Kwijibo ago

They are civil suits (lawsuits) It is fairly normal for business owners to be sued, especially in small-claims court. Without knowing the other party or the outcome and amount of settlement, it is difficult to say if this is significant or not.

k9walker ago

check the neighboring, virginia area also

LionParty ago Found five cases for a "David Brock" might be a different one, haven't looked at them myself.

LionParty ago This case has ALEFANTIS AND BROCK being sued by someone named William Grey

dindonufin ago

Brock’s bitter legal battle with Grey, who is described in a Sept. 14, 2010, police report obtained by as his domestic partner of more than 10 years, began after Brock began dating Washington, D.C., restaurant impresario James Alefantis about five years ago.


insurgentsoul ago

insurgentsoul ago

I'm also not very well-versed in legal talk, as you mentioned, but I did find another Voat thread related to your post. Here's the link:
