SavingGrace ago

He's the old lover of David Brock - Hillary's Correct the Record man. Received a payoff when they split.

DystopianDaze ago

Brock's former lover William Grey (or Gray) received the $850,000, not Alefantis.

gosso920 ago

Alefantis is his name.

Raping children is his game.

thicktail1730947 ago

Thanks for the info.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Thanks for this. The nonsense about his name needs to stop. It's pure confirmation bias. Let's focus on the real evidence.

countmaxwell ago

It's definitely confirmation bias, but holy shit is it ever the cherry on a truly awful sundae.

cantsleepawink ago

LJ Alefantis works for a software company that specializes in agile systems. The CEO has a background in cyber intelligence. So if james needed a secure system for his own company he knows who to go to doesn't he ?