sunajAeon ago

Millennium Report said he tried to post this here, and asked me to post it, PIZZAGATE Evidence: Amanda Kleinman aka ‘Majestic Ape’ and her video “The Neutered Noel” I am finding some great articles on his website

ScottKnight ago

You can pretend that it's just guys if you want. It's an epidemic on both sexes. It doesn't matter whether they are gay or straight they can all be paedophiles

ScottKnight ago

It is. I've been on the deep web looking for shit that connects and half the users on a particular site were female.

Oh and about 800 people on the site.

Malignment ago

Couple more articles on sex offense going on at Montgomery. Also just FYI - i looks to me like she was not a teacher of specific classes of disabled kids but rather a county wide handler. Principal told the mom not to contact police or child services HUGE RED FLAG With what this article discusses there's no way this was this guys only offense

TheSeer ago

Her band is 'Majestic Ape', their album was called 'Heavy Breathing', IIRC.

NerdyNoodle ago

So, is she friends with Jose Pineda or John Epps?

Jose Pineda

John Epps

ghtdak ago

Anyone who still ingests MSM is out of their minds (pun hahaha)

PolybiusPizza ago

I just want to point out that this was not before turning into that freaky masked thing. This was coinciding with all The Apes activity.

The_Periodic_Fable ago

Frankly, it astonishes me that this sick Amanda fuck even still has her LinkedIn profile posted. Normal rational behavior would have been to quickly take down and scrub all traces of herself from the net (or at least those under her control). It's really appears that these pedo freaks are so brainwashed that they don't even have normal fear reactions. This is open defiance.

JewsProtectedClass ago

She's Jewish.

Another coincidence...

KingOfEverything ago

Luke Stewart of Six Six is pro fidel castro. I believe the singer( could be diff member) of the band Hothead has affiliations with the occult as does its record company, Sister Polygon Records. Didn't have time to check them out, but you never know. I found all the stuff I found straight from Comet Pizza's website.

pmichel ago

those videos were some of the creepiest things I have ever seen, wish I could unsee. Working with children, with mentally challenged children... please investigate!

RightThisWay ago

Also Sasha Lord, event organiser for Comet Ping Pong, apparently worked for the Girl Scouts in Oregon and DC

Good Humor (the ice cream company with that suspicious logo) is also associated with Girl Scouts.

Could be worth looking into.

ThorTheWonderful ago

Thats interesting because I found this logo associated to photography "shutterstock"

templarknight ago

How does this tie in to Amanda Klienman?

ThorTheWonderful ago

The site for shutterstock has mailing address for New York and London. It also has a login I think needs to be hacked! There are some boderline pics on their twitter but nothing too crazy. I would like to see what a person could access in their site. And if she is connected to it.

ThorTheWonderful ago

Look at your post.. "photography" right there in the screen shots.

Wellwerefucked ago

Yeah, that's a long time to have someone connected to these fucked up types in a job like that shudders

billcaseyABC ago

someone on 8ch found pics of Amanda Kleinman going back to 2005, and AK is almost definitely a transwoman. Another pic showed AK taking pills out of one of those 7 day plastic pill containers that old people use, i.e. she's been taking hormones for years, that's why she looks relatively femme now. In 2005 though? Totally male.

LtSilverFox ago

Yea man post the link

ScottKnight ago

There are just as many women child abusers as male apparently😔

Yates ago

I've been in every 8ch thread since #1 and that poster posted one pic, no source, no link, no archive, pic not from Insta or even identifiable at all where it came from. The skull on that person was a completely different shape and size from Kleinman's and bore little resemblance to her. In the longer version of the Lord bday party vid you can clearly hear her very high female voice on top of the voice changer effect when she comes close to the camera. That poster was asked many time to provide a source for the pic and the claim and never has done so. If you have seen such a source, please post it. I have watched way too many vids with Kleinman, with and without the mask, and I believe she was born female. Post a link if you've got it, but otherwise there's no point. Plenty of women do drag routines as well as men and trans.

TheExedous ago

Yeah I've read in other posts that she is/was a man hence the use of the voice changer to sound more androgenous

jenidaninja ago

post link!

Spooncooker ago

Show me proof apes not a dude. On YouTube and at comet he looks sounds and seems the size of a dude

Zinnsee ago

She uses a soundeffect to change her voice. Probably a pitch shifter. In various cases you can hear her girly voice come through in the video.

TheExedous ago

I have read that he is a man in other posts, may also be trans might have something to do with the name aMANda kleinMAN.

Gorillion ago

It's another creepazoid tranny trying to use the pussy pass to access children.

Yates ago

We expect trannies to be pervy degenerates. It is infinitely more insane that a natural born woman is into pedophilia. People don't usually expect it since the stereotype is the dirty old man or creepy tranny. Most, if asked hypothetically which stranger they would take a ride from, they would of course pick the woman, even more so if she taught disabled kids.

She is leading a double life, one good one evil. It's like a fucking psychological horror movie, way scarier than a Chuckie doll slasher flick. Think Cain and Abel with John Lithgow. Or Primal Fear.

templarknight ago

That is precisely why I started looking into Amanda Kleinman in the first place. Women would be the best "finders" to abduct kids for these rituals because we are instinctually geared to trust women as mother figures.

While I can't prove it yet, I know that Amanda Kleinman is at the forefront of this pedo ring. I can feel it.

Let's continue to expose her and others involved in this hideous ring.

RossKemp_OnGangs ago

Found pictures of her and a myspace page with unmasked pictures:

People seem really against the idea that shes a woman :/

dindonufin ago

And for 13 years, no less. I was expecting to see maybe 1-2 years.

templarknight ago

Yep, suspicious as hell. If you were a parent, and your kid was in her class, and you saw her disturbing "art", you would be utterly horrified.

pmichel ago

you are so right!

dindonufin ago

I'd be the first one to call "her" out on sounding like a limp-wristed SF faggot. But I guess I'm just deplorable.

templarknight ago

If "she" is a guy, then her presence with mentally challenged kids is far more disturbing than I thought.

looking4truth ago

Yup "Amanda" is a dude.

dindonufin ago

Kastonomy ago

Apparently schools in that area have a Sex offender problem:

LionParty ago There's that for you.

templarknight ago

Does not surprise me at all! Thanks for sharing.

CrackerJacks ago

In the UK to work with kids or around kids people have to go through a background checks DBS, CRB, CRC Criminal Record Checks. Do you not have that in the US?

I guess that only helps if you have a record.

templarknight ago

Thank you for this!