HereticalPeasant ago

Martin burns-

Bill Bowen (friend of Senator Nancy Scheffer) -

Javik2186 ago

In the State of Texas, Houston, Dallas, and El Paso are the most popular cities for child sex trafficking. The I-10 interstate is the most popular to use, because theres really nothing out there except desert. Nail salons, massage parlors, and some strip clubs with blacked out windows and unusually high amount of security cameras are prime targets of both human and child sex trafficking.

Godwillwin ago

Were all these killed for honing in on pedo ring, though? I want to make a list of those targeted for getting close to bowing the cover of the government trafficking/pedophilia ring.

Not that the other deaths don't matter. But there are Sooooooo many that have been killed for trying to expose all sorts of corruption.

The list killed by hit men hired by the Clintons ALONE is around 120. They had all their bodyguards killed. It's crazy

Arrvee ago

the MIT Media Lab founder

Gamergate's research led to several associates of current MIT Media Lab director Joi Ito and some of their attackers were pedos. The powers that be shut that down hard and are still working to suppress it.

Pisstubes0351 ago

Hey what's the latest scoop with the California jogger that was found with a message written on her?

AnthraxAlex ago

I've been saying the media and government turned science in this country into a religion for years. Everyone acts like I'm crazy when i say it. Science is literally being worshipped as a god by a majority citizens and it's killing any real science thats being done. Charlatan popularism is the death of real science. Fake scientists bending over backwards to verify ideologies with bunk research so that the populations fe fe's are safe. At least there are other people in this world that see it also.

MolochHunter ago

Guys, if this is the case then maybe the reason Spez kicked the thread out of reddit isnt because he's a pedo /sympathiser but because he doesnt want to get KILLED. This community should somehow get in touch with him clandestine fashion and see what intel he might have to give us outside obvious online reddit channels

Warnos44 ago

I also wondered this, he seemed to do a lot of egg shell walking in the leaked convos. It always seemed like even though he didn't agree he was OK with what t_d was and stood for. He also did things that were blatantly obvious almost like HEY PAY ATTENTION, and gave time to back up everything, but not enough to make it look like it was intentional.

Nicefind ago

OK, after further investigation, the activities in Cambodia, Thailand, the shit surrounding John Mark Karr, embassies, NGOs and orphanages seems fishy as fuck and we need more digging on this. If it can help our case, I don't know.


Now, John Mark Karr was a fucking California school teacher arrested in April 2001 for possession of child pornography, losing his teaching license, and vanishing to South East Asia after serving six months in a California jail. Karr seems to have become a pedo-trader and enabler around Thailand/Cambodia elites and embassies.


Shit goes wrong in these circles and the US extradite Karr so he doesn't expose high people. So he is back to CA where in 2006, more CP and other crimes leveled against him are dropped suspiciously. Recently, he resurfaced as Alexis Valoran Reich or Delia Alexis Reich or Lei Sussurra. S/he seems to have started a new pedo-cult and is wanted by authorities in Washington State and others.



The connections between Schwartz and Sandyhook are weak. Please provide more info. Additionally, the connections between Schwartz and MIT: it seems like Gov were after Schwartz; MIT seemed to stay out of it? Someone who knows better tell us. Links between Schwartz and Thailand/Cambodia pedo-networks are tenuous. They are rely on Yoichi Shimatsu, who seems to be throwing his former colleague journos under the bus whenever he can.


THAT SAID there are bad things to be found in Thailand/Cambodia and this fucker Karr...

edit: grammar

Freemasonsrus ago

I wasn't saying there was evidence of Swartz and Sandyhook. I had simply been curious of whether the dates lined up w his death simply bc he was all about open records and there was an effort after Sandyhook to seal all of the records. My original curiosity is what led me to do a search which freakishly led back to pedo rings as opposed to the open records/Sandyhook line of thinking.

Yates ago

I think Maegyn Kelly would cover these suspicious deaths

I think not, though I do like the idea of triggering her with this info. BUT she's not a real journalist, she's merely a talking head. Producers, writers and other staff research and prepare the show and her job is to present it as if she were a journalist. If you send it chances are her staff may not even pass it on to her. But wtf try it if you want.

Geraldo on the other hand did used to be a real journalist and he delved deeply into the satanic cases in the 80's in a pretty honest and thorough way from what I can tell. Maybe you can reawaken the that side of him.

amyrebeccajames ago

Megyn Kelly won't cover anything except James Alefantis's smile.

