Birdzeyeview ago

it's all old hat though. If you are as old as me, it's been there done that sacrificed babies have yet been dug up under the floorboards, despite decades of these stories. I honestly think many of the people who believe it are having some sort of paranoid delusion. the cult / occult/ SRA stories are very characteristic. But the evidence is not there and seldom has been. I am not denying kids are abused terribly, but 90 percent of them are abused by their own family or trusted family friends....there is no conspiracy... except the one in your heads.

stellarcorpse ago

That is a very hurtful & callous comment to make to those of us that have been actual victims of SRA. You are also dead wrong. Mc Martin Pre-School alleged tunnels in California were finally found and animal bones (from sacrifice and other occult paraphernalia ) were uncovered there. This is just one case of many that have been proven. Many SRA victims story have been corroborated with real evidence and prosecuted in court. So you Sir, are woefully ignorant in this matter.

Birdzeyeview ago

credibility? what credibility? I looked into this whole Pizzagate thing with an open mind, honestly, but now I am finding it just one massive, huge, enormous ..... F A C E P A L M

ExiledAnubis ago

Agreed - "Boy who cried wolf" syndrome is real here lol.

TheDude2 ago


CredAndBercuses ago


Noctu ago

Meta: Most of the posts in NEW are getting down voted into minus votes. Seconds upon being posted.

standalone ago

I agree. We are not here to get attention for ourselves. We are here for the children. Don't forget about that. Refrain from boasting. Stay objective and level headed about the relative importance of what you are reporting before getting all over the place with click bait titles in large caps. Of course if you find the real ultimate smoking gun, make sure that it gets the attention it deserves. But so far, most claims of smoking guns including the current sticky are complete let downs.

Scornful_One ago

Agree 100%. Since I started following /v/pizzagate I mostly see histerical posts written in capital letters.

oresd ago

We see how crappy mainstream corpo media is. Citizens acting has the power to eliminate this horrible system pretending to be news and force it into accountability and force coverage of topics that are not in their talking points.

Thinking you figured out the global illuminati alien pedo cabal does not have this power to help. Adjust meds accordingly.

oresd ago


At the top right now is the 240 quadrillion money laundering cabal with SMOKING GUN

starseedlover ago

OMG thank you for saying this. We understand you want your contribution to get attention. Sucks that we gotta use click-bait to get this stuff seen, but within reason.

nadamurphy ago

We shouldn't have to say things like this. People need to be a bit more grounded about this investigation and stop acting like every stacking piece of circumstantial evidence is going to get us anywhere.

dindonufin ago

I'm fully ready and willing to accept it. I just don't want to put the cart before the horse.

Edit: also the "anti-semite" label is a powerful weapon the MSM will use to crush us

Phobos_Mothership ago

It looks like the mods are on top of tagging posts with "breakthrough" and such, so there's no need to try to advertise that a post is "BREAKING!" in the title.

dindonufin ago

yes please - make it a rule

and until i see someone pointing a finger at the catholic church, the whole blame the jews point is moot

TheTrigger ago


Princeofcats ago

I agree completely. I just mean as an abstract that it's my emotions that seek vengeance; and my intellect seeks to dismantle the power the criminals have in order to stop it from coming back - and to cut off the retreat as well - because it is virtually assured that not all will be punished - for that reason I don't think anyone involve can afford the luxury of feelings or attachment to specific people being punished. They'll start killing their own the closer we get anyway.

Sorry/thanks for the tangent, I'm not sure who to say it to - I just think this pursuit needs to be relentless, and I'm thinking about how to ensure its sustainability.

lorlipone ago


Crackerjoe69 ago

Yeah, click-bait should stay on Buzzfeed, it only hurts long term credibility

Princeofcats ago

Ultimately, if we can change the way human communication is structured for the better, then it will be a greater gain than punishing crimes already committed. Stopping future child abuse is more important to me than the satisfaction I would have seeing people hang for the past. The subject matter is what makes it nearly impossible to be objective - at once we are fighting for both justice, and to preserve our foothold on the very process of seeking that justice. I hope my rhetoric doesn't detract, but it seems like the mainspring of this is our ability to police ourselves; I have to call it revolution, with all the pitfalls that carries.

Theyrekditalianfood ago

If we discover that our 'masters' are indeed fucking, torturing and killing 'our' children then it must be revolution. I can see no other way around it unless Trump himself brings these monsters to justice.

KnowThyself ago

I agree. The phrase 'smoking gun' should be reserved for evidence that, if submitted to authorities, would lead to an arrest. While something may be a breakthrough, it's not a smoking gun unless it meets that criteria.

IlluminatiKing ago


IlluminatiKing ago

Gotcha!!! JK ;)

Princeofcats ago

Agree - the first priority (of open-sourced research in general) should be the total annihilation of sensationalism in this endeavour, since that is essentially the abstract enemy we face together. The primary obstacle that lays between us and justice. The strength of this comes from a better way that people are thinking and communicating in my view, and as the paradigm itself shifts, victory becomes more likely, a steady march towards a justice that quells the hysteria of these times. A witch hunt will get us back to square one.

starseedlover ago

Well said!

thepizzagoy ago

Absolutely agreed. I'm relatively new here, but I see this "smoking gun" stuff constantly. And while a lot of it is good, it's not something that is going to land someone in jail. Sadly, to my knowledge, nobody has uncovered anything like that so far.

We need hard evidence. We need proof of physical crimes. Just knowing a lot of these sick fucks are pedophiles isn't doing much.

Birdzeyeview ago

pedophiles are everywhere. Everyone knows pedophiles, even if we don't know they ARE pedophiles.

This satanic ritual abuse Palaver has been debunked YEARS ago, why is it rinse and repeat now? this is all this Pizzagate thing is, and it's getting more outlandish the more worked up y'all get.

stellarcorpse ago

Never debunked!! Jesus if by chance you are the real JA you're not as smart as I thought. Do you even know how created the "false memory" hoax? You got it. Pedophiles! Pedo shrinks to be exact. I worked with a Ritual Abuse task force , part of LAPD in the 90's and they were harassed by these people to the point of injury. Massive conspiracy. Ya, because some conspiracies do actually exist. And truth is fuckin' stranger than fiction. And we have some of Cults in my town that do ritual sex magick. I have experienced it as a child and witnessed it as an adult. So if you want to stay ignorant fine. Better minds always seek truth and justice.. Ignorance is not always bliss.

btw if you don't believe it, i can invite you to one of these rituals. Maybe get a taste of your own medicine?? DC's got nothing on Hollywood baby.

crystalclearme ago

Absolutely agree- So irritating and such a waste of our time.


Even more irritating when they already were discovered weeks ago.

anon123 ago

I concur.