ShockDoctrine101 ago

Good find, I was looking for a picture of the together.

LostandFound ago

Taking everything else out of it, the concentrations of power and wealth are insane.

YouaremeandIamyou ago

Good work. She is a very solid connection to this. Her actions, and comments alone, would normally call for immediate arrest, and interviews of the children in her "care." Her position would be one of many reasons why this has not been investigated yet, and is instead being covered up.


Great research! By the way, who is Bonnie? Does anyone know?

r3dtr1x ago

Ben Luzzato? Are these the kids?

r3dtr1x ago

And a birthday puppet show for Maeve

ShockDoctrine101 ago

I put this up because I was shocked to find a photo of Luzzatto and her grandchildren on FB!! It also ties in with some more digging I've been doing into the broader network of criminals operating in the CF, CFR and other major institutions.

derram ago :

Tony Podesta divorce filing: wife Heather Podesta tried to ’embarrass and harass’ - The Washington Post :

AID Official Francis A. Luzzatto Dies - The Washington Post

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r3dtr1x ago

Heather Podesta also serves on the Washington DC Police Foundation board. Great.