krisspykriss ago

How do I get started?

Depends on your skill set. Some people are searching the net for a bread crumb. Some are looking up public records. Some are compiling meta data. Some are doing signals analysis, game theory, psychological profiling...

How do I share this with rational, smart friends who would be very concerned if they REALLY knew what might be happening but have jobs and children to care for?

If they are religious, find some vieos and links that focus on the occult aspects of it. If they are liberals, you might soften them up with discussing exploitation of the masses in general. Flint Michigan, DAPL, the corruption in the DNC. Start general and then work into more pizzagate specific things.

Is it the annex where so much is happening behind the scenes?

I have no idea but a great way to offload some fresh bodies is to run an exotic meat market and sell it off as wild boar or some other less known meat and cut. Because of the taste and cross sections of bone/muscle, it is best to obfuscate it a bit. Perhaps pass of biceps as a loin cut from a young Javan warty pig. I honestly know nothing about Buckz. I honestly am not that interested in the James connection.

What if a WHOLE lot of people showed up at one time and very nicely and peacefully asked, can we look around?

James has Capital Police on speed dial. If the place isn't busy and he feels comfrtable, he might show you the place. He has shown someone the place before. He is quite good at acting charming. Seriously, I think CPP is a dead end. It may have been a hub, but that ship has sailed.

Maybe a touch p8rano1d but this is f-ing weird like nothing I have seen or imagined. We are all capable of bad. But there must also be checks and accountability.

The elite are not like you and I. They are raised from birth to be elites. Do anything short of shooting someone in downtown Manhattan, and they have your back. The checks and balances themselves are ran by the elites. We see them cover for each other time and again.They have taken control of all the avenues of change. Pizzagate will never ever be taken seriously by the establishment. Be it the police, FBI, MSM, politicians, talk show hosts. Never. Will. They. take. It. Seriously. Being almost immune to prosecution is a perk of the elite. Just the way it is.

What solution do we have? Bring awareness to the abuses of the elite and rise up 300,000,000 strong. Until then they will rape, kill and eat whom ever they please. Literally.

Princeofcats ago

I think including Hillary Clinton in pizzagate undermines its credibility. There's plenty of tangential discussion to be had about dead whistleblowers and such but there's little to connect her directly to pizza-related maps and until there is it's good to distance her from the discussion. I say that because it is a specific talking point from the establishment media, that emboldens the democrat base, who are in a state of hysteria right now.

krisspykriss ago

The Republicans are just as guilty. Hillary is part of pizzagate through the Haitian connection and her close relation with Podesta. And Epstein. And the CPS worker who was killed investigating the Clinton connection.

Pizzagate is failing because people are focusing on the smoke. They keep looking at photos of kids and paintings with pedophilia, torture, cannibalism. They keep looking at the social media of people one degree away from Comet Ping Pong and Podesta. They are looking at the smoke. They need to focus on the source. The persons who all these minor leads lead to. People like Hillary Clinton. If Comet Ping Pong was used as a hub of activity in the past, I assure you the venue has changed. That lead has dried up. Quit looking at the individual pieces and look at the whole. Look at the connections. The individual pieces should be examined, but always with the whole in mind. Without the perspective of looking at them as a whole, pizzagate falls apart. That is how the media is wrecking y'all. They pick the shakiest evidence out and then tear it to shreds.

We haven't found jack shit yet, but we are moving closer.