srayzie ago

I'm going to go start watching these. A lot of people online think he's spot on. I already watched the latest one where he said it would probably be his last one as if he was dying of some kind of illness? He looked very sick. Was he supposed to be dying from the radiation? I wonder how he would know so much about all these cases. Sorry if I sound dumb. I am barely looking into this guy. Does anyone know more about him?

OntoYu ago

He was a bit crazy. That doesn't necessarily mean he's wrong about everything though. He made a lot of claims like he "connects" with the dna of the victims, and that there are some kind of beings called temporals. Like he was given some kind of special ability from God or something. This is how he claims to know about the victims and the rapists/murderers. I didn't watch too many of his videos, so I don't really have the full picture though.

He probably really was onto something, thus why he all of a sudden got sick and died within the span of like two months.

srayzie ago

Wow. That's really interesting. I went to watch his videos and got pulled by some other links about Madeline McCain and a statement advisor looking into the parents statements to see if they were lying. Very interesting. Now I'll go check this Tory Smith guy.

BecomingWhtUR ago

There are many theories and experiments conducted by IONS (institute of noetic sciences), including morphic field theory, which suggest that conciousness is non-local so reading "dna" doesn't seem so outlandish to me, it's probably some symbolism he uses to "channel" - that's common as well. I've spent many a year researching these phenomena and as someone who understands and has experienced confirmed remote viewing (both as recipient and sender), it's not so far out of the ballpark for me to be open to the possibility that Tory was able to pull out some information that way.

A significant portion of secret CIA experiments have been about remote viewing for spying purposes, as well as PK and other psychic phenomena. Their tactics were often similar to that of MK ULTRA where some victims were experimented on as well.

Based on some of the things this man says, there are two possibilities: either he is simply batshit crazy and died of a sudden onset of illness or the possibility that some of what he says is true. Gotta just take it as it is and if there's some useful info there, take it and run with it. It would be nice to verify if some of the claims he makes are true.


Just so you know they like to kill people using polonium/arsenic. Ted Gunderson's doctor swore his bladder cancer was caused by arsenic poisoning.

BecomingWhtUR ago

This is very true~

OntoYu ago

Scanning through his videos, this one caught my eye. "Mike Pence Has Raped 186 Children 2Jun". He was expecting to be killed soon, as he had some kind of court date to attend. This video was posted 41 days before his last video, (which preceded his death by a week) and in it he looks perfectly fine.

Edit: He seemed to be kind of crazy though, talking about "temporals".

BecomingWhtUR ago

I believe he has been subject to some traumatic mind control aka MK Ultra or Monarch, which I believe is related to pizzagate and "spirit cooking"

OntoYu ago

You could be right. He claimed in the video after that one that he was raped by these people too, and that they kept injecting him with some kind of chemical.

Edit: "Sorry, it's hard for me to think. The CIA swore up and down that I won't live to see my trial, and Friday they really, really did a number on me. And they were injecting this chemical into me, oh and I kept throwing it up, and throwing it up. It just was burning like crazy. And I've basically been in bed ever since."

BecomingWhtUR ago

True. In another video, he says "I don't know how they are poisoning me, but they are"

There was another account somewhere (I really wish I could remember) where a Monarch whistleblower was slowly being poisoned to death at his home on a military base, it was exposed when he realized that they were breaking into his home and painting the ceiling with something. I'll try to find the link but I do so much research that it may be lost for good. I'm thinking of starting an MK Ultra/Monarch subvoat just to store the links I come across.