PrideOfOshtekk ago

Jews are well educated and are therefore far more likely to end up in these circles. It is no surprise nor is it of any consequence. The Pope is not a Jew. Queen Elizabeth is not a Jew. These pedophiles aren't all Jews.

ababcb ago

Almost all of these people are openly Jewish. Check their Wikipedia pages.

Holywood Execs:

Peter Chernin - News Corp. President - Jew

Brad Grey - Paramount Pictures Chairman - Jew

Robert Iger - Walt Disney Co. Chief Executive - Jew

Michael Lynton - Sony Pictures Chairman - Jew

Kevin Tsujihara - *Warner Bros. Chairman

Leslie Moonves - CBS Corp. Chief Executive - Jew

Terrence Lanni - MGM Chairman

Jeff Zucker - NBC Universal Chief Executive - **Jew **

Remember what FBI anon said about a "Huge Jewish influence"? He's been right about almost everything else so far... We definitely need to look deeper in to the Jewish community.


Lol. It's so simple.

algernon4peace ago

I wish some of the victims would come forward as well, but at the same time feel so bad for them and certainly don't blame them for not doing so either.

What I can't forgive are people who might not be involved, but who knows what is happening and says nothing.

But perhaps, it's not a matter of being brave and it's more a desire to stay alive. The celeb's who have spoken out and lived to talk about it, have been ridiculed so much that most people disregard them. But Pedowood and Pizzagate are without question connected. The celebrities who have been victimised, are likely passed around by extremely wealthy people. The cream of the pedo crop. But I think the more we dig, the more Hollywood stuff is going to come out.

I genuinely hope it does, because not only do the actors/actress/musicians who were victimized deserve justice but hopefully our sleeping family and friends will see how corrupt and fake Hollywood really is and maybe not believe all the shit they serve us.

But yeah, whenever I think about the child stars I grew up watching and what likely happened to some of them, my pitch fork turns nuclear. I'd like to see Disney and Nicolodeon burned to the mofo ground.

Nicefind ago

Start with Feldmans handlers and inner circle in the 80s. Then draw the connections up to the present. Feldman will not testify until his perpetrator is indicted. Wood backtracked completely and won't do shit.

podestadamolesta ago

Roseanne Barr even said MK-ULTRA rules in Hollywood.

thefloodcontrol ago

I think it's because people are shit and they think if they don't accept it it isn't real. Even if they hear about it they don't look into or dismiss it outright. My extended family thinks I'm crazy for mentioning that the Clintons hang with Epstein. Fuck em.

newoldwave ago

The public's listening, but don't care.

KosherHiveKicker ago

Additionally these same "holy men" literally orally molest young boys in front of their families.

algernon4peace ago

Wow, these ****ing pedos and their parents are so brainwashed.

I understand it can be tricky choosing the right religion, especially if it's how your raised, but surely a red flag has to be if one's "God" encourages child rape/molestation.

They might call themselves Kabbalists,-Zionist Jews (Catholic) but it's clear what they really are --- Satanists and fucked up, entitled freaks.

poly ago

Synagogue of Satan

. #Revelation2:9 #Revelation3:9

anon123 ago

I listened. I started looking into Pizzagate because of them.

juhos ago

My VPN and secure system alerts about being harmful site..

Ling_Ling ago

To be fair, this was after the fact.

There is no telling what happened between his initial statement and when he gave the statements for your link.

ExiledAnubis ago

By touting this neo-Nazi-esque garbage you will only open this movement up to attack. It becomes really easy for MSM to dismiss #PizzaGate as nonsensical when they can say "Aha, look here, they're just a bunch of Nazi bigots!" Regardless of what you may believe, the PUBLIC opinion says that this is unacceptable. If we want #PizzaGate to actually gain traction outside of a handful of freelance internet detectives, we need the public's opinion on our side.

poly ago

If we really want to keep this movement snowballing, we should recruit and include Christians. This is a spiritual battle, and atheists are quite frankly not equipped for this battle. We need to explain #PizzaGate to Christians in religious language.

