ababcb ago

"Digicel is owned by Denis O’Brien, a close friend of the Clintons. O’Brien secured three speaking engagements in his native Ireland that paid $200,000 apiece. These engagements occurred right at the time that Digicel was making its deal with the U.S. State Department. O’Brien has also donated lavishly to the Clinton Foundation, giving between $1 million and $5 million sometime in 2010–2011. Coincidentally the United States government paid Digicel $45 million to open a hotel in Port-au-Prince. Now perhaps it could be argued that Haitians could use a high-priced hotel to attract foreign investors and provide jobs for locals. Thus far, however, this particular hotel seems to employ only a few dozen locals, which hardly justifies the sizable investment that went into building it. Moreover, there are virtually no foreign investors; the rooms are mostly unoccupied; the ones that are taken seem mainly for the benefit of Digicel’s visiting teams."

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/437883/hillarys-america-secret-history-democratic-party-dinesh-dsouza-clinton-foundation

Orange_Circle ago

The fact that the msn complete covered up the emails about the "friends of Bill" going to the top of the list in receiving government contracts in Haiti convinces me that there is not an honest person among them.

anon123 ago

CF donor + Haiti = Definitely worth looking into. Nice find.

ababcb ago

The more I think about it, the more I think post earthquake Haitian hotels should be looked in to. The Haitian relief effort which the Clintons lead has always been notorious for squandering virtually all of the money on construction projects that the Haitian people could not directly use, and luxury hotels were one of the things that they spent a ton of money on.

This just looked like corruption to me before, but coupled with child trafficking allegations it seems really suspicious.