tjarco ago

"Another possibility, which I incline to, is that Ling and Lee may have been sold to North Korea by a local guide. If the guide said that it was safe to cross, or that they were still on Chinese territory, they would have believed him. Moreover, by some accounts they were working on a story about human trafficking — there’s a good deal of trafficking of North Korean women and girls into China, into prostitution and to be wives of peasants — and the traffickers could well have tricked them in exchange for a reward from North Korea. "

tjarco ago

Man this should be reposted hard

vector3rector ago

They were flown back to L.A, from my understanding. The only reason I can guess they would come to D.C., 3 days after being rescued, would potentially be for security/intelligence de-briefing(s)., But I also believe that would have occurred on the airplane, returning back., With multiple intelligence agency(s) personnel.

The image from Comets was just one the things that kind of had me questioning this whole situation regarding the rescue.

Why would Bill Clinton use Steve Bing's, personal airplane instead of a military or US sanctioned/secured airplane?

And apologies. I dont believe they were smuggling kids. I believe the women were searching for human trafficking information and found more than what they bargained for.

I wouldn't have speculated much, until I saw the article(s) regarding, $75-100 million that Al Gore made after selling the failing media company. This was few years later (way after Current TV's reputation had sunk), but it was sold to Qatar based, and Saudi Royal family influenced, Al Jazeer.

These profits where questioned by many in the economic community., Which I believe ties into the Clinton's dirt money trail. They have been hiding human trafficking by the Qatar government, long before pizza gate.

Qatar and member states of the middle east have been funneling money to the Clinton's, since Hillary's entry as Secretary Of State.

azamber ago

Exactly. They may have found some connection to the Clintons and to silence them, they arranged their release. I dunno. I know little about this particular rabbit hole, but these posts sound great, and seem to be well sourced! I wish more posts were like this!

spez_dispenser ago

They were likely investigating human trafficking:

The odd part is, Bill Clinton (suspected predator) borrows an airplane from Steve Bing to fly them home.

Both Clinton and Bing are in Epstein's flight logs for the Lolita Express.

It seems plenty of people want to give the Clintons free airfare because they can write off the expenses as a donation, whereas the Clinton Foundation doesn't have to declare the perk. But that's a separate issue.

vector3rector ago

Oh shit. I hadn't heard Steve Bing's name yet.

That lead me to this lovely Gawker article

And led me to have to steal this comment:

Let us recap, means William Jefferson Clinton (Bill), has had affairs or sexual relations with the following?

Gennifer Flowers?

Kathleen Wiley?

Monica Lewinsky?

Paula Jones?

Joann Broadrick?

Elizabeth Ward Gracen?

Dolly Kyle Browning?

Eleanor Mondale?

Sharon Stone?

Barbra Streisand?

Jeffrey Epstein's underage girls?

Ron Burkle's underage girl?

and Steve Bing's "friends" (some, foreign underage girls)?

I was going to try and make a joke along the lines of, "Hillary hasn't gotten publicly fucked like this since Monica Lewinsky"., but it seems like she gets fucked to that degree all the time.

azamber ago


citizen444 ago

Yes actually it's exactly the email that started PG on 4ch. They were wondering about the weird comment (It doesn't get better than this) and some anon pointed that cheese pizza was a pedo codeword. That's what launched the first frantic search of food related words in wikileaks.

spez_dispenser ago

Very good stuff. I'd like to add this sidebar to Laura Ling: Her sister, Lisa Ling. She's been in the media about her Sugar Daddy.

vector3rector ago


I wonder if, a site where, women go to

find 'sugar daddies' - or older, richer men who would spoil them.

Could be used for say, billionaires recruiting young desperate women?

She goes to a party where young women try to find a suitor. All of the attendees are in masks and some of the men are married. Ling then interviews some of them, asking them why they want to pick a partner using the method. One admits they were homeless when they went on their first 'sugar date' while others used it as an opportunity to go to college because they had nothing.

So alot of these women are teens preparing to go to college or women that are homeless, or on the verge of being homeless? Sounds like these billionaires really took their "leverage" to easy prey. These guys are pretty much trying to shoot fish in a barrel.

DystopianDaze ago

You do realize that that email was sent from someone from Bill Clinton's office just about three days after Clinton got them released from NK, don't you? As far as I have seen, they were making a documentary, not involved in human trafficking themselves. Given that they had just been released, and one of them had a daughter who was 4, IIRC, Podesta's reply makes perfect sense, as does the child in the photo.

If you find anything to the contrary, I would like to see it.

vector3rector ago

Apologies, I stated:

The ladies that where captured in North Korea, researching human trafficking

I merely was reiterating the Chicago Tribune Article

The journalists were arrested on March 17 while conducting research on human trafficking near the North Korea's border with China. Ling and Lee were sentenced to 12 years of hard labor in June for illegally crossing the North Korean border.

They were said to have been reporting on the trafficking of women and shooting video of the border region of China and North Korea when they were arrested at the Tumen River. The two reporters were accompanied by two men, an American cameraman (Mitch Koss [7]) and a guide who was an ethnic Korean citizen of China. Pastor Chun Ki-won of refugee aid organization Durihana, who was interviewed in the 2005 National Geographic documentary "Inside North Korea", had helped Lee and Ling organize their trip to China.[8] After their arrival in China, Chun introduced Lee and Ling to Kim Seong-cheol (김성철), an ethnic Korean citizen of China who served as a guide and escort for the two reporters during their work.[9]

Let me propose three questions?