Gorillion ago

Fuck that. See a connection or trend you speak out about it, fuckstick.

This is not gonna be some Rotherham UK bullshit where we dare not talk of the racial or religious groups involved. If it's full of gays and trannies, we fucking say it's full of gays and trannies. If it's full of Catholics, we say it's full of Catholics.

If we want #PizzaGate to actually gain traction outside of a handful of freelance internet detectives, we need the public's opinion on our side.

No. We need some hard connections and evidence. And we find that by looking under every fucking rock, and looking behind any door that presents itself. The mainstream will fall the fuck in line as soon as the heavy shit drops. It'll spread around the world in moments.


What you could have suggested, you moron, is that the jew-haters around here shouldn't let their hard-on for pinning everything bad in the world on their little jewish buddies get in the way of disciplined and focused research. To look for what's there, not what they want to be there. Everyone here should be aware of what their own personal "bias" is, in case it allows for something to slip by them.

But, it has to be said, when you're talking about power-players in Hollywood, you're talking Jews. End of story.

I'd personally point to the fact that Corey Feldman is jewish, so there's obviously no "hands off the jew kids" rule within these circles of child abuse. And all evidence points to Charlie Sheen as the adult who abused Corey Haim, and Sheen's family name is Estevez, not Epstein or similar.

ExiledAnubis ago

Yes, let's all fight and bicker against one another by calling each other any number of ridiculous names and getting bent out of shape. You directly call me unintelligent because I made a suggestion that you then mirror ("What you could have suggested") in slightly different wording. Top notch work, way to do our opponents' work for them.

My entire point is that we don't get mired in bias when pursuing the facts. Correlation is often not causation, but that doesn't mean it isn't worth making a note of as an interesting bit of information. Just saying that we shouldn't start throwing down labels without any real meaning behind them. Whether the perpetrators were all black, all white, all jewish, or all mixed is, again, irrelevant without followup information behind that. Ok so they're all Jews - what does this tell us? How can this help the investigation? It serves literally no purpose except to reinforce a stereotype and do exactly what you agreed should be avoided.

Jaegerjaques ago

They will attack this movement any way they can, regardless of whether you play by their rules and pretend to be 'inclusive', 'tolerant' and 'open-minded'. They'll call accuse you of every -ism under the sun. Do not play by their rules.

EarlPoncho ago

actually you're the one feeding into their narrative by blindly believing in muh 6 gorillion lies

Nately ago

Has anyone seen Elijah Wood in the new Dirk Gently? Saw something earlier about him tending to take specific kinds of roles and Dirk Gently is no exception. Themes about body swapping (dissociation), interconnectedness, no coincidences, symbolism, etc. Sure feels like Elijah is trying to say something.

ScottKnight ago

I think there was always a minority who believed them, then a majority who didn't here their story clearly told. A lot of people, of all age groups really, want to trust the entertainment industries because of how reliant we are to them for entertainment lol

L1ght3RUp ago

In the end you wonder if people understand the idea of a coincidence and what's going on around them.

ExiledAnubis ago

Seriously, stop. Who cares what nationality they are. Who cares what political affiliation they carry. Who cares about any of this stupid, irrelevant garbage? It contributes nothing except an angle of attack that our opponents can use against us. Stop posting things encouraging bigotry and partisanism, this is about saving the lives of children - anything else should be considered incidental.

ababcb ago

This DOES matter. Would you say we shouldn't look into the Catholic church because "religion doesn't matter" even though it's obvious that there's a longstanding systemic problem with pedophilia within the Catholic church?

Of course not. So why do you extend special privilege like this to Jews? The Jewish community could easily have the same problem that the Catholic church has, and there's evidence to suggest that they do.

ExiledAnubis ago

That's not what I said at all. I didn't say "Don't look into this connection." Freaking read, please.

