UncookedSpirit ago

See also: the film Butterfly Effect (see Ashton Kutcher and his Thorn organization) as well as the game Life is Strange

Mona2 ago

Exactly. Then google Illuminati. The manual- if you will explains it all in combo with other document. If you can actually believe all this. And at this point I do. Therefore the question-how does this reach a conclusion, an end. It's a government of satanic brainwashers. Against the pawns-aka us. There ultimate purpose is brainwashing children to grow up the same, sacrificing others to their Satan, and to get rid of the rest of us really. I'm religious, so other than God sending all these people to hell, what can we do. Do you think there will be one item discovered that will put them in jail? With Satan on their side? It becomes so intangled in sexual abuse, murder, occult, Christianity, Illuminati members. I don't even know how to see an ending. One other point- are these in pizza places because they have pizza ovens to dispose of remains? Are they doing somethg so evil to use remains in cooking pizzas and this makes all the rest of us involved and be a huge joke to them? Are there any ash piles near these joints for forensics? Are we just pawns that the gov didn't get to w their experiments? I will NEVER eat pizza again.

playzfahdayz ago

Umm, if the DNC and HRC advocates are trying to legalize pedophilia, I'm pretty sure it's about having sex with children and making money off having sex with children. Either way, sex with children is pretty key to this whole ordeal, don't kid yourself...

Dickwitch ago

**What blood types are all of these people involved? ******

postfascion ago

Why do you think pop culture is being seeded with so many zombie narratives? Hiding in plain sight? One things for sure, I'd find it a lot easier morally to kill the walking dead than I would one of these poor brainwashed souls. But then the crazy notion of "possession" may not be so crazy after all. The vehicle may be human, but the driver may be something else entirely.

ThorTheWonderful ago

Actually close but it is rooted in Bolshevism! The Nazi's were innocent. As classified docs expired and the fall of the USSR revealed. The mission was to blame Nazi's for everything. Even the word "Nazi" was a propaganda word designed to insult the meaning of the party. That is the real MKULTRA!

isthisreality ago

I've realized this for a while, but the issue is getting this across to "gen pop". People know human trafficking is real, but delving into the really deep shit... I don't see how we could ever convince them that this is actually a real thing, unless we just compile mass evidence/accounts of people that have been through this, and maybe try to SOMEHOW get some mind control victims to step forward. Mind control/programming/purposefully splitting personalities/etc is something that is not generally acknowledged as "real", and is considered more conspiracy theory-ish- like the Illuminati, NWO, etc... but I have realized since digging into this that most things that I dismissed as "conspiracy theory" are actually REAL things, which still blows my mind. But yes, pretty much the end goal (imo, anyways) is creating a so-called "army", so "they" can pretty much just snap their fingers and have these people do whatever they are programmed to do- which is very scary if you think about it.

SterlingJB ago

MK type victims have stepped forward, but they're by definition compromised intelligence, usually suffering from personality disorders. Compromised intelligence is the name of the game for the higher ups too. If everybody's got a hand in the cookie jar (to put it lightly) no one tells.


Pizzagate is really about exposing the fact that we lost control of our world to about 30 people in the year 1700.

EyesSewnShut ago

I've been reading and looking into this kind of stuff since I've been lurking during pedosta/pizzagate. Would you mind taking the time to enlighten me? Or point me in the right direction?


Look through my comment history. I'll get back to you when I can (I am triple major university student lol).

pepe16 ago

I would upvote this but I'm out of points :-(

zeroreloaded ago

it's retards like this that kill the movement and not allow anyone to take us seriously.

postfascion ago

What would you rather be, closer to the truth, or closer to acceptance by the masses? Banding around the word idiot in your position brings to mind a phrase that includes stones and glass houses.

lordtyp0 ago

One should always be suspect on articles that start with "Other people are stupid, but not us!...".

krbrown ago


Be very suspect of everything and keep asking questions.

krbrown ago

It is a possibility. I mean look at how quickly we are desensitized to certain types of porn by constant use. To think that the elite, would be satisfied with having sex w/ kids for decades just cause that is what they like to do is something I have trouble believing. Especially since they can get it seemingly at will, eventually they will become desensitized even to that.

Also, the fact that there is evidence going back decades in regards to pedos in power suggests there is something else at work.

rivercontrol ago

This is a great post. I think this is exactly why PizzaGate occurs, not just for pedophiles, but for the duel purpose of blackmail and the indoctrination of the next generation of "slaves".

krbrown ago

Right. Otherwise, why is pedophilia SO prevalent in government? And the fact that we have proof of an American mind-control program like MK Ultra makes the thought hold some serious weight.

rivercontrol ago

I also think this can help follow leads on the Clinton Foundation. They are probably the ones handling all the international children for MKUltra.

isthisreality ago

It's what Cathy O'Brien and Paul Bonacci have been saying for years.

rivercontrol ago

Cathy O'Brien went into detail about the Clintons also. There is our connection.

isthisreality ago

yes, but how do we prove this though? I mean shit, it's hard enough convincing people that the higher-ups are involved in pedophilia, how the hell are we supposed to convince them that mind control/MKultra/programming etc is a real thing?

rivercontrol ago

I don't think it's a matter of "proving" anything, just researching in a clear and solid line. Also, I think a starting point is looking at all the ancient cultures doing the same thing forever. It's nothing new. Babylon, Egypt, Hebrew, Greece, Roman Empire, China, India, Persian Empire. Start from a historical perspective where there aren't people still alive protecting the secrets.

anubic ago

For what it's worth, you can listen to Cathy O'Brien's entire book on the topic on YT and soak that in


rivercontrol ago

Thanks for this! Read this years ago, time to check it out again. If you ask me, we need some fresh leads for PizzaGate. What is PizzaGate but the investigation into the WhiteHouse pedophile ring?

isthisreality ago


krbrown ago


What it does talk about is mind control and programming through abuse connecting to projects like MKUltra and Nazi mindcontrol. I think the correlation is strong. The Elite abuse children and mind control them from a very young age, they then raise them up and put them in government or another position of power. Since these kids were abused sexually, they are predisposed to do the same thing Link

They are then filmed sexually abusing childen/partaking in abuse and have lost all ability to break away. To be controlled in political circles by others who have that evidence

krbrown ago

I originally posted this on r/conspiracy and thought you guys could take a look and see what you think. This is my first time on Voat, as I have been lurking for a little while.

Also, this article is further reading written by Svali, a person that used to be a nazi programmer. It helps to understand what their goals and thinking are and why the elite torture children. This is what is lacking ...I couldn't believe the elite would just torture kids for sexual gratification only. It is a philosophy and a cult. This article is void of sensationalism and is very well written. Factual rather than emotional, which I prefer.

llm2016 ago

It's part of the Mind-control program. It appears that the human experiments done by Nazis found the connection between torturing children and successful mind-control (splitting them into multiple personalities, which is difficult for adults but easier for children)

ThorTheWonderful ago

Except it wasn't done by the Nazi's it was done by the Bolsheviks and shared with the US at the end of WW2. Further more, only 1 in 400 of these children live.

isthisreality ago

Wasn't Mengele the one who discovered this?

ThorTheWonderful ago

The use of fluoride was discovered in Canada, the Bolsheviks used mass propaganda and fear, the US and UN used banks, propaganda and later fluoride. Bolshevism infiltrated over 100 years ago.

ThorTheWonderful ago

MKULTRA was born when the merger of all came under cover of Nazi defeat. And blamed the Nazi's.