lopus ago

don't know if this article from the dailyfail has been already posted, but here it is. Some interesting "pictures".
Inside Jeffrey Epstein's mansion http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3688656/A-fully-equipped-dentist-s-chair-close-photos-young-girls-backsides-eerie-images-videotaped-walk-billionaire-pedophile-Jeffrey-Epstein-s-Florida-mansion.html

dustygozangas ago

So I do not have a ton of time to do this, but we should start a simple text list of the names in the log so that we have easy access and do not need to comb through this document time after time.

Nicefind ago

Can we find a hard link between Dr. Pong and Siemens?

safetythrowaway1234 ago

added your comment

dindonufin ago

Siemens was also (miraculously) one of the few German businesses not destroyed in WW2...

jacksonpollack ago

Is anyone cross referencing any of these names in the flight log and Epstein's black book with WikiLeaks emails?

Millennial_Falcon ago

They have a connection to a place called "Dr. Pong" in Berlin, which very much seems like a German version of Comet.

BistroPalin ago

There are some problems with the links above, images are too small to read. Also the zippyshare site was riddled with malware and persistently tried to hijack my browser. The original pdf is out there and is full resolution and searchable. I recommend people grab that instead.

I find Clinton's many many rides on the Lolita Express to be very interesting. Epstein was working as something as his private chauffeur. The locations are interesting. Some are obvious party, drugs and sex trips to West Palm Beach and Miami.

But UNNT, Novosibirsk Tolmachevo Airport in deepest Siberia, is rather fascinating, and Clinton likes to visit there a lot. Is he going there for Siberian girls? For the Clinton's famous uranium sales deals? What exactly?

He goes between there and ZUUU (Chengdu, Sichuan, China) with Ira Magaziner his pal and Clinton Foundation executive.

He also frequently travels with Doug Band, another pal and Clinton Foundation executive.

Of particular interest, Cyril E. King Airport (STT) in St. Thomas is the airport Epstein has to land at to get to Little St. James, the Epstein island with the captive girls, massages, science meetings, underwater submarine base, and pagan temple to Moloch.

STT doesn't appear in any of the log entries whatsoever even though we know he was flying there. These entries must be the ones that were redacted. This article discusses how Epstein's dirty lawyer Alan Dershowitz provided the scrubbed flight logs to "exonerate" his client.

safetythrowaway1234 ago

Disabled the zippyshare link.

Is this provided by @jim_mackey the original PDF? Do you know if it's the same as what I posted? I've put it at the top of the original post regardless.

BistroPalin ago

Yeah that one appears to be the same. Spot checking several of the pages (not all, too many) they look identical.

DentHouper ago

Another frequent Flyer Andrea Mitrovich (Clinton Climate Initiative). Not turning up a lot on this individual.

hanknut42 ago

Itchie gross who is sopose to be Epstein linkdikn says he attended Yeshiva Ohr Elchonon Chabad West Coast Talmudical Seminary


DentHouper ago

Yes Kevin Spacey having flown on the Lolita Express has been known since the hand written partial logs were released some time ago. Which is interesting in the light of "American Beauty".

the_magic_man ago

"I've known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy. He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life." - Donald Trump on Jeffery Epstein

Prepper_Jack ago

And then 2 years later he kicked Epstein out of his club, because Epstein apparently went after the 15 year old daughter of one of his club members. It wasn't long after that where Epstein started being investigated.