I said that finding out what race they are GIVES US NO ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. We already know that they are linked together, finding out that they are the same race doesn't add anything to this, nor does it lead us to any new conclusions.

YES Look into them, continue to follow the leads where they go, but hard facts like: all/many of them gathering in the same place, all/many of them performing a similar action, etc. etc. - these bits of information are what is important.

Nicefind ago

This is going to be a vault line splitting apart our sub. Hard core Jew haters got kicked off the_donald and some migrated here. Welcome to them. We need your skills and labour. But this community is going after all pedos especially those connected to CPP, HC, CF, etc.

UdavidT ago

But in this situation it does.

poly ago

Concern troll is concerned

ababcb ago

Literally 100% of people using the term "concern troll" are shills. The Streisand effect is real and you are giving everything away.

poly ago

member for 9 days.

check my history

Jaegerjaques ago

When there is a clear pattern, you cannot just say: "who cares". Just because the pattern that @holohoax777 posted disturbs you and is in conflict with your worldview does not mean we should ignore it. You seem to believe race doesn't factor into behavior. The above information conflicts with that belief, which causes cognitive dissonance and makes you emotional.

You have two choices as for how to proceed: you can either completely dismiss this information and pretend that this pattern isn't there so you can maintain your current worldview and feel peaceful, or you can try to explore the painful alternative: that race and behavior might in fact be related to each other.

ExiledAnubis ago

It has nothing to do with whether or not it disturbs me, it has everything to do with if the information is relevant to the discussion and how the public (i.e.: people outside of this echo chamber) will view it. If we spoonfeed our opponents all the ammunition they need to crucify us in the eyes of the public, this movement will absolutely die.

Perhaps the behaviors are related. Pursue that theory and then come back with meaningful evidence. If they worship together / are part of a club / whatever - THAT is meaningful data. Their race is irrelevant, their actions are not. We can leave the race/action correlation discussion for another day.

Jaegerjaques ago

Our opponents do not need ammunition. They'll use every dirty trick in the book. They could make an account and post extremely offensive and ridiculous things here, and then write an article about it pretending to be shocked. Have you seen what the media did to Trump? They slandered him, lied about him and demonized him. Do you think they would've played nice if he played by their rules like a standard conservative? His strategy: Never apologise, never compromise, never walk back. It worked.

Also, I understand your viewpoint on race now. But you need to be aware that there are a lot of people that do not think race is irrelevant. For some people being of the same race is like hardcore football supporters being in the same club. Blind fanaticism, pure tribalism, no logic. Race is a club to them. There are powerful people who think like this too, and you need to keep this into account.

ExiledAnubis ago

Thanks for understanding - and I get what you're saying, I just don't think it's necessary to play that as an angle. Certainly any trend is worth noting, just don't turn a trend into a generalization, or a correlation into causation.

Warnos44 ago

NO ONE is saying all Jews are pedos. But Soros is Jewish. These guys are Jewish. It is worth noting~ don't fall into the "don't look at race because it's racist." Noting that they're Jewish and perhaps looking into where they worship, if they're part of a club because they're Jewish, or even investigating their friends who are Jewish can give clues. Just because there is Anti semiticism doesn't mean we're being that just because we notice something. It's called profiling and its a legitimate consideration.

ababcb ago

Remember FBI Anon? He said there was "Huge Jewish influence".

Nicefind ago

These pedos come from all ethnicities. Do you only want to catch Jewish people?

ThisWeirdIndividual ago

But..But.... Hitler..?

srayzie ago

I've been wondering what all this Jew talk was about. There seem s to be a trend among Jewish people?

Brisketpants ago

It's inverse correlation. There's more Jews higher up, and people don't notice this shit of average Joes. People of all religions, races, genders, and sexualities are pedophiles, it's not a Jewish thing, and it's not acceptable in the Jewish community or by Jewish law. When we find out about this sort of thing of individuals in our communities, they're usually, not only reported and hopefully arrested and charged, but also cut off from the community.

contrarianism ago

Illuminati Programming is why no one does anything

lawfag123 ago

It makes me wonder about the hollywood stars who have mental breakdowns during their prime years. Perhaps they were trying to escape the system? I saw a discussion on 4chan about how every aspect of these hollywood stars' life is managed like in the truman show.

