Time to Die Ringo Bear Island Mermaid Treasure Senior Trip DownUnder Wild Dogs on Rabbit Island Treasure Hunt The Wedding Gift CAT III Back In the Saddle Again Ask Me Now Screenplays (partial list continued)

Hawk Raider of Ifrane Laredo Roxie: Good Dog The Duke The Girl with Green Sleeves Magazines With Published Articles

Safari Club International Traditional Hunting Dogs Full Cry Sporting Dogs

Business Experiece Harry Welch, Jr. (Owner of Forever Young Productions) worked in the broadcasting industry for over 25 years. Dozens of Harry's article have been published in several national magazines. He has written 30 screenplays. "The Mill," is the first of his work to be made into a feature length movie. He plans to continue writing and producing.

Harry has been married to his wife, Terri for over 30 years. They have three children; Harry Lee (1981-1997), Blaire, and Edgar Maddison and 4 grandchildren. He was selected as an arbitrator for the North Carolina Dental Association Elected President of the North Carolina Crime Stoppers Association (two terms) Served as Executive Director for Protect-A-Child, a national, non-profit organization to prevent abuse and abduction of children. Therefore appointed by Governor Jim Martin to the Governor's Commission on Child Victimization. Harry served two terms on the Boy Scouts of America Council for Central North Carolina. They have also served as a foster family to three different children. He and Terri, both are qualified as Boy Scout Counselors and merit badge instructors. His family hosted a Brazilian exchange student for a year. Harry has served as a deacon of his church for 16 years. He has been a Gideon since 1988. As well, he has taught Sunday School for 20 years. He was selected "Father of the Year" at Neel Road Baptist Church in 1997. In 1990, I was invited by the US Defense Department to go to Europe and watch war games with joint forces of the US Army and our allies in West Germany. In 1988, President Ronald Reagan selected me to join 15 other broadcasters to visit US Military Instillations in Colorado. We received national clearance from the US Defense Department to visit the Cheyenne Mountain Nuclear Bunker the alternate command center for NORAD.

Law Enforcement Experience

Harry worked on federal , state and local task forces fighting the war on drugs. He served five years with the Rowan County ABC police. Duties included: stakeouts, watching illegal stills, patrolling the county for suspected bootleggers transporting non-tax paid whiskey, working undercover to purchase illegal liquor and participating in raids on stills and gambling houses. Their agency also worked with the U.S. Treasury Department’s local office of Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms which increased their coverage area to eight counties.

Currently a special deputy with the Iredell County Sheriff’s Department.

OtisFirefly ago

Father's Full Biography From Website:

Harry Welch, Jr. (Owner of Forever Young Productions) worked in the broadcasting industry for over 25 years. Dozens of Harry's article have been published in several national magazines. He has written over 35 screenplays.

Harry has been married to his wife, Terri for 35 years. They have three children; Harry Lee (1981-1997), Blaire, and Edgar Maddison and 4 grandchildren.
He was selected as an arbitrator for the North Carolina Dental Association
Elected President of the North Carolina Crime Stoppers Association (two terms)
Served as Executive Director for Protect-A-Child, a national, non-profit organization to prevent abuse and abduction of children. Appointed by Governor Jim Martin to the Governor's Commission on Child Victimization.
Harry served two terms on the Boy Scouts of America Council for Central North Carolina.
They have also served as a foster family to three different children.
He and Terri, both are qualified as Boy Scout Counselors and merit badge instructors.
His family hosted a Brazilian exchange student for a year.
Harry has served as a deacon of his church for 16 years. He has been a Gideon since 1988. As well, he has taught Sunday School for 20 years.
He was selected "Father of the Year" at Neel Road Baptist Church in 1997.
Rowan County Register of Deeds 2010-2014

contrary_mma_hipster ago

He is also in Law Enforcement and has military connections.

And he tries really hard to make sure everyone knows how great with kids he is.

carmencita ago

I am getting suspicious of their being involved in just too many organizations for kids. Protect a Child, Boy Scouts, Foster Family, Fostered Exchange Student, and a Deacon and Father of the Year? What a great guy. Maybe there is just a little too much though. I am hoping he is just a great person, but it should be looked into.

OtisFirefly ago

Yeah, I am still trying to find some more information on the Protect-A-Child Inc. But a lot of similar background to what we have seen in other persons of interest. Could be a coincidence, but lately there are too many of those to go around.

carmencita ago

Another thought I had is that maybe the father was involved in something and while the son lived in Haiti he saw a lot of things he did not like. Maybe something happened to him. He might really have wanted to take it out on somebody. There are many scenarios. We must take time to investigate an not just all run to one side of the boat at once. Just sayin'.

AreWeSure ago

He is not on IMDB as an actor.

Check his criminal records, you'll have more luck there.

OtisFirefly ago

He was credited in the The Bleeding (2009):

Also a trait I have seen in many descriptions of him in early articles, but good eyes regardless.

AreWeSure ago

Corrected. I must have just clicked on the links in "known for."

laura0714 ago

StrangeHologram ago

Sharif Silmi Esq is the main Crisis Actor "witness", they will parade out la Gene Rosen

MeatballPizza ago

Scroll down to the Muslim lawyer who witnessed it. There's a photo of his arrest there and odd info about the lawyer who specializing in the international movement of 'goods and people.' Remember the Saudi connections from earlier today as well.