*1. How does Kim Seong-cheol (김성철), "an ethnic Korean citizen of China", mistake which side of the river he is on? North Korea and China are divided by the Tumen river [Its not a small river, might I add]. No Chinese citizen, local to the area [assuming its why he was hired as their escort], would mistake which side of the river they are on. One side = free, other side = fucked. I think anyone local to the region, or even visiting, will remain well aware what side of the river they are on.

*2. How does camera man and producer, Mitch Koss, manage to get away, across that river? Would the camera man not be more plausible for capture, considering he was carrying the equipment. It seems this is a regular thing for producer Koss:

Many times, Koss seems to put [reporters] in harm's way just for the heck of it on stories that had been covered before by others.

*3. Why would former President Clinton need to get involved? You'r Wiki states:

Former Pres. Bill Clinton made an unannounced trip to Pyongyang on August 4, 2009.

For starters, I didn't know any American politician had the balls/authority, to just show up unannounced in North Korea., And why wouldn't the Obama Administration and Secretary Kerry get involved. Why would someone risk a former president to go do these negotiations?



My assumption is there was some conflict of interest involved with the Clinton's.

Maybe Doug Band, wanted to use it as a PR scheme, to garner more "donors" for the Clinton Global Initiative? But there's alot about this story that doesnt make sense.

Im just tossing some information and theory out there, incase people want to explore some of the individuals involved some more.

I dont believe Doug Band has been looked into enough considering,

It was he who had engineered Clinton’s transformation into a philanthropist-king

Its been Doug, that many have been financially skeptical of since 2013.

Inside the realm known as Clintonland, he is the subject of considerable angst. There are those who worry about the overlap between his work for the Clinton Global Initiative— which he conceived and helped run for six years—and his energetic efforts to expand Teneo’s client base. And there are those who worry about how some of the messier aspects of the charity’s operations could create trouble for Hillary Clinton, who has made the family foundation her base as she contemplates a presidential run. But the real cause for these anxieties runs deeper. At its heart, the unease with Band reflects an unease with the phenomenon of post-presidential Clintonism itself.


The team of lobbyist are their backbone. Doug Band wtih Teneo., John Podesta with the Clinton Global Initiative and The Clinton Foundation., And David Brock with the Bonner Group is where I believe we will get the majority of our answers.

But yeah, I apologize that im still questioning the image and email.

Doug Band clearly looks up to John Podesta as a Lobbying "role model', shown by email #52046., But what this email more importantly implies and describes, it's that they are aware of embezzlement and are practicing their money laundering.

The icing on the cake and admission of guilt comes from Doug Band himself, in email #2874:

John, I would appreciate your feedback and any suggestions. I'm also starting to worry that if this story gets out, we are screwed.

Doug Band was the one who sent the pizza.jpg image. Doug Band only has two jobs. #1) Make money for CGI (Clinton global initiative), WJC (william jefferson clinton), and Taneo Clients., And #2) Increase the public's outlook on CGI, WJC, and Taneo Clients.

TL;DR: I just have a hard time believing the former president needed to get involved in direct diplomacy and negotiations with North Korea.

DystopianDaze ago

As to your first two questions, I don't know, I wasn't there. Nor do I see any reason to dig deeper into that at this point.

As far as Clinton going over there, that was arranged with NK prior to his going. He did not simply pop in on the leader of NK.

Hillary Clinton was the Secretary of State at the time this took place, btw. There were reports that Senator Kerry and even Al Gore, along with the State Department and President Clinton were involved in arranging the trip.

As to the Clinton's, and many of their associates, I am sure there are plenty of financial shenanigans going on, and some may indeed tie into this.

vector3rector ago

Apologies on my Clinton/Kerry mistake.

Al Gore was still a majority stake holder in Current TV, along with another Clinton Billionaire donor, Ron Burkle. I think they had a very strong interest in making sure this already failing company, didn't get ruined by this ordeal too.

More suspicious, is the almost $75-100 million that Al Gore made after selling the failing media company. This was few years later (way after their reputation had sunk), but it was sold to Qatar based, and Saudi Royal family influenced, Al Jazeer.

I also thought the last interaction Clinton had with North Korea and it's leader, was during the nuclear missile crisis of 94'. I still find it very hard to believe that Kim Jong-il, would request a man he almost went to war with, to come negotiate. North Korea isn't really known for their level headed approach to things. This was also (9) years after Clinton left office and well into his "philanthropy"/laundering days.

Dont forget, they negotiated the reporters freedoms. Meaning Kim Jong-il must have gotten something significant in return. You dont trade two prisoners for nothing., Especially when you where able to gain a meeting with the former president. Some countries have to pay $1 million, for 5 minutes, for that kind of meeting.

DystopianDaze ago

I'm sorry you went to all that work to include all the links in your reply, perhaps someone else will be interested in following them. While those leads may well be worth looking into, that is not currently my focus. Again, as to the picture of the two women and the one's daughter, I do not feel that is worthy of investigation, nor do I feel Podesta's reply was suspect.

Wellwerefucked ago

Upvoat for you sire! Good find. For a second i thought the youngest was Madeline Mcann.

derram ago :

oRY5ETu.jpg (480x360 pixels) :

Freed U.S. journalists call captivity in North Korea a nightmare - NY Daily News

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