street1510 ago

Two people that's new. Commercial camera? That only seems likely if they went west or south. The guy didn't sound too confident about that though.

editing this comment 12/16/2016 1:50 PM EST.


quantokitty ago

It could be he didn't want to give away any clues to the people interested in not having any video surface. Hope this is true.

DentHouper ago

Well I hope the sources and video are carefully guarded.

quantokitty ago

Yeah, and multiple copies made. There have been too many of these one copy of videos or files that go missing. You know, that leads me to a pertinent question: If Monica Peterson committed suicide, where are her notes? If they're not found, it wasn't a suicide.

quantokitty ago

Came across this on Twitter. There aren't too many details, but then again, the guy probably didn't want to give too many clues as to who had this video.

Does Seth Rich's murder tie into pizzagate? If he was working for Wikileaks, we don't know. He was in Washington, and there's no way this could have not been on Assange's radar.