irie ago

Ted Gunderson, retired FBI regional director, Tells All Illuminati, Satanism, Pedophile Rings, published December 24, 2013, and names Podesta as well as other prominent persons, . Gunderson says that he has credentials and credibility; "If you read the Internet, you may not think so, because there are some heavy-duty FBI informants out there like Stew Web and Barbara Hartwell who are MK-Ultra mind-control victims, CIA mind-control victims, who are making all kinds of disparaging remarks about me. But I don't deal with those people, because if you read their material you'll see that it's designed to discredit people like me, former [Nebraska] State Senator John DeCamp and other leaders who are trying our best to expose what's happening in America today and actually around the world."

irie ago

I don't recall the source, but years ago I read at some website that Ted Gunderson was sent to Omaha, Nebraska by the FBI to make sure that any evidence of child sex abuse of boys at Boys Town was destroyed to protect officials in the FBI and the CIA as well as powerful politicians including then Vice President George Bush and Senator Barney Franks. No evidence was provided to support this conclusory allegation about Mr. Gunderson, a former whistleblower, but it surprised me. Since no person is automatically above suspicion in this matter, every lead needs to be followed, every source vetted and all evidence independently verified where possible.

Ovi-Kintobor ago

It seems that mankind missed a few things ... Nobody managed to read between the lines, we were truely blinded. We need to remain coherent in our actions and fight, many peoples gave their lives for us to know about this shit. So many people... I am going to puke.

It is not the world they want us to imagine, in any way. This world is the worst nightmare ever dreamed, and we - the lowly citizens - have to put an end to this carnage. Many conspiracy theories now makes a lot of sense.

I am ashamed of the human race, I am ashamed of our weakness as a people. But I think we can still change the world and put it back on the right track. Guys, remember : Internet is their "final boss" they were not ready to fight.

Together, we stand strong.

Crunch43 ago

You can also find that documentary he mentioned, the one that was to air on the Discovery Channel but was banned at the last minute, on youtube. The conspiracy of silence, I believe. p.s. I am new here, can you guys give me some upvotes on this comment? I didn't know I only get 10 a day and need ppl to like my comments to be able to upvote stuff..... :(

DystopianDaze ago

For the record, he was SAC in several locations and SSAC in LA before he retired, but he was never the head (i.e. Director) of the agency.

pizzathrowaway ago

he wasn't the head of the FBI. He was head of the Memphis Branch and then Dallas and then LA, but was passed over for the top position in 1979, and left the FBI shortly thereafter.