MoonWalker68 ago

Really? Voats free speech policy includes racy pictures of under age girls? Not impressed.

Spuddlebuns ago

And this SPECIFICALLY RELATES TO #pizzagate HOW??? Try /v/conspiracies. Maybe someone there can help you.

FoxMcCloud11 ago

You don't think it's odd that this link is featured considering voats recent role in this discussion and the content of the featured sub?

Spuddlebuns ago

It is not a matter of thinking ANYTHING "odd," "interesting," or worth further investigation.

It IS a simple matter of HOW DOES THIS DIRECTLY (emphasis - DIRECTLY ) relate to #pizzagate???

This is NOT a repository for every single little thing people find that may or may not be pedo-oriented. STAY FOCUSED. If you want to chase every pizza reference you come across, by all means, knock yourself out doing so. But NO, it is NOT SPECIFIALLY RELATED TO #pizzagate.

FoxMcCloud11 ago

I'm suggesting that it is a biproduct of this investigation as it relates to observable attempts of dilute and discredit the work that is being done on sites like this, social media and mam. It's not a rabbit hole for someone to waste their time on by any means.. I appreciate your focus however and glad that you want to discuss core evidence vs periphal topics.

Spuddlebuns ago

OMG, a rational human being! Quick, run and hide before the loonies find you and force you to watch esoteric YouTube videos about puppies and satanism!

Thank you for understanding that however interesting the side warrens to this exceeding deep, dark, and slippery rabbit hole, we need to try to remain focused. I know, I have started watching a #pizzagate video, and the next thing I know, I'm caught up in some 4 hour long analysis of how the NWO came into being, and how Woodrow Wilson sold out the American public, and Donald Trump is secretly a part of it with Russia's blessing as he makes the "666" sign with his hands at some Jesuit dinner after the 3rd debate...

Please understand, MANY of the "peripheral" articles, videos, etc. are HIGHLY fascinating, interesting, and sometimes not totally off the wall and far-fetched. They just don't belong here. There is already tons of valid links and leads that specifically relate to the topic at hand, #pizzagate. If this subverse indulged every interesting peripheral presented, the core evidence would be buried so far, the cause would be lost, as just one more note in a cacophony of pedo-related noise.

Your rational reply is more appreciated than you know. Namaste.


Lag-wagon ago

That's hecho sub... He is the resident pedo and gets downvoat to hell because of it.

Thrash57 ago

v/youngladies is essentially dead. There is only anpost every couple months at this point. I doubt it is getting that many hits if nobody is posting. Google is definitely tryig to hide something

brucethemoose ago

Voat has a checkered history with this sort of thing.

On one hand Voat a refuge for banned Reddit subs, which means "borderline" porn subs like that end up here.

Free, uncensored expression reguardless of the admin's views is one of Voat's founding principles, hence that stuff is allowed.

On the other, Voat IS a US site, and Atko/PIO have no intention of going to prison over some dodgy borderline sub. So some subs like that have been banned in the past for crossing the line.

Consequentially, there's alot of hate for them in the old Voat community for endangering the site and giving us Voaters a bad name, on top of being nasty.

FoxMcCloud11 ago

Also, I'm not trying to "bite the hand" - this is a suspicious event. Noticed a couple downvotes.

FoxMcCloud11 ago

Here is more information on Google Sitelinks if anyone is interested.. Voat could let us peak at Google Analytics and see how that Sub ranks overall as well. That'd tell us a lot.

"The links shown below some of Google's search results, called sitelinks, are meant to help users navigate your site. Our systems analyze the link structure of your site to find shortcuts that will save users time and allow them to quickly find the information they're looking for."

brucethemoose ago

FPH shows up because it's popular, which you can see if you search for Voat on Yahoo or Bing. YoungLadies doesn't.

It''s not that popular of a sub, and its one of Voat's most controversial, hated subs. While I have no proof, I'm 99℅ sure this is just Google trying to make Voat look bad because it functions as a rather extreme alt-right image board atm.

SeanBox ago

@Atko this is important. Google works for $hillary. This is made to discredit us.

chickyrogue ago

google is broken and trying to bury the real story

Hopevoats ago

I'm fairly certain that Voat is a limited hangout.

heygeorge ago

I've been wondering about this. I'm a v/all/new browser 95% of the time and I rarely, if ever, see posts to that sub. Of course, I may just not be looking closely, but it strikes me as odd. There are also very simple ways to hide a sub from v/all.

Is that sub actually hosting illegal content? Even if so, as far as I'm aware, Voat has not been asked to remove anything.

FoxMcCloud11 ago

Not sure if it's hosting illegal content at all, but if it is - talk about a major conflict of interest or at least very ironic. Not saying any "clues" are right here on Voat, but this could be a potential risk down the road if there is content that shouldn't be there...

heygeorge ago

I've noticed an uptick in racy posts since (and leading up to) the pizzagate exodus. I'm not convinced there is a vast conspiracy in that, but more likely SJW's on the other side of the coin stirring up tom double subversively.

Edit: trouble, not tom double

FoxMcCloud11 ago

Good point and observation

FoxMcCloud11 ago

I have to imagine that there are hundreds of subs or pieces of content on Voat that are more popular and visited that "young ladies"...

Google sitelinks are designed to provide the most relevant or popular links within a site to help the person searching get to their most likely destination faster based on website usage/engagement/traffic/history... these are "auto generated" but can be manually removed in Google Webmaster Tools

heygeorge ago

Perhaps it is as simple as a majority of people who find Voat through Google are looking for that sort of thing (or at least clicking on it, maybe even just to tsk tsk it), therefore bringing it to the upper Google heap.

brucethemoose ago

I somehow doubt that, otherwise it would show up in other search engines too.

heygeorge ago

I think I was specific to google above, not to dispute or invalidate your doubt.