nnfx ago

If this email from the screenshot would have been real, everyone would know it. I have never seen it before. Would it have been real it would have been featured in every collage or video about the posdesta email codewords, since it is perfect example of codewords and actually indicates what the codeword stands for unlike in every other email we have seen.

So most probably fake.

lurch91 ago

That's what led me to post it in the first place. The coding used in the screenshot looked completely legit. It looks like the same kind of format used in every other email. My bad, guys. I was just being overly cautious, I guess.

nnfx ago

You didn't do anything wrong. We discussed if this could be evidence for alteration or fake, came to the conclusion it probably is fake and when /u/DystopianDaze 's friend calls back we know for sure and that is cool. No worry. ^^

Edit: Would you mind notifying me when email/ fake got confirmed?

lurch91 ago

You got it!

lurch91 ago

Then how can you prove your email to be fake from ANY wikileaks emails?

I guess what I'm asking is from someone outside looking in, how can they prove your "email" is fake compared to what wikileaks has released?

(I'm not being sarcastic, it's a legitimate question. I'm just curious)

lurch91 ago

kek okay. you have proved it. I would much rather see this than have some reason to think wikileaks was actually changing.

DystopianDaze ago

I linked your post to someone who has all the emails and asked them to cross-check it.

(Edit: typo)

lurch91 ago

Have they answered it yet?

lurch91 ago

Whew! I am glad to see that. Thanks alot!

DystopianDaze ago

No. I had heard that Wikileaks may have been compromised, so earlier I posted a question asking if anyone had downloaded the data set. All I could do was reply to them on the post w/the link and ask for help as I do not know them. I would imagine they will respond here, though I did request they let me know, too. Follow this post, and if I get a response, I will post it here.

lurch91 ago

*DystopianDaze has received one upvoat from Lurch91

nnfx ago

Good to know "we" have them.

DystopianDaze ago


dogmatix ago

That is pretty strange. Your first question about this being a 4 chan troll is probably most likely. If not then the implications are sobering. I have been lurking this whole pizzagate for a while and have not seen that email in question which considering most of the weird pizza emails are already out there then it seems most likely it is fake.

lurch91 ago

That's what I'm hoping, tbh. But how? I see no evidence or any signs of tampering at all, and if the 4chan anon DID falsely create it, how did they do it and what idea did they get to rename the email "insurances to be made" and why is the email header the same as the subject of the email? It doesn't make any sense? We all know wikileaks has been compromised (99% sure anyways) so how is it too far out there to think that "original" email in the link I posted to wiki has been changed to what it is now?

I'm just curious. I'm in no means trying to fill this submerse with crap, but if I can't explain it, I hope someone on here can give me an explanation.

dogmatix ago

I don't have a tech background but I am very interested to see if anyone here could answer your question. It is pretty freaky if wikileaks emails are being altered. That would be a total game changer for sure. At some point Assange is going to have to give proof of life or this whole thing is going to explode. If he is under duress then they can't keep that hidden forever. Perhaps they are stalling for time while they figure out their next steps.

lurch91 ago

Ninjakick666 just somehow edited a wiki email in these comments, as satirical as his image was towards me, I would rather see that than know wiki is changing emails.

But now my question is how is changing an email like that "so easy" evidently? Obviously I have no high degree in technical background either, but how is that possible? I would just like to know what can be altered for me to be able to discredit in the future so I only have legitimate information.