FuckReddit69 ago

Well said. Scientism is rampent in academia now. Its a shitshow of theories and garbage thats gets piled on more theories and garbage.

poly ago

I recently came out as a "science denier" because most of science's crowning achievements are in fact absolute fraud, and most scientists are too incompetent to see it.

Exhibit A) moon landing hoax

Exhibit B) vaccine quackery

RedditCensorshipOP ago

Bulic Forsythe 1993 death investigating pedo ties to UK govt

Gary Caradori 1990 death investigating Franklin Scandal

SpikyAube ago

We need more online journals where you submit your study before you have your results, and your paper gets accepted purely on the basis of whether the study is well-planned etc, so even if your results show nothing, you still publish. And open access, so can be reviewed by anyone. I've seen awful academics tying themselves in knots trying to make the stats fit their favourite theory, it's awful, but thats what you get when you make career success depend on publishing and publishing depend on getting novel/exciting results.

poly ago

Publish or perish. Mantra of academics

Nicefind ago

This is a good lead but we need to find solid sources. Looking into the history of Yoichi Shimatsu and Jeff Rense, they speculate a lot and document a very little. My admittedly unpopular opinion is that we need more documentation and less speculation at this point.

amyrebeccajames ago

A lot of journalists write like that. I think it's important to source your stuff too, but not to the same degree as some of the mods on here who want you to literally cite every inference and conclusion that can be drawn.

SnapeDoggyDogg ago

It might be unpopular but it is wise. If we don't seek solid sources, the whole movement will too easily be discredited.

Louisa ago

It's nice to see that not all these deaths are in vein. I hope. With so many people getting suicided - that wakes people up.

Freemasonsrus ago

Here's another good write up on Swartz. Sometimes Veterans Today is out in left field a bit, but this is a great piece thing in the history of silencing political dissidents.

therealwopD ago

Google yaron segal. Was an mit researcher that killed himself while in custody after being caught trying to have sex with kids. Were they afraid he would talk? is there more here?

Takeitslow ago

There's also a long simmering controversy in NY about the Brooklyn DA not prosecuting pedo Rabbis. Many schools are also involved. This may link to MIT and Aaron Swartz, Sandusky flying little boys on private jets to Big money Penn State doners through second mile foundation. Trying to find the list of directors to see any connections. Coaches and schools have access to groom kids.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Please don't call it "stupid research", it makes you just a little less credible. If its "stupid research" why do you care so much about what Aaron did for it? Bad choice of words.

Freemasonsrus ago

Because sometimes we are paying for "research" on a shrimp walking on a treadmill. Of course I think it should go without saying that not all research is "stupid", but rather govt waste, fraud and abuse of taxpayer funds is.

Heffisntmyrealname ago

This foundation we got here is coming along nicely. This is exactly this shit we need in the spot light. Good work OP, this needs to reach the top. Upvote por tu.

Godwillwin ago

Gracias! We can't give up and have to stay unified in large numbers. We can't all "commit suicide"

Godwillwin ago

List of those who mysteriously died/were murdered while investigating pedo ring and/or trafficking: Aaron Swartz, Monica Petersen, Andrew Breitbart, Mike Rupert, Seth Rich, Ted Gunderson, Alan "Chip" Tatum, Senator Nancy Schaefer, Carole Kasir, Yaron Segal, Mary Mahoney, Eric Butera, Sean Parlaman, Bulic Forsythe, Gary Caradori, Katri Ikävalko and Anne Vihavainen, Bill Bowen, Senator Bobby Franklin, Senator Robert Brown, Melaney Parker, Kate Puzey

Mmag1234 ago

Michael Rupert did commit suicide, I'm fairly certain of it in that he had been suffering mentally for years and had either attempted suicide in the past, or had spoken openly about it. He left, I believe, either 2 or 4 notes before calling his friend .. well, here's a link - I remember when this happened, tho, just saying.

But Hastings - how is he tied to this, can you help me in that regard? All respect, and thanks.

Godwillwin ago

Hastings was killed when his car sped up and hit a tree. He was said to be releasing a big story on CIA director Brennan. But this might not be related to a pedo cover-up killing. I'll remove him and Rupert

Mmag1234 ago

Oh, I didn't anticipate you removing both of them, I just didn't know how Hastings' death was connected. I appreciate the information on what his story was going to be about. Thank you.

