Alex_A97 ago

Hey there, I'm the guy on Youtube who wrote the two comments that analyzed all of the images during that initial sequence. If any of you have anything to add, anything at all, then please reply to this post so that I may update my original comments.

Image link:

GenghisSean ago

MichaelWesten ago

Not sure why the woman associated with this band has not been black bagged and interrogated yet.

Phobos_Mothership ago

It is a LITERAL infograph of what is being done behind the scenes in places like CPP. Pictures of babies, abductions, bdsm, and puppy-mills. Is this in any way admissible as grounds for an investigation?

Precipitate ago

When I did a google image search of this guy google brings up al masih ad dajjal.

Echo_of_Savages ago

"In 2004, the BBC produced a documentary titled The Secret Swami, as part of its series "The World Uncovered".[166] One central theme of the BBC documentary was again Alaya Rahm's sexual abuse allegations against Sathya Sai Baba.[167] This documentary interviewed him together with Mark Roche, who had spent 25 years of his life since 1969 in the movement and alleged abuse by Sai Baba.[167] The show also featured allegations from Sai Baba critic Basava Premanand. Premanand stated in the documentary that, in his opinion, Sai Baba faked his materialisations. Here, he claimed that Sathya Sai Baba was "not just a fraud, but a dangerous sexual abuser". According to his interview, he had stories which spanned 30 years, and he stated that his stories were similar, a common practice being the rubbing of genitals with oil by the spiritual leader. Among his claims were that one ex-devotee claimed Sai Baba "put the oil on his hands, told me to drop my pants and rubbed my genitals with the oil". Premanand theorised that many Indian boys were abused but were never heard from because they were too afraid to speak out, alleging Sai Baba was well-connected with the elite and powerful of India."

Precipitate ago

Of course. It's sad that this stuff doesn't surprise me anymore.

Echo_of_Savages ago

It reminds me of how drug users in the art/entertainment industry make references to their favorite drugs in their art. This is the same thing, but with child abuse and torture.

Antonius ago

It shows how sick they are...

0101buckyballs0101 ago

I cant pull them out but there are more

TahTahBur ago

Yeah, they are in deep. Sucks to be them.

Edit: rehost the video link (don't use YouTube)

awakenaware ago

Disturbing to say the least. Very telling indeed!

SlackeryTurnBull ago

It's Satanic. That it's presented subliminally only opens up more questions. This is supposed to be funny?

SpikyAube ago

Some of these are horrific, some seem to depict actual torture, there's one with a young woman asleep in bed, and the bottom half of the bed is completely on fire, as though she is about to be burned to death in her sleep, or is perhaps already dead and being cremated in bed.

The baby in a pizza costume is really disturbing knowing the pizza connotations. This stuff isn't just 'edgy' art stuff, it's properly demented.

arigold ago

yes...the teenage boy face down on the bed and spread across the table with blood covering his ..dude i cannot even type this shit.... i am frightened that it is an actual picture, not staged.

drunk420 ago


Shogun77 ago

  • images of children
  • images of babies
  • images of and children dressed up in costumes with obvious sexual double entendres (sugar babies, pizza, whoopie cushion)
  • images of caged puppies

Intercut with

  • torture
  • BDSM
  • sexual torture

Intercut with

  • eye with coloboma

Intercut with

  • meat

Intercut with

  • giant mouth about to eat child

Intercut with

  • gurus and general weirdness/inside jokes.

  • ends with witch talking to two "miniature" people.

This is fucking sick. It doesn't look like edgy art to me. It looks like someone getting a thrill out of subliminally advertising themes about sadism, pedophilia and cannibalism to an inside audience.

Also see this:

Find on :

"You have heard the lore of Baba's Mountain from your brothers and sisters.

You have spent countless hours listening to the APES' Baba's Mountain record, searching for answers.

You have seen the graffiti on the walls. Captain 20's Children. Mount of the Child Generals. APES. Imp Ahh.

You have heard rumors of those gone missing: Adolescents, leaving their homes, wandering into the night and never being seen again. The melting of children into feed for the woodland animals.

Please ignore these rumors - rumors created by your teachers, the local media, parental figures. Ignore the ignorant teens-in-heat "blogs". Spurred by myth, inspired by whispers, many have written us from all over the world, wanting to know more about our mountain retreat.

Why not come see for yourself?"

At the very least, Amanda Kleinman has no right to play victim about "witch hunts." If she wasn't dogwhistling to her pedo friends then she was deliberately trying to outrage people. Strangely the latter doesn't seem to be the case. She hasn't even mentioned the video, others dug it up.

justanotherone ago

That's another disturbing website to say the least. I am beginning to think APES is an acronym. I have an idea for the letter "P".

Werwer12 ago

The eye condition. This ties them to the same occult beliefs that were possibly the reason behind Madeline's abduction. As someone else posted, on Cometpingpong's Instagram, the children, including the babies with money in the picture all had the same eye/pupil deformation.

weewaawooba ago

The babies with the money in the pictures are all the same baby, namely Caris Cummings. Also I do not see the eye deformation there. Please link.

1234user ago


1234user ago

They're not in order, but it doesn't matter.

There appears to be several categories of images: torture, in-jokes, notable people (including an Indian guru whose name escapes me), and mind-fuck stuff (character costumes, for instance.)

Anyone who reads Chinese should translate for us.

justanotherone ago

Sathya Sai Baba, he claims he can manifest things, oh and he practices child sexual abuse.

Jehosefat ago

Who was proven a fake and is also dead for years