MAGABoomer ago

:D I can't understand their why? Because anything they shill on is so easily's like reading twatter and seeing people who actually believe hilldawg still has a chance! Mind fuckery!

Fifthestateknows ago

It's a term used routinely now in domestic violence. Abusers do this because it warps the victims mind by causing them to question their own ability to read reality.

MAGABoomer ago

No worries :) I appreciate the kind words. My horror and written descriptions was leaving no doubt that Twitter was distributing child porn. Attacking me in hopes I'd shut up or trying to make me seem like a liar, was distraction from what I wrote.

Yates ago

I decided to join you all here because fullchan pizzagate threads are getting shilled pretty bad. I don't usually mind shills, it's fun and interesting to watch their tactics, but last night someone posted a particularly crude Abramovitch pic at the start of a new pg thread with no comment and I feel I need a break from unmoderated digging. I'm not usually one to get triggered but digging this criminal enterprise is taking its toll I guess.

Here is an infographic that is purported to be a leak of a CTR slack chat. This was before the election, so quite some time ago. These fucks are cut from the very same cloth as the perps we're investigating.

MAGABoomer ago

I got banned from T_D...I kept reporting assholes that were following me around badgering me to post proof of the KP I saw on Twitter..I was polite at first, then fuck it I started reporting them...they were asking/demanding I do something illegal...which would get T_D deleted...they were not banned. I get banned for saying Moslems were animals (re what's happening in europe). Yeah..

connornm777 ago

The beauty of all this shilling is that it forces you to evaluate arguments based purely on merit. It just ends up making you sharper and not rely on anyone's word without evidence.

MAGABoomer ago

Yeah, they been following me around like crazy. It was a big mistake to use the same username from Peddit...but I wanted ppl to recognize me...shit.

QuestionEverything ago

Hmm. Subverting free speech for money? Sounds treasonous enough to me.

Blacksmith21 ago

I posted this in the main sub, but it should have been posted here. Food for thought:

I was reading the newb stickie again and something hit me. Maybe this has been discussed before. In the department of "know your enemy", I thought I'd throw this out.

If I were Podesta, I'd be putting the thumbscrews to STRATFOR to help suppress this "mess". And Lord knows, they have every reason to want to as well.

Here are a couple openings at STRATFOR. They aren't big, so they don't have 100 openings. But they are looking for some unique skillsets. See if anything jumps out as odd to you like it did me:

trillcollins ago

is that what this bullshit with the calzone is?

CosmicSponge ago


PizzaByPedos ago

The sheer amount of tinfoil and random accusations against pizza parlors in Bumfuck, Mississipi that was running rampant on reddit was too great to be organic.

Fifthestateknows ago

Good post. They are all over Me, even on our local FB board. You gotta know your shit to fend them off and they insanely found of logical fallacy. Let me arm you with a tip - learn about gas lighting/ aka crazy making. This is how they well up anger in a targeted voice and then use it to squash truth.

MeatballPizza ago

What did the guy who was nailed by Project Veritas call it? Bird Dogging!

minimaLMind ago

Why don't they just go to r/politics where they belong. LEAVE US ALONE

Smedley__Butler ago

Familiarize yourself with the tactics they use:

Letsdoit ago

Thank you for posting your link. It clarified a lot to me. I feel it should be a sticky.

I am new on these forums but have been trough it in real life as an activist.

Saw this sliding thing happening on my own post yesterday. ( Post before got deleted by donkykong.

Btw also posting to be able to find my way back to some sanity. Any other ways to have deeper comunication than just looking at dayly new shitpost flying by fishing for someting real?

Thank you all,

MeatballPizza ago

Great article! Seen much of that here already

followthemoney ago

Anything to avoid the TARP fund scandal gaining attention.

Manning ago

MK Ultra?

blind_sypher ago

Haha, they thought they could insult me into not making more of these flyers. These fucks just signed their death warrent, and Ill personally release a flyer detailing their activities and alliances.

throwaway_ ago

On the record : I hate CTR! anybody trying to mess with this investigation has the blood of these innocent kids on their hands!!! Everybody should be helping!

smoothassilk ago

i think our modteam does a great job by filtering out those "talmud blood sacrifice sucking circumcised baby cock jews" people. these mods seem to be reasonable enough to detect the fakes. the rest we handle ourselves. i am not worried.

i am just jealous of these people. i would love to get paid for shitposting too.