Godwillwin ago

I'm thinking we should keep it those killed in an effort to cover up the pedo and trafficking. It's possible that his story on Brennan had something to do with it, but so far I haven't found anything that insinuates that.

It's crazy how they kil people in their cars. Can you imagine how scary? Driving then all of a sudden you realize you aren't in control of the brakes or the gas?

SChalice ago

You mean Nancy Schaefer not Mary.

Godwillwin - Sean Parlaman murdered? as well

Mary C. Mahoney was killed after getting involved in the Clinton sex scandal. Eric Butera was then murdered investigating her murder.

tigeror ago

Don't forget Leo Ryan.

irelandseyes ago

Elisa Lam (Lam Ho Yi) Found in rooftop water tank at hotel/hostel. I believe she had stumbled across our gov. using water and airborne disease for population control. May have been attempting to retrieve a water sample. Around the time of her death, there was a TB outbreak within the same area as the hotel/hostel she was staying and murdered at. Then I discovered the name of a new TB test: The Rapid Antigen Detection test, used to screen TB, is named Lam Elisa

Wellwerefucked ago

The list gets bigger and bigger. Surely we have a trump assassination coming as well, they have pre-programmed the shit out of it.

Womb_Raider ago

Don't forget Antonin Scalia.

southartful ago

Dont wanna distract too much but potentially sandy hook was a kidnapping exercise rather than a massacre? Any other large scale events like this happen elsewhere? Boko haram?

DeathToMasons ago

Epic fail. Either you are new to be awake or you are a plant. Sandy Hook is agreed to unanimously by the truth cimmonuity as an obvious hoax. Nobody dies, nobody was shot or killed. The actor playing Adam Lanza looks like the brother of in the other fake shooting of Christina Grimey. If you are new, apology!

southartful ago

Lol yeah so you'll have evidence of the kids free and walking aroud? So many of them were actors, but you dont have these kids still walking around. What they cant kill two birds withone stone? You think these people are too squimish to shoot kids nut they are also kiddy rapists and cannibals. Cmon its probable right?

Arrvee ago

There's an image going around that claims the kids' photos that were released to the press were taken several years earlier for a photo shoot for some evangelical end times BS, and some of the same kids (now older) performed at the Super Bowl memorial for Sandy Hook. I'm not going to vouch for it, but the claim is out there.

southartful ago

So they arent dead but they arent just hanging out are they? So they could potentially still be getting fucked by a bunch of sweaty old hollywood producers in hottubs all over california... my point remains

southartful ago

The fact that i have two shills shitposting me convinced me i am on to something at least. So good job, you played yoirself.

psilocyber_ ago

This post is actually false. Ignore it.

JoeBidenIsCreepy ago

Keeping the above in mind. read this ->

These children enter the system.

Who runs the "Get Across The Boarder Inc." ? Carlos Slim,

What was Monica Peterson's last blog pots about?

"With a personal fortune of over $64.8 billion, Petersen explains, Carlos Slim, the Mexican telecom mogul, is richest man on earth–so naturally he “is a Clinton associate and donor to the Clinton Foundation.”"

There is supposedly more to the blog post, I just cannot find the actual post...

A summary of my point.
Unaccompanied minors coming illegally across boarder enter the social services system, since they are undocumented they can "vanish" easily. Carlos Slim, very connected to Clinton's and Haiti is also the guy who runs the human trafficking in Mexico.

Yates ago

Carlos Slim, very connected to Clinton's and Haiti is also the guy who runs the human trafficking in Mexico.

Check out this video. This woman escapes from a hotel and freaks out, implicates Carlos Slim in sex trafficking, mentions the Queen some other crazy stuff.

party1981 ago

Max Spiers too

SpikyAube ago

Jill Dando in the UK too - BBC journalist, investigating Savile stuff in the 90s apparently, shot in the head on her doorstep, killler never found.

Freemasonsrus ago

Thanks! The article is basically the first "Pizzagate" if you will bc the author has provided the who/when/how and it all links back into orgs that deal with children, particularly at risk children. At the end of the day you could have a 1,000 kids come forward and tell the same story, but if they are from a boys home or orphanage or refugees ect., it's extremely easy to blame their "stories" on their mental/emotional state caused by their lack of a family who cares.

Themistocles ago

Themistocles ago

This NGO was founded right after the tsunami that he talks about in the report, specifically to help the children "most likely to be forgotten"

Look at their logo

Chance903 ago

Good job, I came across this. I still wish you guys would work in teams, you could get much more accomplished.