ThrowThisAwayPi ago

investigative Journalist Andrew Kerr has performed hours upon hours of work connecting David Brock and Correct The Record to illegalities within the Clinton campaign. He found PLENTY! The information is well documented and supported. Additional submissions by Andrew include:

David Brock’s Double Dealings: The Luca Strategy Group

Money Laundering Scheme Exposed: 14 Pro-Clinton Super PACs and Non-Profits Implicated

Correct the Record Raising Funds via Unregistered Solicitor

David Brock is Running an Illegal Shadow Campaign for Hillary Clinton

Many of you have commented that David Brock is the guy who knows all the secrets - and I agree. Another OP stated that Brock is not afraid of getting caught in pedo activities, but is VERY afraid of losing power in DC. Well, you all know how Capone went down. It was the IRS and shady financial dealings - not his murders and scumbaggery. Maybe this is the thing that will FINALLY do Brock in - and in taking him down, many kids may be saved from this nightmare.

Kudos to Andrew Kerr for all his hard work! Donate to to support him if you can.