PizzaByPedos ago

Those assholes nuked my first account from +11 to -19 in like an hour after I called out their bullshit.

kingkongwaswrong ago

lol 'mod team'. It's been a solo effort so far ahahah I've invited some new people to help me though, fingers crossed :)

also pls never take a job as a shill

Ample4th ago

Ratfuckers incorporated.

LostandFound ago

This is way older than CTR ..see JTRIG - this has been going on a long time and they are everywhere on the net, state sponsored NSA equipped unlimited budget, fucking gaylords. Unfortunately like flies to shit they followed the flow of redditors here ...

senpaithatignoresyou ago

there is a sub that investigates this

quantokitty ago

Let's just all get together and down vote these shills and not get upset about it. These shills won't change the several great posts truth seekers have posted.

teethkicker ago

We don't have the option of removing downvotes do we? Or having the most controversial show up in a tab (ie most total down and up votes)?

bernitdown ago

Luckily they can't downvote the hell out of things here because of the voting system here. I think it will be more robust because of this.

P2 ago


1754llp0l171c4l ago

So now we know pizzagate is true, thanks CTR.

MeatballPizza ago

Catching flak = over target!

stophboy7 ago

Just vote them down. That's why Reddit at Voat works so well for this purpose - the shills can't accomplish anything because we have much greater numbers. Don't respond, downvote, move on. The best stuff always comes to the top with upvotes.

goatsandbros ago

Regular reminder that CTR employees are registered with the FEC, and that their names are part of the public record.

iwanttobelieve7 ago

Need to keep the focus on #PIZZAGATE...

HeavyBrain ago

using personal attacks associating the cause with fringe groups (KKK, Nazi Party)

Lol why engage/give a fuck about this? I mean personal attacks on the internet, come on.

But the thing is besides boards like this (on pol they absolutlly dont see land) their tactics actually seem to work.

TheDude2 ago

I hope Brock ends up in prison.

Shillhunt42 ago

I'd like to see the street lights in D.C. festooned with all those fuckers. Bind them with Christmas lights and hang'em high.

EatThePizzaEaters ago

I know that I worry about asking questions or pointing out anything that may be grasping since comments that may be different from the hive mind automatically gets shouted down with CTR TROLL SHILL.. We have to be able to discuss the evidence freely

MeatballPizza ago

Agree. But it's obvious when people are on here calling this a Witch hunt, adding no new information, not being open to looking at any of the evidence, etc. that these are either Jimmy Comet's buddies or paid CTR shills. if it's reasonable questioning, nobody has a problem with that. In fact, I've seen at least half a dozen issues cleared up over the past few days.

Freemasonsrus ago

They better get some coffee and some pizza. We're gonna be here a while...

knight222 ago

Until they're jailed to be more accurate.

Dataanti ago

at least they cant down vote without 50 up votes for them selves :P which i doubt they would ever get XD

Cincosiber ago

I'm a migrant from reddit, but long time lurker on voat. You defiantly have a better user base.

I'd love to down voat the CTR shit posts but I can't as a newbie. Nothing to stop them up voating their own shit though (10 up voats a day but that is enough for them to get things to the top)

AndoMc87 ago

No doubt they vote each other up

HeavyBrain ago

But they do, the moment they realized nobody actuall gives a fuck and the downvotes dont come for the hurt feelz but to render a spam account useless they fired up the bots that push them over 100CCCP.

MeatballPizza ago

Good point. We need to upvote people obviously doing real research. Downvote the shills.

CosmicSponge ago

This is our bread and butter. Upvoting good research. downvoting assholes.

chickyrogue ago

CTR= RAT FUCKERS and they should all fuck off [this is how we have handled them on conspiracies and so far so good call them out for what they are and then get back to what you are doing purpose!!]

so glad the FCC has published all of your NAMES CTR you got paid you got named!