DelorisCL ago

So what? That's all you have? That isn't proof. You think Epstein told everyone he knew that he liked to molest children or revealed it in any way? You are woefully ignorant of the steps predators will go to hide their true nature. If you are going to post this crap you better have more than some lame comment he made. "younger side" doesn't mean underage necessarily.

the_magic_man ago

Lol, everyone linked is guilty except trump who took flights and publicly defended a guy he knew was a pedo

DelorisCL ago

http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index2157.htm Girl Child Raped By Bill Clinton Admits To FBI Hillary Paid Her To Accuse Donald Trump

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

An extraordinary Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today says that the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) allowed Director Sergey Naryshkin to have complete “unrestricted/unfettered” access to their top-secret evidence proving that former President Bill Clinton raped a 13-year-old girl child, and that Hillary Clinton, in turn, paid this young girl child $200,000 to accuse Donald Trump instead—but who when confronted by the FBI this past week, dropped her lawsuit against Trump and was put under their protection. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

According to this report, Director Naryshkin, who took control of the SVR on 5 October, was “requested for presence” at the FBI’s Moscow Embassy offices yesterday to review ongoing terror related investigations being jointly conducted by the Federation and United States—but upon his arrival was “seated/placed” in a conference room by himself where top-secret files related to Bill Clinton’s raping of this girl child were “everywhere/everyplace”.

Being left alone for 45 minutes in this FBI conference room, this report continues, Director Naryshkin was able to examine the files, videos and documents relating to Bill Clinton’s raping of this young girl child—after which the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Station Chief (name redacted) presented himself for formal introductions.

As to why this highly “bizarre/unusual” meeting took place, this report notes, is due to the publically announced counter-coup launched this week by the US intelligence community against the Obama regime and Hillary Clinton—and that President Putin confirmed as being true after he was notified of this action by former CIA agent and US diplomat Dr. Steve Pieczenik.

A-2THE-K ago

Talmudic Jews ( who so happen to be the ruling elite class) are abducting children and raping, torturing and killing them. This is called a Jewish Blood Libel.

nnfx ago

EVERYONE here has read that very same sentence at least a 100 times already, thanks to you and your friends. No further need to explain us what is going on. Just take the one post you got in your pocket and also your friends and spam that shit somewhere else. Thank you.

Ps: I will copy this text now so everytime you guys go ctrl+V, I go ctrl+V

A-2THE-K ago

In laymen terms what is Pizzagate? An investigation into a group of Satanic ruling elite that are kiidnapping, raping, torturing and killing children?


So who are the ruling class elites? They are Zionist Jews. Here is a list of everything they control.


These are the ruling class elites ans they openly admit it.

Here is an article written by Jew David Brooks who's the top political analyst for the New York Times where he fully admits that Jews control America. This article was published in the New York Times and it was written by a Jew. These aren't my words.


Now there is obviously a ton more evidence than this, but I've shown what they control and how they themselves say they control society.

Okay, so we've established that the ruling elites are Zionist Jews.

So what is Satanism? Satanism is a wing of Judaism. Judaism is the mother of all Abrahamic religions. That means Judaism is what Islam and Christianity are based on. The whole concept of Satan is a Jewish concept. Satanism is Judaism and many of these Satanic occultic rituals taking place are in the Talmud. The Talmud a Jewish holy book. It's what Rabbis study. Pizzagate is nothing new, it's what known as Jewish Blood Libel and there are numerous documented cases of this taking place all throughout history.


So we've established that the ruling class elites are Zionist Jews.

We've established that Satanism is a wing of Judaism.

We've established that Jews have a history of conducting Pizzagate style rituals all throughout history.

We've established that Pizzagate style occultism is part of the Talmud.

Now let's look at some of the key players involved in these pedophile rings.

Epstein - Jew Saville - Jew Polanski - Jew

Corey Feldman and the those involved in the Hollywood scandals - Jews

I'm not an expert on Jewish pedophiles either,these are just the names that come to mind.

Jewish organized crime was just busted for operating international pedophile rings.


There was also a cult of communist Jews that abducted children in the 80s in Florida called The Finders.

As you can see they were mostly all Jews.


Zionist Talmudic Jews ( the Jewish mafia) are engaged in the religious sacrifice of children. It is part of their religion. It's all right in the Talmud and the Talmud is what Rabbis study.

