joe_hill ago

The only interesting thing : make an interview of frank Winstead

KingKongMod ago

Didn't u hear he's dead its all part of the meme to have the witch-hunt go viral.


Frank Winstead was a city-commisioner he recorded this video to prove that comet-pizza was a nuisance. He felt that having a bar open until 2am in this hood would cause crime. He lost. Later he lost re-election he has now quit politics. Today this pizza place is the most popular hang-out for locals, for kids, for teenagers, for parents, for music and for fun.

Why do TRUMP asshole fuck this place? Because trump assholes HATE to see ppl having fun.

crash6674 ago

Yea kind of hard to deny something fuckey is going on when you HAVE A FUCKING PEDO LOGO ON THE SIDE OF THE FUCKING BUILDING, Hurr-Durrr. Also from your comments it seems you hang out with the "kids" care to elaborate?

rantingsofastarseed ago

looks like the media was missing some pieces "D.C. Official: Outdoor Seats At Pizza Place Will Mean Rapes And Murders"

elgindelta ago

Listen to Copy of Pizzagate- Girl Screaming for Help Inside Comet daddy help me.wav by ElginDelta #np on #SoundCloud

drunk420 ago

no way is that screaming coming from the family walking by at 00:38. First of all, the 1st scream is heard way before the family enters the frame and the last screams are heard after they leave the frame. The loudness levels of the screaming are pretty consistent and are in fact louder than the sounds you hear from the ping pong players after a ball passes them. I'm not saying it's kids in a dungeon, I'm simply stating that I do not believe these screams come from the family walking past the ping pong table.

EllenPaosEgo ago

/pol/ already investigated this a while ago. The camera is low to the ground and directly above the storm drain. That is why the childs voice sounds a bit echoed. This ties into the underground tunnel network under D.C.

senpaithatignoresyou ago

Why is this man complaining about them playing ping pong? are they doing it that often?

It sounds absurd at first, but it makes me wonder a bit, what other shit are they pulling to piss people off? Why go to all the trouble to complain about a street game of table tennis? Are they doing it that often? why they hell are they doing it next to a busy road?

Are there other complaints against this establishment? Noise complaints?

Or is this guy looking for an excuse to video tape the establishment?

First rule of conspiracy theory: apply occam's razor Second rule: apply hanlons razor.

If the question is not explained by either one, then you are on to something.

EllenPaosEgo ago

Shills are asking for censorship, that means this is real.

Ryonne ago

Look to the bottom of the screen at around 0:38. A little girl is walking by with her family. That's where the screaming is coming from.

This fucked with me for a while before I figured it out, too. I guess she just wanted to play some ping pong.

SsupGuys ago

This might be a genuine explanation, however having kids on my own, if they'd start screaming likes that, they would also resist more physically (stop walking altogether).

paulf ago

Version with audio cleaned up here:

Ugh. I hope when these people are burned at the stake, I get to light the match.

SsupGuys ago

Thanks, much clearer now and much longer than I heard it before... you might want to link to original video in the description on YT for reference/fact checking and maybe also to the voat sub here.

paulf ago

Keeping it unlisted for now but linking back here.

rutkdn ago

I know this was posted in the past and soon after dismissed by many, but IMHO this is a pretty solid piece of evidence. The sound travelled through the tunnel all the way to a man-hole near the camera and was picked up by it. It's very possible the person actually shooting it may have not heard it himself, but was still captured by the camera.


I just logged in to upvote this. I wholeheartedly agree.

pizzagatewillnotdie ago

If it was coming through the tunnel, wouldn't there be echo and reverb?

rutkdn ago

I don't know, I don't have access to a tunnel to test... Bottom line is I don't see any logic in attributing the screams to the kid seen on the video. Sure kids yell and scream, but just makes no sense that a kid would yell "help me" and "over here! help me" while walking around with their parents. It's off, something is really off with the soundtrack and needs to be analyzed by FBI experts.


Great point. Thank you.

oresd ago

This is a waste of time.

lawfag123 ago

Tell us why you think that?

Quasimodo1965 ago

Here's where someone attempted to isolate sounds of possible child crying for help at Comet Pizza (or nearby)

Put volume on HIGH.

I can't tell whether it is there or not; but the possibility is chilling.

Skalding ago

The guy that originally took the video (here: ) was obsessed with the potential safety hazards of having pingpong played by a busy road. Watch the guy to the left of the door around :40 it looks kinda weird how he moves suddenly and then the screaming can't be heard. There is also a family passing by that looks concernedly towards Comet Ping Pong when the screaming is heard, so it isn't just edited in. Edit: Well it is actually possible that they thought pingpong by a busy road was weird too and watched it a second as a possible other explanation.

One of the commenters on the video linked this sub-blog(?) from WashPo's archives: The article is mostly about the man who recorded the youtube video. It also has bits about Alefantis and Comet Ping Pong, some of their business plans, and some accusations against the place.

here is a piece of it where apparently Alefantis was trying to get the right to keep open his restaurant at later hours:

"A supporter of Comet addressed the commission, which was considering owner James Alefantis's application to extend his opening hours deeper into the evening, provide musical entertainment inside his restaurant, and add a patio for outdoor seating out front. The woman asked the commissioners why they would want to restrict Comet and other local businesses so that she has to travel 25 blocks away to find a late-night place for food and drink. "Why am I denied the privilege and the pleasure of a venue less than a block and a half away?" the resident asked."

This woman makes it sound like there aren't many late night places to eat in that area

ScientiaPotentia ago

Um, who filmed this and why? Didn't they notice the kid screaming? The video raises a lot of questions.

Smited ago

Someone who thought that having pingpong so close to the traffic was a problem I think.

SsupGuys ago

This may have been lost under all the submission (0 voats), that's why I'm re-posting it to get attention to it. Anybody with the skills to filter out the surrounding sounds could get a clearer version of the part that starts at ~40 seconds in?


@paulf uploaded a cleaned version here:


There is a child in front of the Comet Pizza 0:38 which may be complaining to their parents (probably wants to go inside?). Don't use this material as 'solid proof' it may just be coincidence!

paulf ago

I have a version which was sent to me where there has obviously been professional noise removal done. You can hear the kids screaming "help me" and even "James" at one point. I can post it somewhere?

SsupGuys ago

upload to youtube, dailymotion or any other video hosting site then link here