LeChevalBlanc ago

Just idly trying to find more about CBoutlier (where did the shadow works come from?) lead me there :



And that's when I started wondering : "If this is OK, then what exactly is not OK?"

Should we get used to live a such a world? Or not.

BB-3 ago

That bike ain't big enough for any of those people in the picture.

Gothamcity ago

I thought that of all the articles I had read from the MSM discrediting PG two were from tech writers which I found odd. I was going to try and find out if there was any connection (schools, hometowns) between the writers. I found nothing about Cecilia Chang, NY Times, but Douglas Ernst of the Washington Times has a blog where he mentioned that he worked with handicapped children. An article in the Washington Post discrediting Pizzagate had the byline of "Editorial Board" https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/pizzagate-shows-how-fake-news-hurts-real-people/2016/11/25/d9ee0590-b0f9-11e6-840f-e3ebab6bcdd3_story.html?utm_term=.cde20e34c7b2 Which I found odd...no names. There is also an article on the BBC where the author is BBC Trending http://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-trending-38156985 again, no names. It's like nobody wants to put there names on it.

I couldn't find out where Cecilia Chang and Douglas Ernst went to school or grew up. Any help would be appreciated.

ThinkItThru ago

Buck's Fishing and Camping. When I first heard the name I assumed it was a sporting goods store. I was a bit shocking to find out it is a restaurant. Bucks are often killed on hunting/camping trips. a "young buck" is a term for a human male youth. The term "hunting and fishing" is more common than "fishing and camping", yet that term for me makes me think of hunting and fishing. The whole name conjures up something that does not go along with it being a restaurant. If I knew nothing about Pizzagate I'd be put off by a restaurant with a name like that because it would make me think more about the killing of the food than the eating.

Aloha808 ago

One of the 1st Podesta emails I looked at on Wikileaks after spirt cooking was a Sports Authority email that had the number *66 throughout the email code which was so bizarre considering the Satanic spirit cooking. I was convinced they were communicating through the email codes, I copied and pasted different parts of the email and ended up at a tor site where you can make fake websites. Also the email said something about Sports Authority being open until midnight which I thought was really late so I checked their homepage and all stores close at the same time 9:30. Next I researched the dark web and the first video on YouTube I watched their was someone on the dark web named pasta.cf, just another random coinsedence. 2) I watched a video of a Satanic survivor and she said the color red represented a blood sacrifice, which relates to the red shoes and clothes in Podesta's pedo art. 3) several different survivors mentioned being put in a coffin, which relates to the child size coffin on Comets instagram. 4) that pedo bear in Tony Podesta's bedroom bothers me.

DukeOfLizards21 ago

Aaron Swartz, founder of reddit and rss feeds was trying to uncover the MIT trafficking ring, and was found hung in his dorm. We need to finish his work or know what he found

SeanBox ago

Do the tunnels under Connecticut avenue run under john Podesta's house a few blocks away? If Obama bought a house on the same street you would think there is an escape route.

S3m8o ago

Perhaps a little more focus on western (edit: and eastern) Europe.

Netherlands have Affaire Demmink Belgium Dutroux and the larger network he mentioned and that mysterious castle. UK with that football trainer who all of a sudden is in the hospital.

That last one makes me think that the simply eliminate every person who could say more than they want. They know that they can't control everyone.

Great idea to create a topic like this

flyingcuttlefish ago

On disturbing Podesta "art" on the walls of his home.

This is a small thing .... just an opinion.

The art ( I think featured in the Guardian article that showcased the headless sculpture) in John Podesta's home may be his or on loan from his brother. About the large color paintings of seemingly dead girls by Biljana Djurdjevic - (example: https://youtu.be/gNaUvMxcIiw )

I would like other artists to weigh in. My idea - if you go to flea market and look at a typical landscape painting what you most often see is a painting done from a photograph, not from observations at the scene. The artist takes photos (or buys them) and makes slides. Then by projecting the slide onto the canvas copies the image using paint, maybe with pencil work at the start. These all really look like copied photos to the trained eye. In the first year of art school it's a common assignment and most art school grads are pretty good at this even if they don't use the technique later. The finished painting has a flat look and the colors are less true-to-life than the outlines.

I am thinking these morbid paintings are paintings of photographs. The background and some details may be add ins but -- are these real kids? Missing kids made into photo portraits?

Is the art famous for a secret reason. Does it represent underground photos collected by pedos and snuff film collectors?

Please ask artists to weigh in.

Are these paintings using the copy-photo method?

oldskeptic ago

A poster at 4chan suggests the children are posed in a drained swimming pool. Sorry not to have a link to the post. Hard to keep up with it all.

Edit: Not her art in the link, but the pieces with children posed against a tile backgound. Amazingly, the next Youtube following your link has the reference:


BB-3 ago

Is the technique you're referring to called rotoscoping?

flyingcuttlefish ago

no - I think rotoscoping is a technique for animation. Photo-realism maybe ... but when done less expertly it isn't so realistic....

ThinkItThru ago

I'm not an artist, but looking at those ghastly paintings made me wonder, who were the models? Maybe someone can take an image of those faces and compare them to missing children photos.

albinobunny ago

I personally kind of always get back to several ideas. 1: it's symbolism for something else that has happened to her. 2: The images come from dreams. 3: It really is referred to child abuse.

Artists paint what they know. I mean there surely are cases where artists do it for money and recognition (this is where I feel Abramovic falls in), but mostly it's a form of dealing with stuff.

Oh shit I just found Alex Podesta. Can somebody find out if he is related to the other Podestas? I googled "Podesta art" and he came up. His art focuses on white bunnies in horrible positions. Check him out!

Elliphantastic ago

Now you mention it yes. I studied art I know this "projection technique" well. The picture that comes to my mind most as one from a photograph is this one: https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=Podesta+with+painting+behind&espv=2&biw=1225&bih=511&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiSptC0rdjQAhWEBsAKHbHyDdIQ_AUIBigB#imgrc=C-fN38tpeWh1OM%3A

flyingcuttlefish ago

yeah! Many art school students should recognize it if prompted. The topic is so dark many just wish they hadn't seen the images in the first place. I avoided a lot of images and photos myself.

hendaiburtu ago

How easy would it be to control a politician if you had a video of him raping a child?

carygato ago

Part of why I made this post is because I wanted to share this:

I find it fitting that the people in suspect of pizzagate happen to actually look like pedophiles. When there's this much evidence stacked up against you, it's hard to overlook that you fit the stereotype of a creepy kid-fucker. I may be a bit biased, but at the same time I'm pretty confident someone in the dark would pull their pictures in a game of 'pick the pedophile'.

ByTheBook ago

Ever hear the old wives tale, "Don't make a face it will stay that way?"

Well what if the faces you make repeatedly change the shape of your face over time? Would different "O-faces" yield different faces? Is a cut man's oface different from an uncut? Why do so many kids in these photos have heavy rings under their eyes?

Just a few brain droppings. Feel free to ignore.

Elliphantastic ago

The art angle seems quite relevant. My thinking is this, art is not like gold for instance. It has no set value to weight or set value to anything in fact, except the value in the eye of the beholder. Therefore would seem a perfect industry for money laundering. Something for instance like a necklace made from pasta could sell for any amount if the correct artists name is attached. Does that make sense to anyone else? The necklace is just a receipt for the real item bought kind of thing. All the art/artists that have connections certainly appear to be quite caught up in the occult and illuminati symbolism is for sure.