Reversible ago

Thanks. It now emerges that Rachel Chandler, the LA-born photographer referenced above, married Tom Guinness in 2013. She now officially goes by the name Rachel Chandler-Guinness. Tom himself is a fashion model who has spent a lot of time in NYC. I note that one of his associates on Instagram is Sarah Snyder, a very-young looking 21 year old model (she looks about 14) who is currently the girlfriend of Jaden Smith, Will Smith's 'son.' And we have heard all of those stories about Will Smith's weird relationship with his son.

Something I noticed that I thought was worth bringing up.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Oh my god, if she had Kuru it would be such poetic justice. But I think the reason they got Kuru had something to do with the fact the Guineans buried the bodies for days, then ate them

demoTheGorgon ago

Link the video

algernon4peace ago

wow, this is fucked up!

EndThePizza ago

It's great to expose these connections. But if there's no evidence other than knowing someone, we really ought to refrain from jumping straight to "THEY"RE A PEDOPHILE!!" Keep track of the connections, but don't accuse people of crimes unless we come across something more.

Robespierre344 ago

Nobody is "accusing", we are INVESTIGATING. Why is that so difficult to understand? We should absolutely not refrain from investigating anyone, anywhere, and in the way we choose. We should also share our findings with everyone here. If someone is dumb enough to think that because someone is being investigated by v/Pizzagate that means they should go kill/harass them, that's their problem alone. We bare no responsibility whatsoever for what dumb people do with the findings/clues we present here. Bleach manufacturers are not responsible if people decide to drink it.

demoTheGorgon ago

The connections matter, but yes in general it looks like some of these people enjoy hurting people or just feeling powerful. For some people it may not have a junk-out sexual component. We are dealing with not only pedos but people who pay for thrills of abusing people.

Reversible ago

I agree. I don't want to make firm accusations...But the tone of the posts is very worrying. The Walls link, I think, is relevant because of the alleged inter-generational aspect of the paedophilia in these high society families, according to the rumours. We know Unilever CEO Paul Polman is a Clinton Foundation donor. It's not a stretch that the same sort of 'characters' are running this business as 50 or 80 years ago, considering they are kept in the same or similar social circles. The company name and holding structure changes, but the people behind it, not so much.

EndThePizza ago

Ok, again for the sake of skepticism, are we going to assume that every Clinton Foundation donor is a pedophile/child trafficker? Because surely plenty of donations were for political favors, and Unilever is a major company that would want to be on any major politician's good side, in the name of good ol' crony capitalism.

WatcherWatcher ago

Does that baby have goddamn makeup on? Looks like eyeliner, blush and lipgloss/stick?? Am I crazy?

Luxxy ago

Wow!!! Great find!!- Its quite scary to know that this thing is HUGE and "established" people are involved in this, this goes MUCH DEEPER than we ever could have imagined.. The deeper you get down the rabbit hole, the deeper and scarier stuff gets found. Also, do you have the video you were talking about??

Reversible ago

Sure. Here is the video - it's the longer one, which is still up on YouTube. I have saved it in multiple locations so I can mirror if necessary. The section I refer to starts at around 55 minutes in. But of course, it's really worth watching the entire production, if you haven't already.

PizzaGate Documentary

Luxxy ago

Its been removed. What was the title?