KaliPhobos ago

We should watch out not to do any false claims and always back our information by more than just one picture. Especially the big-hand-little-hand is sometimes used in protestand-methodist churches in Germany to symbolize god reaching down for us humans, lending us a hand. (without the heart around it, but at least the hands are similar WITHOUT any reference to pedophilia).

I'm not saying this is a false alarm, I just beg you to make sure not to post false accusations and back your statements before publishing them anywhere outside voat.

Thank you <3

LostandFound ago

Good catch man, they are so brazen they have never had to worry. That time is over

Echo_of_Savages ago

How do you know they were going to change their logo?

Anoeu ago

Pizzas every where there can be nothing or a hint watch the pics.


kingforpres ago

They have a tab called blank with a blank screen. I'm sure it's written off as a site under development but I typed in the Konami code thinking I might get lucky anyway.

Freemasonsrus ago

Terasol may then want to reconsider the sunflower as well...

LtSilverFox ago

I didn't know this was the time of year everyone changes their logos

Pizzatemp420 ago

(S)he is only suggesting that if you happened to use that logo, with no ill intent, and 6500 internet trolls accused you of being pedo due to the logo, you would change it. Whether or not pedo activity actually existed. I do feel like if that were the case however, I would make a statement on my site...I wouldn't just up and remove it without notice.

zlomsocz ago

this stuff is important im glad everyone has been archiving properly, once a bigger timeline needs to be written, well have all the evidence, fine work!

fartyshorts ago

Don't forget "El Pedo Factory" https://www.facebook.com/elpidafactory/

crash6674 ago

The damning part is the google map where all these places are right smack next to each other, With the pedo logos on the side of the fucking buildings. I could see one case of coincidence but having clinton's haiti "charity" with Laura Silsby connections across the street is just too much.

DcFunny ago

I agree with BiPart. While these DC ones are probably connected, your local pizza joint probably just stole the symbol to emulate a trendy pizza place in a fancy far-off city. They would certainly delete it if they heard about PizzaGate.

srayzie ago

It's nice to see that what we are doing is shaking these perverts up tho. Encouraging. It shows we're heading in the right direction.

superesper ago

If you genuinely thought the justice system or some other governmental mechanism would respond to the fact that the entire world's ruling class is involved in ritualistic pedophilia, cannibalism, and serial murder, something that's been going on for at least centuries, and probably millennia, you haven't really considered the implications of what's being exposed here and what the justice system and government in general actually are. As someone who is not at all surprised nothing has been done about this, and who has been aware of this shit since long before pizzagate, let me at least reassure you pizzagate getting out to the normies is by far the biggest blow against this system that's taken place in our lifetimes and probably in centuries/ever. They can't put it back in the bottle. No matter how long the justice system continues to do nothing (likely forever, or until there's some kind of massive coup) the most important thing is to keep spreading the word to normies that this is happening.

DcFunny ago

Thanks. 4 different trolls just came through my #Pizzagate page copypastaing this there. Fuck you and your CTR rhetoric. If you were the first, you handed them the script.

OpenSoulOpenMind ago

its still early in into all of this...a case of this magnitude will take awhile before something is actually done

Patience my friend, just keep digging and we will get the evidence we need sooner or later...

fartyshorts ago

Unilever bought tons of ice cream companies around the world and changed the logo to that one. I remember it happening in a couple of different countries. I never thought much of it until I saw the FBI document. :E

OpenSoulOpenMind ago

Turns out that "streets" is just one small company under a major ice cream chain that goes by the name of "Unilever"...ALL of the small ice cream companies that are managed under Unilever use the same logo


Kind of strange indeed..

CrackerJacks ago

That logo is a Walls Icecream logo....Major brand here in the UK.

comeonpeople ago

Brought to their attention by the people harassing them. Every one of these businesses has gotten barraged with pizzagate-related "reviews" on Yelp, had their Twitter and FB barraged with pedo comments, etc.

Of course they would change their logos.

When did you first learn that spirals/triangles etc were pedo symbols? If you had them in your graphics and started getting death threats, would you change them?

hunter3 ago

maybe they didnt know it was a pedo thing?

IAmJohnBarron ago

The logo changing is the only thing that has redpilled my gf….. shaking my fukking head

arigold ago

ok well that means we definitely need a set of memes dedicated just to the logo changes.

if it redpilled your girl, that means it will most likely be effective at redpilling the deniers

IAmJohnBarron ago

it just sucks because it's like the easiest thing that could be called as photoshopped proof. I'm just upset this is what got her attention i guess, after wikileaks, the pedo code emails, the instagram, smfh

DcFunny ago

It's a chick thing I think they dgaf about anything you do until you tilt the phone away. Then it's all WHATS HER NAME WHAT ARE YOU HIDING.

Urebeat ago

Nice idea

bdmthrfkr ago

Suppressing these bastards is not our goal, Finishing them off is.

Sageb ago

I would reason, that the companies that have been in existence pre-adoption of the referenced symbol is most likely not endorsing pedo-creeps.

Lets_be_Real ago

the 4th pic in the slideshow is Tony 'Pedo-esta'

militant ago


MadMonkey ago

Are there connections between terasol and the other companies/clinton?


Although publicly they're quiet, behind the scenes they are working like busy bees to remove whatever traces of their activities on the net that remain.

comeonpeople ago

The obvious conclusion to be reached is that, like everybody else who doesn't spend their days researching pedophiles, these guys had no fucking clue that pedophiles had a lock on spirals and triangles and hearts and hands, and now that it's been brought to their attention that those are pedo symbols, they are changing their graphics.

Why is that a problem?


Idiotic! Putting a small hand inside a little hand and posting it as a symbol on your website is a deliberate choice.


Yeah it's a total coincidence that all these Clinton-connected businesses in proximity to eachother have pedophile symbols for logos.