thefloodcontrol ago

Reminded: nobody needs to come to voat monitor it. They can just constantly download all the sites activity or record all your traffic and break your tls.

LtSilverFox ago

Basically, it's up to you if you wanna be equipped with the knowledge to defend yourself

shortymcbossypants ago

Maybe we should antagonize them by saying Hi to all of the implicated people. Hi Hillary, Huma, Anthony, Tony, John, Bubba Bill and Obama!!! WE SEE YOU!!!!

strix-varia ago

You mean Barry whatever the fk his name is.

BAppreciAting ago

Unfortunately, mostly, they are protecting their own egos, their intentions are not correct?!$$$$$.

Scoundrel ago

Pedo Trolls apparenlty

Flaaffy ago

Satanic Pedo Trolls

CJJacobs ago

Get TOR browser! :)

thefloodcontrol ago

Using TOR Browser on Windows will give you a totally false sense of security. Even still TOR B is not as secure as lynx/w3m.

LtSilverFox ago

I'd suggest reading up on tor 1st and how to keep yourself anonymous with no holes leaking before you start messing around on tor. For those who are new to it of course. You raise a lot of flags in the process just remember that.

CJJacobs ago

True. But the more of use who use, the less suspicious it will be.

With as much data as google, nsa, facebook are collecting, and now this (pizzagate), it is time for some added protection, I say.

You are right, one must be careful to follow the guidelines of it scrupulously though, otherwise info still leaks out. Good point!

LtSilverFox ago

Just pm me when yall switch to the dark side lol

parnellsUprising ago

Thank you, and I could not agree more

fuckJIDF ago


They are here:

They even admit it here on reddit

The fact this post is getting downvoted just shows they are refreshing new and downvoting anything that exposes them.

Artlife ago

wtf, they're suppose to be on our side, at least those of us that aren't some sicko satanic pedo fucks. How the hell did it all turn so bad or have I just been wearing rose colored glasses my whole life ?

strix-varia ago

We've been wearing the same glasses I'm afraid.

thefloodcontrol ago

The government on our side?

Artlife ago

I like to dream that all is well.

wellington33 ago

reddit link isn't working?

oresd ago

Right man. Right. They are here, and they are downvoating what exposes "them". Or maybe its aliens downvoating.

LtSilverFox ago

We are all whistle blowers in some way keep that in mind everyone!

Scoundrel ago

Whistle blowing? it's time to kick some sick Satanic pedo child trafficking, raping, sacrificing and killing maggots ass.