veritas_vincit ago

My point is, pics or it didn't happen. If it did happen, posit a non-extraordinary explanation before assuming that someone in high places is magically altering the exif data for some reason.

veritas_vincit ago

That is not a thing that happens to pictures saved on your device.

piratse ago

Has anyone ran them looking for embedded files/rars?

piratse ago

That's why you store it OFFLINE. And try not to DL things without checking viruses.

MeatballPizza ago

Agree. Trump won't do anything to Hillary UNLESS there's a huge Wikileak after Trump is in power and Trump has no choice but to act. Otherwise, she'll let them take their money and run.

MeatballPizza ago

For sure. Hastert was damn Speaker under Republicans and he was a pedo. Both parties are selling American out and now we know why: They've BOTH been compromised as pedophiles and are under blackmail control of third party globalists who seek to destroy the country.

This is BIGGER than both parties. RINOs need to go just as bad as Dems. If they are pedos, arrest both. That's what I'm expecting from the Weiner laptop. Just wait for Trump to take power. THEN we find out what's really been going on!

MeatballPizza ago

That's precisely the idea behind the PsyOp. Get them to go to Brock and Podesta and get NYT and all these other media shils to stick up for this. That'll bring in more heat.

The goal is absolute destruction of the left in this country. Go after anyone they associate with, do business with, dine, have as nannies, you name it. Drive them out of politics and off of the face of the planet.

Jimmy Comet is the target precisely because he is weak and has powerful friends who will protect him. He's the first of many to come. People will not answer the phone when Brock or Podesta call and they will be out of the game. Let them retire with their money to Europe and get run over in Nice with the hell hole they helped create there.

They ARE guilty by associating with Democrats. You put Obama phone bank in your business, you deserve what comes next. You take Soros money for parties, you deserve to be audited by the IRS.

That's how the game is played for power. You play to WIN. That's what Democrats do. That's what Trump will do.

Republicans are Uniparty sellout globalists. No longer. We are taking over the party and remaking it as a nationalist party with America first. Those that are our enemies will be put out to pasture or deep sixed. Too much at stake at this point not to take this seriously.

MeatballPizza ago

Yes, hiding behind 'charities' is a good way to hide true intentions AND get access to kids on the edge.

DukeOfLizards21 ago

found it while skimming emails. still trying to find out who those 2 women are, cause the only woman in the thread in huma abedin, and thats not her lol

Pizzaghost ago

One is Laura Ling. The were caught trying to smuggle children. Clinton's bailed them out

DukeOfLizards21 ago


SChalice ago

it is easy enough to do:

DeltaBravoTango ago

Also be on the look out for steganography.

Vigilia_Procuratio ago

Out of sheer curiosity, how does one look out for steganography?

Always-Check-EXIF ago is a start for new comers to this. A Hex editor if you understand how a jpg is structured. Note these people have no need to hide anything inside pictures. Why would somebody stare at a picture of a cheeseburger when they own a mcdonalds, if the analogy makes sense.

DeltaBravoTango ago

Honestly, I have no idea. I just know that it exists and that you need to know about it to recognize it. Maybe someone else knows. I imagine it's not easy, seeing as the whole point of it is to avoid detection.

0xFFF ago

Exactly. Its quite a project to even find out if Stenography might have been used on an image. But people are working on this. Wouldn't expect too much of it though best to expect is probability how likely it is stenography was used and what tools might have been used. You do need to get as much large sample size as possible and go from there

CausticRaz ago

If they have control of wikileaks then they've probably removed any useful information. Unless someone has the leaks from before potential wl takeover.

Sleuth222 ago

Unlikely to remove already existing emails. That would flag those as extra suspicious.

CausticRaz ago

Not remove emails but modify any actionable exif data contained within them.

CrackerJacks ago

I watched a video talking about them 2 women....Listen to what she says at 1:33

MeatballPizza ago

One theory was in this or other images there might be secret codes or CP (child porn) embedded / hidden. Never seen it verified.

You seem to have some technical expertise. I'm trying to see if any of the Podesta Brothers emails originate from Portugal, especially those in 2007-2009 when Clement Freud was alive.

SChalice ago

I think it has been proven that they were in Portugal during the time of the abduction. What hasn't been explicitly proven is that they were staying at Clement's place but there is strong evidence to suggest it.

MeatballPizza ago

No EVIDENCE - just 'confidential FBI sources' who said they were there on 4chan.

Evidence would be nice!

DukeOfLizards21 ago

We need to make a sticky of this. This is a good idea and can be a big breakthrough

information_junkie ago

Reddit already did that with all the pictures and mapped them. Guy ran a script to do it, will try and fine the post.

information_junkie ago

Here is a mapping python script for ip location I have found so far, still trying to find the jpg one.

blind-science ago

exif data in python is pretty easy to access i use:

Always-Check-EXIF ago

JPG script would be great, it needs to be run routinely as pictures are accumulated, any gps points then logged to csv, converted to kml and plotted on google maps to start to generate a heatmap. Picture taken time can be used to cross reference with supposed or apparent locations (travel iteneraries, blog/twitter posts, wikileaks data etc) of persons associated.

MeatballPizza ago

What did it say about the PIZZA.JPEG? The famous Podesta email of the two Asian females with a little girl in the middle of them?

AdVict0riam ago

It's important to remember that they aren't just "two Asian females," they're reporters/sisters Lisa and Laura Ling, the latter of which was arrested in North Korea while investigating human trafficking back in 2009.

MeatballPizza ago

Right, and Clinton stepped in to get them out?

UglyTruth ago

and Steve Bing and John Podesta.