Ling_Ling ago

Recently the Kayne West thing. I'm not a big fan of his, but likely everything he was saying was true to some extent. Yet, people are just shrugging it off saying he was crazy.

I've also read that Brittney Spear's parents or someone basically have total control of her life. I can't remember for sure, but I think she was ruled incompetent or something. I remember her massive break down, it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if she was trying to escape the system and they got her like this to discredit her. She was a child Disney star before she was a famous singer, there is no telling what sorts of evil she was exposed to.

lawfag123 ago

Lindsay Lohan also comes to mind. And I believe one of the Olsen twins had some sort of breakdown, but I have never been a close follower of Hollywood. Who else?

Hey_Sunshine ago

I second that observation, never cared about whatever Hollywood bs they were pedaling on tmz but surely they I do sympathize with Mr.Wood and Mr. Feldman and the countless no-name people that were given to these monsters as sacrifice to some heathen gods of cruel hearted human trash lords like podesta and his ilk.

lawfag123 ago

I think it would be phenomenal for us to message all Hollywood celebrities at once and encourage them to tell us any relevant information about a Hollywood pedophile ring. I don't think the Hollywood goon squad would be able to handle everyone at once.

Hey_Sunshine ago

It's my belief that there is nothing created by human effort that could not also be destroyed. Hollywood is no different and needs to be remade because hollywood media has become a detrimental tool used to distract peoples attentions away from government and justice.

Warnos44 ago

Miley cyrus

Freemasonsrus ago

I had posted this over on the Kubrick thread.

Stanley takes me back to Hollywood which takes me back to Corey Haim. Most assume his abuser was Joel Schumacher. Here's a great interview w Feldman, that after everything we've seen, now is much more ominous. There's another interesting write up called Jay's analysis about The Lost Boys and all of the symbols used through out the, including the pedo triangle. Schumacher directed Lost Boys.

Manning ago

Someone told me with a point of certainty that it was Rob Reiner, who was also a child star themselves

Michael Jackson was also a child star

Freemasonsrus ago

Ha! I agee.

Freemasonsrus ago

It very well may have been. I haven't dug into it really. I think the assumption has been Joel bc Feldman said Haim was raped as a teen by the director on a movie. I've always believed Jackson was abused and that he (in his twisted mind) thought treating these boys really nicely instead of abusively made sexually assaulting them somehow ok. But hey, that's just my educated guess.

Gorillion ago

I picked up that Charlie Sheen was Haim's major abuser. Maybe Schumacher got in on the action too. Look into his history with child actor Brad Renfro, who then worked with Bryan Singer (another creep), and Larry Clark (super creep who made the movie "Kids") and who later died from an OD. Good actor, but seemed like his personal life was a huge mess.

pizzagatewillnotdie ago

Feldman won't give names. Statute of limitations is up for the abuses he knows about, and they could sue him for libel.

Guy_Fawkes1984 ago

can someone reach out to these people privately and just get info from them directly? Its a way for them to expose what's going on without going public and dealing with getting sued or murdered. There's got to be a way

pizzagatewillnotdie ago

I don't know, but it's worth a shot.

quantokitty ago

And that's why this goes on. Fear, intimidation, and the real possibility that the life you're clinging to will be taken away as well.

quantokitty ago

The reason people aren't listening is that no names are given. While victims hint at what's going on, no one is willing to really speak out -- and for good reason. Not blaming the victims, just saying that they're not only ending their career -- the death sentence may extend in other ways.

SsupGuys ago

Elijah Wood hasn't been a victim himself, also please source where someone named specific people, as far as I remember from reading about this previously, nobody ever named anyone :/