Listen, these are only a handful of countless examples. I don't want to write a TLDR wall of text that most people wouldn't be able to make it through,nor did I want to overwhelm the reader with too much information, but just know that what I've shown you isn't even 1 percent of the evidence.

dustygozangas ago

BTFO shill

shortymcbossypants ago

Obviously you hate us Jews, but you should know that there are plenty of us (myself being a Sephardic Jew) that are sickened by this and are actively trying to research to put these people in jail and down for good.

nnfx ago

EVERYONE here has read that very same sentence at least a 100 times already, thanks to you and your friends. No further need to explain us what is going on. Just take the one post you got in your pocket and also your friends and spam that shit somewhere else. Thank you.

safetythrowaway1234 ago

I don't know if they are, I merely found the original link and then backed it up in as many ways as possible.


Today, I give you the Epstein Lolita Express Flight Logs acquired from the court case of Epstein and a few cracked servers.

the original post states these were obtained from servers so it's possible that these are different.

hanknut42 ago

philanthropists is from the greek word for "Lovers of humanity"

DentHouper ago

Casey Wassermain traveled on this plane for a week in Sept 2002

wassermanfoundation.org - pic of Bill Clinton on front page



"has made headlines by being one of Bill Clinton's best friends. In the Hollywood Reporter, Clinton even described him as "a perfect example of the new generation of philanthropists — one with an expansive worldview, a strong understanding of the power of technology as a tool for giving and a bias for action."


Wasserman comes up in the Wikileaks


Doug Band thought the Clinton Foundation has a conflict of interest vis a vis Case Wasserman

“How…do we go through an exercise like this and wjc [William Jefferson Clinton] doesn’t as he is far more conflicted every single day in what he does?” Band wrote.

Band says in the memo that Clinton was an advisor ... [to] entertainment executive Casey Wasserman, who also ran a company called Wasserman Investments, GP and whose charitable organizations had donated up to $10 million to the Clinton Foundation.


I've never seen Wasserman linked to Epstein before.

spacebob ago

You can convert the files to text with FreeOCR. Though it's not 100% flawless. Another option is to open them in a PDF editor that supports OCR. I'd run them through Nitro Pro 10, as it imo gives quite good results, but I'm short on time.

safetythrowaway1234 ago

I was unable to find a pdf version on the original site, even though it states PDF format. It seems they have it in pdf format but only supplied .JPG's.

DentHouper ago

One of the frequent passengers Pete Rathgeb. Who is this? I'm finding these in a web search.

campaignmoney.com/political/contributions/pete-rathgeb.asp?cycle=10 finance.siemens.com/financialservices/uk/siemens-bank/managing-board/content/pages/dr-peter-rathgeb.aspx

Siemens pleaded guilty to violating accounting provisions of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, which outlaws bribery abroad.

Although court documents are salted throughout with the word "bribes," the Justice Department allowed Siemens to plead to accounting violations because it cooperated with the investigation and because pleading to bribery violations would have barred Siemens from bidding on government contracts in the United States. Siemens doesn't dispute the government's account of its actions.


senpaithatignoresyou ago

Siemens? fuck, that makes this highly international. I would not be surprised if this guy was also friends with Jeremy savile, the bbc pedo.

DentHouper ago

"Mr. Siekaczek (pronounced SEE-kah-chek) says that from 2002 to 2006 he oversaw an annual bribery budget of about $40 million to $50 million at Siemens. Company managers and sales staff used the slush fund to cozy up to corrupt government officials worldwide." Note these flight logs are 2001 - 2002.


Gorillion ago

Jimmy Savile. Not sure how international he was. Seemed to be very influential and connected within the UK. But I don't think he was known anywhere else or of any real value to international creeps.

senpaithatignoresyou ago

Rich guy, lots of kids to molest, lots of high powered british connections. I honestly don't think savile was behind a lot of it. What scares the piss out of me is how the BBC approaches it They refuse to ask hard questions about it.

justiceforever ago