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Faggots shud be shunned from society, we are descending into a communist propaganda state

chickyrogue ago

adults should live and let live no judgement but compromising a child <===unspeakable!

greycloud ago

i speak for it. fuck off! if a kid wants to do something AND they are informed (to be defined as understands and can state important nuances) than i believe they should have the right to autonomy. any law that denies this autonomy is de fact oppression.

chickyrogue ago

dont have kids mho

greycloud ago

not sure what "mho" means, but i am an antinatalist. having children is the only crime greater than murder.

chickyrogue ago

my humble opinion

MeatballPizza ago

Where's that link to all their names? Might be some Satanists in the bunch we need to look into. See where they live. Could be near Comet.

grlldcheese ago

Careful. Not sure how doxxing works here. It's definitely freer than reddit and 4chan, but doxxing tends to get places shut down.

That being said, the ctr dox files were extensive. So you'll find it floating around. Someone already linked to the fec filings but 4pol definitely went a lot farther at some point.

WolfOfSesameStreet ago

What is the policy on doxxing here btw? I don't see any problem with it so long as we're responsible.

grlldcheese ago

No clue. It's legality here. Pretty sure that's the only line. And god knows they can't afford lawyers. Depends on where the servers are, i guess. I haven't witnessed a doxxing campaign here yet so i dunno.

8chan goes pretty far and gets away with it. But i think even they kill the threads when they get huge. Posting shit like pelosi's cell# is gonna cause problems. Hilarious problems. But problems. Ask atko.

I'm not telling you not to do it. I'm saying be careful about it. Besides this was a slide thread. Wikileaks just pointed out hbgary again, hinted at palantir actually being the enemy. Shits funny. Current events lead away from ctr attention at all. This thread shows up pushing for redundant ctr doxx.

Smells like shill.

redsunfex ago

concern troll is concerned.

grlldcheese ago

Either that or I've been watching shills try to call for brigades from 8pol to here, 4chan to here, reddit to comet, and planting the pii that got pizzagate shut down in the first place.

So when i see scrubs trying to bumble their way into a half assed doxx that's already been done 100x better, i do the good Samaritan thing and mention it.

Fuck yourself you fucking newb faggot piece of shit scrub.

redsunfex ago

concern troll is angry. hahaha. need more pizza to feel better?

grlldcheese ago

Are you seriously creeping my 9d old comments?

What a fucking faggot.

MeatballPizza ago

FCC filing = public record. The names weren't posted here. Just a link to a public document anyone has the legal right to see.

That's not doxxing. Doxxing is sharing specific private info on people in public forum intending to harass them. Maybe these folks are sex offenders? Who know...

minimaLMind ago

cant tell if concern trolling or not

grlldcheese ago

Then you don't understand what concern trolling is.

There was like a month long ctr doxx campaign that led to ben fishcucks name being an instaban on 4chan and a shadow delete on reddit.

If you're not aware of that and also that they have already compiled mountains of doxx data, you're reworking ancient ground and wastng your time.

I'm facilitating you finding 100x what you're digging for here and warning that it's an incendiary topic that you need to be careful with.

But newfags will be newfags.

chickyrogue ago

mods should know exactly who is who and whats what

hang_em_high ago

What would be the best way to start looking into some of these people? Aside from Googling them is there a way to check criminal records etc? Is this worth doing at all?

goatsandbros ago

They're working for the public (sort of), so they're accountable to the public. Maybe FOIA requests relating somehow to them?

redsunfex ago


MillennialHarvestMes ago

Ever notice how MUCH money there is in this "consulting" racket involving power brokers? I mean it's incredible.

MeatballPizza ago


madmanpg ago

How many "we've been compromised/shills abound!" posts do we need to have on the first page? Every one of them just shows we have that much less evidence to discuss.

golgotham ago

SHILL! BURN HIM! he he he burn

MeatballPizza ago

I posted the tactics as an informative explanation of the tactics our members can expect from the shills. I know you're 'in the know' about CTR and what they do. Others may find my explanation helpful. Thank you for your concern. MAGA.